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#acl ChurchFutureSteeringCommitteeGroup:read,write All:read #acl ChurchFutureSteeringCommitteeGroup:read,write CouncilGroup:read EldersGroup:read All:read
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A proposal to be put to the congregational meeting on 1 Jul 2013. A proposal to be put to the congregational meeting on 1 Jul 2013.  An Executive Summary is available at ChurchFutureScProposalExecutive.
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 * our congregation is seeking to worship, witness and serve our God in a faithful and life-giving way which looks to express hope for the future as well as honouring the past;
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 * a Church Life and Witness consultation was conducted by Rev Carolyn Kitto on behalf of the Port Phillip East Presbytery in late Feb 2013;
COMMENT (MF) The statement above is at odds with what Greg Crowe stated in his email of 6th June where he says that Presbytery agreed to Carolyn being the Consultant on the recommendation of GWUC Church Council. As GWUC paid the fee, it would appear that we were the client.
 * at a congregational gathering on 3 Mar 2013 to hear the report on the Life and Witness consultation, it was announced that Rev Greg Fry would be concluding his placement at a date to be determined (subsequently established as 30 Sep 2013, with a ''Cutting of the Ties'' service on 30 Jun 2013).
 * at that congregational gathering, Rev Carolyn Kitto identified a significant "dissonance" in the affairs of the congregation;
 * a meeting of the Congregation on 17 Mar 2013 decided to adopt in principle the recommendations of Rev Carolyn Kitto, as codified by Presbytery Chair of Pastoral Relations Committee Rev Greg Crowe; and
COMMENT (MF) I don't know what "codified" means here, and I think we should use accessible language at all times.
 * a Future Directions Steering Committee was established by that congregational meeting to propose a detailed implementation plan of the "in principle" recommendations;
 * a Church Life and Witness consultation was conducted by Rev Carolyn Kitto for the congregation with the approval of the Port Phillip East Presbytery in late Feb 2013;
 * at a congregational gathering on 3 Mar 2013 to hear the report on the Life and Witness consultation, it was announced that Rev Greg Fry would be concluding his placement at a date to be determined (subsequently established as 30 Sep 2013, with a ''Cutting of the Ties'' service on 30 Jun 2013);
 * at that congregational gathering, Rev Carolyn Kitto reported two persistent themes in her interviews with congregational members:
   i. a significant "dissonance" in the affairs of the congregation, and
   i. a need for structural change to improve "Spiritual oversight and leadership";
 * a meeting of the Congregation on 17 Mar 2013 decided to adopt in principle the recommendations of Rev Carolyn Kitto, as written out by Presbytery Chair of Pastoral Relations Committee Rev Greg Crowe;
 * a Future Directions Steering Committee was established by that congregational meeting to propose a detailed implementation plan of the "in principle" recommendations;
 * many congregational members have made formal and informal submissions to the Future Directions Steering Committee; and
 * change takes time and courage, but may be very positive and inspirational:
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Dissonance, Community of Love, Journeying forward in Acceptance and Affirmation. The Steering Committee took as its most critical brief the restoration of a harmonious congregation. This was in response to both CarolynKitto and GregCrowe identifying that many issues of "dissonance" within the congregation have caused the congregation to falter on its way, and along with them, the Ministry Team. While restructure of spiritual leadership and church governance has been a necessary part of this process, the committee felt that this alone was futile unless the dissonance issues were also addressed.
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The Steering Committee took as its primary brief the restoration of a harmonious congregation. This was in response to both CarolynKitto and GregCrowe identifying that many issues of "dissonance" within the congregation have caused the congregation to lose its way, and along with them, the Ministry Team. While restructure of church governance has been the formal injunction, the committee felt that to address just that would be futile unless the dissonance issues were also addressed.
COMMENT (MF) 1. Would prefer "took as its most critical brief..." 2. Would prefer "caused the congregation to falter..." as "lose" is not accurate.
We have chosen to name this process "Building a Community of Love". Many groups already reach a deep level of fellowship, but what is required is more than fellowship. We need to establish deeper and greater levels of '''trust and kindness''' for each other, such as that explained in 1 Cor 13:4-7 and Eph 4:29-32. That cannot happen without a deeper sharing of the human hurts and hopes we all experience. We need to be '''honest and open''' with each other. Without sharing that vulnerability of each, we cannot possibly know or harmonise with each other. Most of all we hope to develop respect, empathy and tolerance with others' points of view so we can learn to support those who have different points of view than us and to participate in God's mission rather than be concerned about our personal preferences.
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We have chosen to name this process of restoration as "Building a Community of Love". While we recognize that many groups already reach a deep level of fellowship, what is required is more than fellowship. We need to establish deeper and greater levels of '''trust''' in each other, such as is exemplified in 1 Cor 13:4-7. That cannot happen without a deeper sharing of the human hurts and hopes that we all experience. We need to be '''honest''' with each other about what really bugs us, and what we truly seek. Without sharing that vulnerability of each, we cannot possibly know or harmonise with each other. Most of all we hope to develop empathy with others points of view so we can learn to support those who have different points of view than us and to participate in God's mission in this place rather than be concerned about our personal preferences.
COMMENT (MF) Would prefer "...to develop respect, empathy and tolerance with others' points of view..."
To encourage development of our Community of Love, the SC therefore proposes that
##Recommendation 1
 * '''Recommendation 1: ''All church groups, recognizing the importance of intentional worship, set aside 10-15 minutes of group meeting time to participate in a) deep personal reflection and sharing of concerns; b) interactive and reflective group bible study, such as is used in ''lectio divina''.''''' (Need reference, link here).
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What the SC therefore proposes is that
 * '''Recommendation 1: ''All church groups, recognizing the importance of intentional worship, set aside 10-15 minutes of group meeting time to participate in a) deep personal reflection and sharing of concerns; b) interactive and reflective group bible study, such as is used in ''lectio divina''.''''' (Need reference, link here).

