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 * DLM checking with Warren  * DLM checked with Warren.
 * Warren requested that Council make the offer.
 * Offer was made 11 Sep.

Link to > CouncilPage >


MEETING DATE: 18 Sep 2023



Use this Zoom link to join the meeting



Ministry Team: NeilPeters
Other Councillors: AlisonClarkson, VidaFoo, DavidMorgan, WendyPepper, SachinRemson.




“The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings.” (UCA Regulation 3.1.2a)



Recorded at CouncilMinutes20230821.


4.1. Chair of Property Committee

  • Still no meeting. Running by email.

4.2. Offering 17 Southdown to Ian Ferguson before January

  • DLM checked with Warren.
  • Warren requested that Council make the offer.
  • Offer was made 11 Sep.

4.3. Neil's retirement

  • Approved by Presbytery, Synod and superannuation fund.


5.1. John Snare Church Council Elections

Hi David and Alison

As discussed, while it is normal practice to hold an election for church councillors late in the year, I think that it would be a good idea to delay the election of elders for 2024 until the end of March next year.  This will give Chris and Ian time to settle in and give the congregation time to get some idea of how its life will be with the new monastery team.

Easter is at the end of March, and I propose holding an election before Easter on March 17th or March 24th.  This would mean calling for nominations starting on February 4th.  The election would take place after each worship activity on the chosen Sunday.  The date can be finally selected in January to best fit in with other activities planned.

I would like to ask the current Church Council members if they are happy to continue as is until the end of March next year.  Perhaps this could be discussed at the next Church Council meeting.

As always, I’m happy to receive comments and suggestions.

John Snare
Chair of Congregation.
  • Wendy & Sachin due to retire at the end of this year.


Linked in wiki / appended for information.


7.1. Zee Cheng Khor

  • "As a Community Partner, Zee Cheng Khor Moral Uplifting Society requests that you promote "Lanterns For All@ZCK" within your community, approve using your logo in promotional brochures, and assist in delivering the Programs."
  • See the report for subsequent correspondence.
  • Communication with Annette?

7.2. Interfaith meeting

  • Organised by Intercultural Task Group
  • LuckyKalonta has funding from City Council.

  • Proposing Saturday Sep 23 at noon at GWUC. Calendar is free.
  • Seniors support group mostly Indonesians meets each month at Clayton.
  • Sikh & Muslim speakers. Expecting 100ish.

  • Invitation to the congregation and Monash Interfaith
  • Resuming what happened before Covid.

Council approved this "nem. con." by email.

  • Hall, fellowship area and kitchen are booked.
  • Draft Program - additions/ suggestions welcome
    • Welcome & Opening Prayer

    • Acknowledgement of Country
    • Lunch
    • Celebrate Indonesian Independence Day
    • Speech by Minister for Housing and Multiculturalism, Victorian Government
    • Singing
    • Interfaith dialogue with speakers from
      • Sikh
      • Islam
      • Christian ? who?
      • A Voice to Parliament?


8.1. Chris Waddell induction

  • Sept 15 at 2:30pm
  • Alison is talking to Tom Spurling about arrangements.
  • Free Spirit will take part.

8.2. Fete preparations

  • Coming together.
  • Immediate need is for walkers to deliver flyers.

8.3. Voice to Parliament Referendum

  • A collection of information sources is beinng compiled at VoiceInformation.

  • It has been suggested that we get a real estate agent notice board to advertise the UCA support of the Yes case. Suggested design for readability and appropriate dimensions is

    • VoicePosterV1.png

  • A "table group" information session is being planned for Sep 19.

8.4. New climate change banner


16 October 2023

Appended documents

Link to CouncilAgenda20230918 > CouncilMinutes20230918

1. Ministry Team Report September 2023

1.1. Neil’s Report

Offering ministry is keeping me focussed, stimulated, and I continue to enjoy the ministry opportunities that come my way. There have been quite a few pastoral visits to make, including to hospitals and rehab.

