## page was renamed from EvacuationProcedures #acl All:read Link to EvacuationProcedures > EventSafety > EventBookingInformation > PropertyCommittee == GWUC Evacuation Plans == === Summary of discussion with MFB. === I was contacted by the Head Office of MFB in response to my query on best practice for evacuations plans, best assembly locations and required signage as a consequence of a problem that was reported to Church Council in July 2013. (Mark) of the MFB made the following statements - he is responsible for all business consultations on evacuation procedures. * Common sense must be the fundamental guide. * There is no legislative requirements to have an "Evacuation Assembly Point" sign, as the locations are usually not on your own property, unless it is extremely large, and therefore not appropriate. Certainly attaching such signs on public property is not recommended. * Crossing streets to get to a safe location is "best choice" and common throughout Melbourne when no other options exist. Other options and matters to be consider are:- * An open space within 100 meters of the property such as a park. (None around GWUC) * An adjoining property, if agreed with the owner. BUT Mark was adamant that gathering on nature strips or beside roads that are either busy or could be the subject of fire truck or other emergency vehicle activity is not recommended under any circumstances. * Evacuation procedures need to contain common sense and reflect the capabilities of the evacuees. Disabled or elderly people must be able to be helped to a safe location easily and in a reasonable time. Children must be able to be closely supervised in the safe location. * The use of the church car park is not recommended under any circumstances. * Rehearsal evacuations are appropriate subject to the nature of the group. i.e. Mark advised that a practice evacuation of worship is NOT required or recommended. * Surprise evacuations are not recommended, as they may unnecessarily upset elderly guests and can be disturbing to young children. === Recommendation === Based on this advice, Property Committee has reviewed GWUC procedures and has determined that the following procedures are to be mandatory at GWUC. Any departure from these procedures should not be sanctioned. * GWUC emergency procedures as displayed in all rooms are to be followed at all times. * The GWUC Evacuation Assembly point is to remain the open forecourt area of the Library, or if the weather is detrimental, inside the entrance of the Novatel via the library forecourt. * The [[ChurchOffice|Office Manager]] is deemed the "Building Manager" for evacuation purposes and directions given must be adhered to at all times, by all groups. * The Building Manager must approve, in advance, all and any trial evacuations by any GWUC property users, either hirer or GWUC group. 24 hours noticed to the Building Manager is required for any trial evacuation, to ensure whole complex safety. * The Building Manager is responsible for all communications with attending emergency services. * The PropertyCommittee Chairperson is designated as "Building Owner" and must be advised of all such trial activities in advance and any live events immediately. * When the [[ChurchOffice|Office Manager]] is not present, the designated hirer - as per the lease, or the GWUC group coordinator at the time, is responsible to ensure the safe exit of all persons in their group. Each group leader is to ensure that all other groups are notified of an incident and between them agree that the property has been vacated safely. This includes checking all toilets and meeting rooms, even if not used by that group. They are also responsible to ensure that the attending emergency services persons have been advised of all evacuations. The use of attendance sheets or other forms of attendance material is optional, but recommended. * The designated hirer or GWUC group coordinator is required to ensure that their guests are adequately protected when crossing Kingsway to the Evacuation Assembly. * The Office Manager is to be offered training if desired. Property cost. These plans have been discussed with the Office Manager who is very comfortable with them. The Office Manager will, with the Chairman of Property, identify appropriate training courses to attend, and will ensure that the relieving or alternate part time Office Managers are trained in these requirements. Property will communicate these plans to all groups and hirers once supported by Church Council. These plans are aligned with Synod safety requirements. Property Committee has reviewed these plans and recommends to Church Council that they be adopted. Property committee will implement these plans. WarrenGreenwood Property Chairman<
> September 2013<
> Adopted by [[CouncilMinutes20131008|Church Council Oct 2013]]