Comment: I would like to see a recommendation around increasing the number of people participating in faith sharing or learning groups. Personally I don't care whether it is Alpha, discussing a Borg-Crossin book or considering the lectionary, or a personal life sharing group or how often it meets. I think that everyone should be personally offered to be a part of such a group. This would be a fantastic objective for the Faith Development missional group to take on. A target could be to have 30% of the congregation actively involved.
COMMENT (MF) I agree with the formation of cross-age "cell groups" as both faith formation and pastoral care opportunities.
##Recommendation 2
 * '''Recommendation 2: ''Every member of the congregation be encouraged to belong to a faith sharing and pastoral care group. Particular emphasis should be on developing cross age groups. Such groups would meet at a time to suit them and oversight would be through the Faith Development and Inclusive Mission Groups.'''''
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The key concept: a smaller council focussing upon spiritual leadership and governance; deal with regulations and constitutional issues here.
COMMENT (MF) Should stress cooperative relationship with Ministry team for vision and growth.
One explicit recommendation arising from the ChurchLifeAndWitness consultation was that the size of the Church Council should be reduced. "The Church Council would have 10 elected members plus ministers in placement and up to 2 co-options. All elected members would be Elders. These members would be elected after a process of discernment and prayer for identifying and calling of them for their gifts of spritual oversight and leadership." She also urges us to elect more younger members to Church Council. Whilst it is clear that the current councillors have been doing their duties to the best of their abilities, Carolyn suggested a fundamental change of focus for the church council, away from being business driven to being faith formation and mission driven.
The new council will take on the spiritual leadership of the congregation more strongly than it has in the past and most of the business of the congregation will be given to the groups that are carrying out its mission. This will help overcome a number of issues within the congregation including permission giving, a move to a more strongly faith-based community, building on the relational community that already exists at GWUC. It will also refresh and focus the cooperation between the Ministry Team and the Church Council.
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What happens to existing councillors. The Steering Committee has endeavoured to hold true to the brief that it was to find "a pastorally sensitive way" to implement the recommendations and "how they will be brought to the congregation for approval". This means addressing how we are to move from a Council of 23 elected members to 10 elected "Elders and Councillors", and in concluding the terms of the existing group of 35 Elders.

The fundamental difficulty has been that (as pointed out by several members of the congregation) the UCA Constitution and Regulations allow '''no''' mechanisms for concluding the terms of existing councillors and elders ''in toto'' (there are mechanisms to deal with transfers, resignations and discipline, but these are not applicable in this context).

The preferred mechanism identified by the Steering Committee is to ask all existing councillors and elders to accept these recommendations, and in that spirit, voluntarily resign from Church Council and the Eldership. We recognise that there are those who will not feel called to this action, and hence we need to suggest an alternative pathway for such people. The suggested pathway is that they serve out their terms, participating in the administrative and worship life of the church as they feel called, and that we move gradually to the situation of having one Church Council of 10 elected "councillors and elders", and no separate Elders' Council. The roles of existing elders would be taken over by a variety of new worship and pastoral support teams (see below), whose membership would be open to all church members.