I had a meeting with ChrisWaddell where we got to know each other a little and talked about expectations for the rest of this year once he starts. This was most helpful.

I have conducted the funeral of NoreenRodgers. Noreen has been a long-time active member of this congregation. Noreen was 46 years a Sunday school teacher here, 35 Years CRE teacher, long term kitchen helper at Leisure Time, long term church visitor, hosted monthly fellowship afternoon teas, and was a regular worshipper up until covid hit. She was indeed a faithful and dedicated servant.

I have led services at Cumberland View twice this month.

I was invited to attend a pastoral lunch put on by Mt Waverley and Chadstone Inter Church Council.

The ministry team have been thinking about their involvement in the fete.

The Confirmation group has had three meetings now and it seems to be going well. All being well I hope to have confirmation happen at the 10 am service on 3rd December.

I have had a request for baptism from NicoleBoyer and Lisa for their son Mason. This will possibly be on 29 October at 9.15 worship. Council needs to approve the baptism.

I recently attended a zoom retirement seminar put on by the UCA and Mercer who manage the superannuation fund.

The ministry team has enjoyed working with Hoon. He has attended all team meetings and contributed well to our conversations. It has been easy and engaging to work with Hoon. We will have lunch together before he concludes his time with us. We wish him well in the future.

I had to convert 2 of my last annual leave days into sick leave as covid finally caught up with me. I was grateful to SueMorgan, AnnetteWojak, RossMackinnon, AlisonClarkson, and JanClear who covered Sunday worship at short notice when I was sick. So, I have two annual leave days to pick up before I finish. My next annual leave will be Wed 27 September returning Tuesday 3 October. This will pick up one day of my two.


Action: Approve the request for baptism from Nicole and Lisa.

Link to > InterCulturalMinistry > CouncilAgenda20230918 > CouncilMinutes20230918

2. Intercultural Report Sep 2023

2.1. Interfaith meeting

  • Lucky has funding from City Council.
  • Proposing Sep 23 at 4pm at GWUC.

2.2. Zee Cheng Khor Community

  • See https://zeechengkhor.org.au/

  • We have received aninvitation to "Lanterns For All@ZCK" to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. An event at the end of September for young people across cultures and backgrounds.

  • They came to the dinner as part of our Indonesian festival.
  • Some of our people have attended their events, with members of other faiths.
  • Interfaith with an Asian focus.
  • Glyn consulted and then replied:
    • Stephen S K CHEW FCPA, AGIS, ACG Retired
      President ZEE CHENG KHOR Moral Uplifting Society 紫成阁
      Director, International Confederation Moral Uplifting Societies
      Dear Steven, 
      Warmest greetings at the start of spring.
      Thank you for your kind invitation to sponsor and join your harmony building Mid Autumn Festival Chinese lantern parade. Unfortunately, although I have discussed it with some leaders, church council hasn’t been able to meet to make a decision about jointly sponsoring your event and we need to have permission to use the Uniting Church logo. 
      But it is a wonderful idea, and we will promote it with our children and families.  We would also like to help with delivering the program leaflets in the areas where we walk if that helps. We look forward to continuing to work together. 
      Peace and Grace,
      Glyn Howells. 
      GWUC Intercultural Task Group.
  • Steven replied:
    • Hi Glyn, no worries at all. Uniting Church Glen Waverley is part of the  Forces For Good in the community to promote love, peace and harmony. The objectives of the event is to share the Chinese Lantern Festival with the broader community to promote these objectives, and build the capacity for individual community partner. What you are able to do now is what we are asking for. I will send you the brochure to circulate and promote in the Church, Thank you Glyn for all your effort.

3. A collection of information sources on The Voice to Parliament Referendum

Collected by DavidMorgan

CouncilAgenda20230918 (last edited 2023-09-18 23:23:01 by DavidMorgan)