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Editor: DavidMorgan
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Editor: DavidMorgan
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This meeting will be live-streamed for those who cannot attend. This is an information presentation not a decision making meeting. A [[https://gwuc.org.au/?powerpress_pinw=159319-podcast|podcast of the meeting]] is available. The meeting was live-streamed for those who could not attend. This was an information presentation not a decision making meeting.



Held in the Church at 11:30am on Sunday 6th February 2022 - following the 10:00am Combined Worship service.

A podcast of the meeting is available. The meeting was live-streamed for those who could not attend. This was an information presentation not a decision making meeting.


1. Welcome

John Snare, chair of the congregation, opened the meeting.

2. Future Directions

2.1. Ministry Team

Neil Peters informed the Congregation that he has been working with Church Council to plan for his retirement some time in 2023 as he reaches the end of his 10-year ministry in Glen Waverley. There is background information at FutureMinistryTeam

Glyn Howells, chair of Church Council, gave a presentation (Future Ministry- Congregational Meeting 6 Feb 2022) outlining a two year transition plan to maintain continuity of ministry in the Glen Waverley Uniting Church. He outlined the process by which a Joint Nominating Committee will seek and recommend a new minister for the Glen Waverley Uniting Church.

2.2. Revisioning 2022

Glyn Howells gave an overview of work that has recently been done to develop projects for 2022 to focus the congregation on realising its vision. The presentation is here. There is background here.

3. Close and next steps

John Snare, formally announced elections for members of a Joint Nominating Committee - JNC - (the JNC nomination form is here) for a new minister and for Church Councillors for 2022 (the Church Councillor Nomination form is here). The timetable for both elections is the same.

  1. Nominations Open February 6th
  2. Nominations Close February 27th
  3. Candidates announced March 6th
  4. Elections following all worship services on March 20th.

CongMeetingInfoSessionReport202220206 (last edited 2022-02-08 06:17:31 by DavidMorgan)