The role of the new Church Council would be, as the Regulations state (3.1.2(a)): ''The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings.'' The Regulations go on to state (3.1.2(b)) in more detail the specific duties, but the detail of these is not relevant here. An information session is proposed for July to provide such detail and to be an opportunity for discernment for prospective nominees and those wishing to nominate others.

##Recommendation 3
 * '''Recommendation 3: ''That the congregation proceed to call for nominations for the 10 elected members to the new church council, and that elections be held in time for the new council to take over responsibility from the existing church council from 1 Sep 2013. Existing Councillors will be asked to voluntarily stand down from the council, unless elected as councillors from 1 Sep 2013. A service of thanksgiving to be held early in Sep 2013 for those councillors voluntarily standing down.''''' (Need reference, link here).

A proposed timetable setting out the details of the dates involved is at ChurchFutureScTimetable.
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The responsibilities of Elders and Councillors. The opportunity for all to share in worship and pastoral tasks. The new worship rosters.
COMMENT (MF) Not sure if this belongs in the Proposal, but asap after July 1st, all existing and "on hold" Elders need to be individually surveyed to ascertain which current duties and rosters they are prepared to continue with and which new activities they may feel called to act on. May be best if this was done in a face-to-face context.
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What happens to existing Elders. Eldership is an important role within our Congregation, and in coming into line with the regulations, our understanding of it will alter. Within the proposed structure, the Church Councillors will be holders of the title Elder as well as Councillor. Understandably, a congregation with the breadth and depth of ours needs the loving support, nurturing and involvement of more than 10 individuals. Our congregation will still require pastoral care, people to welcome Church goers (new and existing), to visit, to serve Eucharist and to love and support members of our congregation and our community.

Those who currently undertake the formalised role of Elder will be asked to stand down - from the title, not the care, the love and support which goes along with it. And we will need more individuals to take on elements of the roles which were formally part of the Elder roles as defined by GWUC - caring for our members.

If you are a current member of the Council of Elders, you will be asked to resign this position if the proposed structure is approved. Your continued involvement with the duties of the Elders will be appreciated, and your enthusiasm in the transition to the proposed new groups structure will be valuable.

##Recommendation 4
 * '''Recommendation 4: ''That the congregation acknowledge the devoted service of the many elders called to serve at Glen Waverley since Union, and recognizing the need for a clear spiritual direction for the church, approve the new identity of 10 joint Elders and Councillors from 1 Sep 2013, and encourage all existing Elders to voluntarily stand down as elders (unless elected as new councillors and elders), and transfer their service roles to the new worship and pastoral task groups. A service of thanksgiving to be held early in Sep 2013 for those elders voluntarily standing down.'''''
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COMMENT (MF) Let's be consistent - Are they Mission Groups or Missional Groups?
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Focus for day-to-day running of the church; tasks are delegated from the Council; at least one councillor and ministry team member per group.
COMMENT (MF) We should be including a separate heading for the 3 Admin groups here, and saying one councillor per group for them too.
The Mission Groups take over responsibility for much of the day-to-day running of the church. While this is officially part of the council's responsibility (see Regulations 3.1.2(b)), the new Church Council will delegate such powers to the Mission Groups as is necessary to discharge these responsibilities, thereby freeing Council's time to focus upon spiritual leadership and vision. This has been a stumbling block to the current Council, and is the main motivation for Carolyn's recommendations to reduce the size of Council.
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Each group is free to find their own administrative structure. Carolyn recommended that each Mission Group have at least one councillor as a member of its coordinating committee, and this Steering Committee agrees with this proposition. The Mission Group Committees will have oversight of all the programs and teams under their aegis (see below for examples) and will have budgetary power to allocate resources to these task groups. It is recommended that each Mission Group have a member of the Ministry Team attached to it, who will have primary responsibility for coordinating ministry engagement with the mission area and providing spiritual oversight and leadership. Other members of the Ministry Team may also be members (see below for Ministry Team resource allocation guidelines).
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Each group will have a designated budget.
COMMENT (MF) Would prefer "Each MG will have a designated budget and recognition of other resourcing needs." (eg volunteers, property use)
It is understood that as we link all existing GWUC groups to the Mission Groups, these Groups may expand and change in their operation. Mission Group convenors will be key lay leaders and will need significant mentoring and support as we transition into the new structure. It is suggested that training be provided to these lay leaders.
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COMMENT (MF) Perhaps could consider another heading "Ministry Team" or "Minister/s of the Word" to spell out some of what we have discussed re their improved relationship with church council, and increased link with Missional Groups. This is a way of ensuring that each MG is resourced with spiritual leadership. In some Mission Groups, there may be distinct task teams, such as:
 * Holy Communion Team
 * Welcoming Team
 * Prayer Team
 * Pastoral Team
 * Stewardship Team
 * Confirmation Team
 * Music Team
 * Spiritual Growth Team
 * Fellowship Team
 * Hospitality Team

