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== David Morgan (Secretary of Church Council) ==
In a conversation between Warren and myself, starting from trying to set a timetable for selecting COP projects, support emerged for more nearly fixed dates for Congregational meetings.

The council handbook currently says:
Council must report to Congregational meetings; which are normally held twice a year, called by the Chair of the Congregation. The first meeting, usually held in autumn, typically considers the past years activities and receives the audited accounts of the Church. Progress on developments for the year(s) ahead are usually presented. The second meeting, normally held in late Spring, considers the next year’s budget and initiatives for the next year(s). It also considers the allocation of Congregational outreach projects.

The Regulations only appear to say:
General meetings of the Congregation shall be held at least twice in each year. (Special meetings are covered separately.)

Is there any support from you four most affected, for a council motion to be more specific about General Congregational meetings, eg third Monday in March and November, just for example? It would provide a regular agenda, and avoid the current situation of trying to find a date at short notice. It would also fix deadlines on COP proposals, budgets and financial reports, which obviously would have both positive and negative impacts.

What is the feeling?

<<DateTime(2010-02-22T20:16:56+1100)>> DavidMorgan

(This page is under discussion and is in draft form)

Congregational Meetings


David Morgan (Secretary of Church Council)

In a conversation between Warren and myself, starting from trying to set a timetable for selecting COP projects, support emerged for more nearly fixed dates for Congregational meetings.

The council handbook currently says: Council must report to Congregational meetings; which are normally held twice a year, called by the Chair of the Congregation. The first meeting, usually held in autumn, typically considers the past years activities and receives the audited accounts of the Church. Progress on developments for the year(s) ahead are usually presented. The second meeting, normally held in late Spring, considers the next year’s budget and initiatives for the next year(s). It also considers the allocation of Congregational outreach projects.

The Regulations only appear to say: General meetings of the Congregation shall be held at least twice in each year. (Special meetings are covered separately.)

Is there any support from you four most affected, for a council motion to be more specific about General Congregational meetings, eg third Monday in March and November, just for example? It would provide a regular agenda, and avoid the current situation of trying to find a date at short notice. It would also fix deadlines on COP proposals, budgets and financial reports, which obviously would have both positive and negative impacts.

What is the feeling?

2010-02-22 09:16:56 DavidMorgan

Graeme Frecker (Chair of the Congregation)

Certainly it’s a good idea for the Council to set a timetable for itself to report its actions and seek directions from the Congregation. It would be much better than having to prod the Council every so often to declare when it will be ready to report. Council is a creature of the Congregation, and should be accountable at regular intervals.

By convention (a Synod direction?) the Congregation has adopted the calendar year as the financial year, so it’s appropriate to meet early in the calendar year to consider the Council’s annual report concerning the life and work of the Congregation, and to receive the audited accounts for the preceding year. (Synod requires audited accounts by 31st March.)

Another meeting held late in the calendar year, preferably just before Advent, is an appropriate time to consider initiatives for the following year and the consequential budgets of money and people required. Of course the foregoing are not the only reasons to convene meetings of the Congregation. The Congregation has responsibilities of its own apart from monitoring the Council’s actions. Other agenda items for the Congregation can be: ‘State of the Congregation’ comments from ministers, appointment of Presbyters, and consideration of any propositions from members of the Congregation. In the near future the four strategy groups should report.

A particular agenda item is the COP program which is regarded as the ‘property’ of the Congregation. Given the hypothecation of Fete revenue to COP program, the Congregation needs to meet mid-year to choose projects to support and to advertise in conjunction with the Fete

The officers (Chair and Secretary) of the Congregation are charged with the responsibility to convene meetings. In exercising that responsibility it’s expected that they should be sensitive to the needs of the Congregation, and to listen to advice, including that from the Council, and exercise good judgement.

Yes, a Council resolution about the timing of its reporting would be a good discipline.

2010-02-27 07:49:00 GraemeFrecker

David Morgan (Council Secretary)

Thanks Graeme. I think the idea has wide support in principle.

So what would you suggest for dates?

Last Monday in March, or earlier if that is Holy Week or Easter Monday? To receive audited accounts. Or is it better to go earlier, and approve the reports subject to audit.

Monday before the first Sunday in Advent? For planning and budgets.

Then one in June as well?

2010-02-27 12:02:00 DavidMorgan


CongregationalMeetingsDiscussion (last edited 2011-03-12 06:32:40 by JohnHurst)