##master-page:CategoryTemplate ##master-date:20090825 #format wiki #language en #acl CouncilGroup:read,write All:read #pragma section-numbers 2 Link to > CouncilGroup for members > <> = CHURCH COUNCIL = <> <> == Agendas and Minutes == ##Current Action list is in CouncilActionItems Easter 2024 to Easter 2025 (April 20) <> ||'''Date''' ||'''Agenda''' ||'''Minutes''' || '''Devotions'''|| || 8 Apr 2025|| !CouncilAgenda20250408|| !CouncilMinutes20240408|| || ||14 Mar 2025|| !CouncilAgenda20250314|| !CouncilMinutes20240314|| || || 8 Feb 2025|| !CouncilAgenda20250208|| !CouncilMinutes20250208|| || ||12 Dec 2024|| !CouncilAgenda20241212|| !CouncilMinutes20241212|| || ||14 Nov 2024|| !CouncilAgenda20241114|| !CouncilMinutes20241114|| || ||10 Oct 2024|| !CouncilAgenda20241010|| !CouncilMinutes20241010|| || ||12 Sep 2024|| !CouncilAgenda20240912|| !CouncilMinutes20240912|| || || 8 Aug 2024|| !CouncilAgenda20240808|| !CouncilMinutes20240808|| || ||11 Jul 2024|| CouncilAgenda20240711|| !CouncilMinutes20240711|| Susan & Lorraine|| || 6 Jun 2024|| CouncilAgenda20240606|| CouncilMinutes20240606|| Vida || || 2 May 2024|| CouncilAgenda20240502|| CouncilMinutes20240502|| DavidF || || 4 Apr 2024|| CouncilAgenda20240404|| CouncilMinutes20240404|| Susan || <> For 2023 see CouncilArchivedMinutes2023 For older documents see CouncilArchivedAgendasAndMinutes. == Church Council Documents == (List in alphabetic order) ||AnnualReport2023 ||The developing annual report of congregation activities (AnnualReport2022,AnnualReport2021, AnnualReport2020, AnnualReport2019, AnnualReport2018, AnnualReport2017, AnnualReport2016, AnnualReport2015, AnnualReport2014, AnnualReport2013, AnnualReport2012, AnnualReport2011, AnnualReport2010 and AnnualReport2009 here) || ||BusOperatorRegistration|| Required when we hire buses. || ##||ChurchStructures ||Contains the latest draft (<>). It has been updated with GraemeFrecker's latest revision (<>) of the congregational perspective. || ||[[MissionalFunctionalGroups|Missional & Functional Groups]]|| A table of how activities fit into the Missional & Functional Groups. || ||CommunicationsCommittee ||A sub-committee of Council charged with advising council on all communications-related matters within the church (notices, notice boards, web, wiki, signage, etc.) || ||[[MusicCopyright|Copyright Issues]] ||issues of copyright in the GWUC || ||CouncilGroup ||listing of all councillors showing membership terms || ||CouncilHandbook ||Information about council responsibilities and membership. || ||ExpectationsOfCouncilMembers || A publication from Synod 2016 || ||CouncilPolicies ||Compendium of all council policy statements || ||ChurchStrategicPlan ||Council Strategies and Targets (previous: CouncilStrategies2011) || ||FinanceCommittee ||Financial documents || ||FoodSafetyProgram ||details of the church's food safety procedures || ||[[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=18c021bd75&e=f0fe1afd2f|Governance training videos]] ||From Assembly|| ||GroupContactList ||Information about and for Church group contact persons. || ||GwucServingSafelyPolicy || Policies developed in 2015, replacing previous versions. || ||[[ https://www.ucappep.org/church-council-resources/|Healthy Church Councils]]|| Synod materials and discussions on healthy church councils 2020|| ||JobDescriptions ||The collection of documents describing church tasks, both paid and volunteer || ||MinistryTeamLeaveCalendar ||records all planned leave for members of the ministry team and office staff || ||PeopleAndCultureCommittee ||Committee and documents relating to HR || ||PhotoBoards ||page of photos of all councillors and other leaders || ||PresbyteryPage ||Lists a number of Presbytery matters relevant to our congregation, including monthly reports from Presbytery Meetings || ||PrivacyPolicy ||approved by Council, 21 Aug 2002 || ||PropertyCommittee ||A sub-committee of Council charged with advising council on all matters related to th e church property (buildings, manses, furnishings, equipment, amenities, etc.) || ||SeekingTheWayForwardWithTheAsianCommunity ||a green paper on assisting the Asian community within our church || ||ThirdPlacementProfile ||Information relating to the Job Description Development sub-committee of Council || ||OfficeTasks ||A description of wiki-related tasks that are the responsibility of the church office || ||WorshipAttendances ||A graph of attendances over the last few years. || ||HeartBeatOfChurch2013 ||A Synod census document || === Archived Agendas and Minutes === See CouncilArchivedAgendasAndMinutes for all archived pages. See CouncilActionItems for a list of outstanding action items from council meetings. See CouncilActionItemsDone for a list of action items that have been discharged. Current list of Council Member with links to contact details is available at CouncilGroup ----- CategoryCouncil