The Mission Groups, their programs and task teams are as identified in ChurchFutureScServiceGroups (the list is not definitive).
Council will delegate responsibilities to the task teams (through the responsible Mission Group), and each task team will call members of the congregation with relevant gifts to serve within the teams. Previous Elders would be urged to follow their calling into the Communion, Welcoming, Prayer and Pastoral Teams as per their preferences currently recorded in the EldersRosterPreferences wiki page.

All members of the congregation and especially retiring Elders and Church Councillors will be encouraged to volunteer for a range of church programs and task teams to enable the Mission Groups to achieve their Christ-centred goals.

##Recommendation 5
 * '''Recommendation 5: ''That the congregation adopt the new governance structure transferring day-to-day management of church life to the four Mission Groups: Faith Development, Inclusive Community, Community Hub, and Outreach, including the formation of specific task teams within Mission Groups where needed.'''''

##Recommendation 6
 * '''Recommendation 6: ''That the congregation calls upon all members to join at least one Mission Group so that all members shall be seen as servants of the community.'''''

== The Support Groups ==
A church of Glen Waverley Uniting Church's size has a large investment in the assets needed to maintain its mission life, and it is appropriate to have dedicated groups to manage the church's ''property'', ''finances'', and ''communication'' processes. Each of these has its own legitimate call upon church resources, and must be resourced appropriately. The responsibilities of each of the Support Groups will remain much as it is at the moment, viz '''Property Committee''', '''Finance Committee''' and '''Communications Committee''', subject to any new direction from the Church Council.

##Recommendation 7
 * '''Recommendation 7: ''That the congregation affirm the continuing need for the current responsibilities of each of the Property Committee, Finance Committee, and Communications Committee, and asks each of them to review their operations in the light of these new church structures, and any new directives from the new Church Council.'''''

== The Ministry Team ==
Each Mission Group must have at least one ministry team member associated with it, and one member is to be identified as the primary ministry team support person for the group. The primary Ministry Team member would be normally expected to attend all meetings of that Mission Group and to have a spiritual leadership role in the group. Each Ministry Team member engaged with a Mission Group is to nominate the number of hours per week (total 40) allocated to each Mission Group, and the budgeted stipend will be allocated pro rata against each Mission Group.

The Ministry Team are all members of Church Council, but it would normally be the case that only one Ministry Team member need attend, unless there are special circumstances. This is identified as a mechanism to ease the meeting time load upon the Ministry Team. This nominated council member would be expected to actively liaise between Council and the Ministry Team, to ensure a consistent and cooperative approach to the mission and vision of the church.

##Recommendation 8
 * '''Recommendation 8: ''That the congregation requests the Ministry Team to identify amongst themselves their time allocation to each of the four Mission Groups, and to nominate the primary Ministry Team member for each Mission Group, and for the new Church Council.'''''

== Procedural Comment ==
The Steering Committee has thought very deeply about the matters raised in this proposal. We do not feel that the church has the option of picking and choosing amongst the recommendations. If we are indeed to move forward, then all recommendations need to be adopted simultaneously. While this recommendation is not meant to exclude minor adjustments of words, we counsel strenuously that to detract from the intent of just one of these recommendations may prejudice the whole vision.

There is also a question of how these new structure transitions are to be managed. We feel that this is appropriately the responsibility of the new Church Council, and hence we recommend as a blanket provision that all future visioning, strategy planning and transition management be the responsibility of the new council.

We therefore add this procedural recommendation:
##Recommendation 0
 * '''Recommendation 0: ''That these recommendations be taken ''en bloc'' and voted upon as a single group. The new Church Council is to take responsibility for all subsequent management and implementation of these plans beyond 1 Sep 2013.'''''

== Members of the Steering Committee ==
 * Brace Bateman, 9807 3941, [email protected] (convenor)
 * Belinda Chung, 9802 7263, [email protected] (8am worshipper)
 * Mark Easton, 8802 8496, [email protected] (4:30pm worshipper)
 * Margaret Fraser, 9803 7653, [email protected] (9:15am worshipper)
 * John Hurst, 9803 9346, [email protected] (11am worshipper)
 * Bronwyn Lowe, 9885 8514, [email protected] (7pm worshipper)

##end document

Proposal for New Structures at Glen Waverley Uniting Church

A proposal to be put to the congregational meeting on 1 Jul 2013. An Executive Summary is available at ChurchFutureScProposalExecutive.


Recognizing that

  • our congregation is seeking to worship, witness and serve our God in a faithful and life-giving way which looks to express hope for the future as well as honouring the past;
  • there have been difficulties within the Ministry Team for some years, culminating in the early resignation of Rev Rosemary Carter in Jan 2013;
  • a Church Life and Witness consultation was conducted by Rev Carolyn Kitto for the congregation with the approval of the Port Phillip East Presbytery in late Feb 2013;
  • at a congregational gathering on 3 Mar 2013 to hear the report on the Life and Witness consultation, it was announced that Rev Greg Fry would be concluding his placement at a date to be determined (subsequently established as 30 Sep 2013, with a Cutting of the Ties service on 30 Jun 2013);

  • at that congregational gathering, Rev Carolyn Kitto reported two persistent themes in her interviews with congregational members:
    1. a significant "dissonance" in the affairs of the congregation, and
    2. a need for structural change to improve "Spiritual oversight and leadership";
  • a meeting of the Congregation on 17 Mar 2013 decided to adopt in principle the recommendations of Rev Carolyn Kitto, as written out by Presbytery Chair of Pastoral Relations Committee Rev Greg Crowe;
  • a Future Directions Steering Committee was established by that congregational meeting to propose a detailed implementation plan of the "in principle" recommendations;
  • many congregational members have made formal and informal submissions to the Future Directions Steering Committee; and
  • change takes time and courage, but may be very positive and inspirational:

the Future Directions Steering Committee now having concluded its deliberations, proposes that Glen Waverley Uniting Church adopt the following resolutions:

Guiding Philosophy

The Steering Committee took as its most critical brief the restoration of a harmonious congregation. This was in response to both CarolynKitto and GregCrowe identifying that many issues of "dissonance" within the congregation have caused the congregation to falter on its way, and along with them, the Ministry Team. While restructure of spiritual leadership and church governance has been a necessary part of this process, the committee felt that this alone was futile unless the dissonance issues were also addressed.

We have chosen to name this process "Building a Community of Love". Many groups already reach a deep level of fellowship, but what is required is more than fellowship. We need to establish deeper and greater levels of trust and kindness for each other, such as that explained in 1 Cor 13:4-7 and Eph 4:29-32. That cannot happen without a deeper sharing of the human hurts and hopes we all experience. We need to be honest and open with each other. Without sharing that vulnerability of each, we cannot possibly know or harmonise with each other. Most of all we hope to develop respect, empathy and tolerance with others' points of view so we can learn to support those who have different points of view than us and to participate in God's mission rather than be concerned about our personal preferences.

To encourage development of our Community of Love, the SC therefore proposes that

  • Recommendation 1: All church groups, recognizing the importance of intentional worship, set aside 10-15 minutes of group meeting time to participate in a) deep personal reflection and sharing of concerns; b) interactive and reflective group bible study, such as is used in lectio divina. (Need reference, link here).

  • Recommendation 2: Every member of the congregation be encouraged to belong to a faith sharing and pastoral care group. Particular emphasis should be on developing cross age groups. Such groups would meet at a time to suit them and oversight would be through the Faith Development and Inclusive Mission Groups.

The Church Council

One explicit recommendation arising from the ChurchLifeAndWitness consultation was that the size of the Church Council should be reduced. "The Church Council would have 10 elected members plus ministers in placement and up to 2 co-options. All elected members would be Elders. These members would be elected after a process of discernment and prayer for identifying and calling of them for their gifts of spritual oversight and leadership." She also urges us to elect more younger members to Church Council. Whilst it is clear that the current councillors have been doing their duties to the best of their abilities, Carolyn suggested a fundamental change of focus for the church council, away from being business driven to being faith formation and mission driven.

The new council will take on the spiritual leadership of the congregation more strongly than it has in the past and most of the business of the congregation will be given to the groups that are carrying out its mission. This will help overcome a number of issues within the congregation including permission giving, a move to a more strongly faith-based community, building on the relational community that already exists at GWUC. It will also refresh and focus the cooperation between the Ministry Team and the Church Council.

The Steering Committee has endeavoured to hold true to the brief that it was to find "a pastorally sensitive way" to implement the recommendations and "how they will be brought to the congregation for approval". This means addressing how we are to move from a Council of 23 elected members to 10 elected "Elders and Councillors", and in concluding the terms of the existing group of 35 Elders.

The fundamental difficulty has been that (as pointed out by several members of the congregation) the UCA Constitution and Regulations allow no mechanisms for concluding the terms of existing councillors and elders in toto (there are mechanisms to deal with transfers, resignations and discipline, but these are not applicable in this context).

The preferred mechanism identified by the Steering Committee is to ask all existing councillors and elders to accept these recommendations, and in that spirit, voluntarily resign from Church Council and the Eldership. We recognise that there are those who will not feel called to this action, and hence we need to suggest an alternative pathway for such people. The suggested pathway is that they serve out their terms, participating in the administrative and worship life of the church as they feel called, and that we move gradually to the situation of having one Church Council of 10 elected "councillors and elders", and no separate Elders' Council. The roles of existing elders would be taken over by a variety of new worship and pastoral support teams (see below), whose membership would be open to all church members.

The role of the new Church Council would be, as the Regulations state (3.1.2(a)): The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings. The Regulations go on to state (3.1.2(b)) in more detail the specific duties, but the detail of these is not relevant here. An information session is proposed for July to provide such detail and to be an opportunity for discernment for prospective nominees and those wishing to nominate others.

  • Recommendation 3: That the congregation proceed to call for nominations for the 10 elected members to the new church council, and that elections be held in time for the new council to take over responsibility from the existing church council from 1 Sep 2013. Existing Councillors will be asked to voluntarily stand down from the council, unless elected as councillors from 1 Sep 2013. A service of thanksgiving to be held early in Sep 2013 for those councillors voluntarily standing down. (Need reference, link here).

A proposed timetable setting out the details of the dates involved is at ChurchFutureScTimetable.


Eldership is an important role within our Congregation, and in coming into line with the regulations, our understanding of it will alter. Within the proposed structure, the Church Councillors will be holders of the title Elder as well as Councillor. Understandably, a congregation with the breadth and depth of ours needs the loving support, nurturing and involvement of more than 10 individuals. Our congregation will still require pastoral care, people to welcome Church goers (new and existing), to visit, to serve Eucharist and to love and support members of our congregation and our community.

Those who currently undertake the formalised role of Elder will be asked to stand down - from the title, not the care, the love and support which goes along with it. And we will need more individuals to take on elements of the roles which were formally part of the Elder roles as defined by GWUC - caring for our members.

If you are a current member of the Council of Elders, you will be asked to resign this position if the proposed structure is approved. Your continued involvement with the duties of the Elders will be appreciated, and your enthusiasm in the transition to the proposed new groups structure will be valuable.

  • Recommendation 4: That the congregation acknowledge the devoted service of the many elders called to serve at Glen Waverley since Union, and recognizing the need for a clear spiritual direction for the church, approve the new identity of 10 joint Elders and Councillors from 1 Sep 2013, and encourage all existing Elders to voluntarily stand down as elders (unless elected as new councillors and elders), and transfer their service roles to the new worship and pastoral task groups. A service of thanksgiving to be held early in Sep 2013 for those elders voluntarily standing down.

The Mission Groups

The Mission Groups take over responsibility for much of the day-to-day running of the church. While this is officially part of the council's responsibility (see Regulations 3.1.2(b)), the new Church Council will delegate such powers to the Mission Groups as is necessary to discharge these responsibilities, thereby freeing Council's time to focus upon spiritual leadership and vision. This has been a stumbling block to the current Council, and is the main motivation for Carolyn's recommendations to reduce the size of Council.

Carolyn recommended that each Mission Group have at least one councillor as a member of its coordinating committee, and this Steering Committee agrees with this proposition. The Mission Group Committees will have oversight of all the programs and teams under their aegis (see below for examples) and will have budgetary power to allocate resources to these task groups. It is recommended that each Mission Group have a member of the Ministry Team attached to it, who will have primary responsibility for coordinating ministry engagement with the mission area and providing spiritual oversight and leadership. Other members of the Ministry Team may also be members (see below for Ministry Team resource allocation guidelines).

It is understood that as we link all existing GWUC groups to the Mission Groups, these Groups may expand and change in their operation. Mission Group convenors will be key lay leaders and will need significant mentoring and support as we transition into the new structure. It is suggested that training be provided to these lay leaders.

In some Mission Groups, there may be distinct task teams, such as:

  • Holy Communion Team
  • Welcoming Team
  • Prayer Team
  • Pastoral Team
  • Stewardship Team
  • Confirmation Team
  • Music Team
  • Spiritual Growth Team
  • Fellowship Team
  • Hospitality Team

The Mission Groups, their programs and task teams are as identified in ChurchFutureScServiceGroups (the list is not definitive). Council will delegate responsibilities to the task teams (through the responsible Mission Group), and each task team will call members of the congregation with relevant gifts to serve within the teams. Previous Elders would be urged to follow their calling into the Communion, Welcoming, Prayer and Pastoral Teams as per their preferences currently recorded in the EldersRosterPreferences wiki page.

All members of the congregation and especially retiring Elders and Church Councillors will be encouraged to volunteer for a range of church programs and task teams to enable the Mission Groups to achieve their Christ-centred goals.

  • Recommendation 5: That the congregation adopt the new governance structure transferring day-to-day management of church life to the four Mission Groups: Faith Development, Inclusive Community, Community Hub, and Outreach, including the formation of specific task teams within Mission Groups where needed.

  • Recommendation 6: That the congregation calls upon all members to join at least one Mission Group so that all members shall be seen as servants of the community.

The Support Groups

A church of Glen Waverley Uniting Church's size has a large investment in the assets needed to maintain its mission life, and it is appropriate to have dedicated groups to manage the church's property, finances, and communication processes. Each of these has its own legitimate call upon church resources, and must be resourced appropriately. The responsibilities of each of the Support Groups will remain much as it is at the moment, viz Property Committee, Finance Committee and Communications Committee, subject to any new direction from the Church Council.

  • Recommendation 7: That the congregation affirm the continuing need for the current responsibilities of each of the Property Committee, Finance Committee, and Communications Committee, and asks each of them to review their operations in the light of these new church structures, and any new directives from the new Church Council.

The Ministry Team

Each Mission Group must have at least one ministry team member associated with it, and one member is to be identified as the primary ministry team support person for the group. The primary Ministry Team member would be normally expected to attend all meetings of that Mission Group and to have a spiritual leadership role in the group. Each Ministry Team member engaged with a Mission Group is to nominate the number of hours per week (total 40) allocated to each Mission Group, and the budgeted stipend will be allocated pro rata against each Mission Group.

The Ministry Team are all members of Church Council, but it would normally be the case that only one Ministry Team member need attend, unless there are special circumstances. This is identified as a mechanism to ease the meeting time load upon the Ministry Team. This nominated council member would be expected to actively liaise between Council and the Ministry Team, to ensure a consistent and cooperative approach to the mission and vision of the church.

  • Recommendation 8: That the congregation requests the Ministry Team to identify amongst themselves their time allocation to each of the four Mission Groups, and to nominate the primary Ministry Team member for each Mission Group, and for the new Church Council.

Procedural Comment

The Steering Committee has thought very deeply about the matters raised in this proposal. We do not feel that the church has the option of picking and choosing amongst the recommendations. If we are indeed to move forward, then all recommendations need to be adopted simultaneously. While this recommendation is not meant to exclude minor adjustments of words, we counsel strenuously that to detract from the intent of just one of these recommendations may prejudice the whole vision.

There is also a question of how these new structure transitions are to be managed. We feel that this is appropriately the responsibility of the new Church Council, and hence we recommend as a blanket provision that all future visioning, strategy planning and transition management be the responsibility of the new council.

We therefore add this procedural recommendation:

  • Recommendation 0: That these recommendations be taken en bloc and voted upon as a single group. The new Church Council is to take responsibility for all subsequent management and implementation of these plans beyond 1 Sep 2013.

Members of the Steering Committee


ChurchFutureScProposal (last edited 2013-09-05 04:31:20 by JohnHurst)