9 Oct 2011

The theme for today is "Spiritually Inspired Living". In our Prayers of the People then, let us ask the Holy Spirit to assist us on our spiritual journey. In John 14:15-17 we read "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of Truth ..."

When I say "Holy Spirit, Comfort us in our prayers", your response is "Spirit of Truth, abide with us". (repeat)

Let us pray:

For men and women, that each may learn from each. Where there are differences in thinking, we pray that we can accept and understand those differences. Where there are differences in action, we pray that our actions may complement each other and not lead to estrangement. Where there are differences in spirituality, we pray that each may lead to our common love of God, abiding in us.

For young and old, that the spirit of enthusiasm of the young may blend with the spirit of wisdom in the old, enriching all our lives.

For the rich and the poor, that the rich may share their wealth of earthly needs with the poor, who in turn can share their richness of spirit with the yearning of the rich.

For the powerful and the powerless, that the powerful may act for the good of all, and the powerless may inherit the earth.

For the churched and unchurched, that those who hold dearly to Christ may act in compassion and understanding for all, while those outside the Christian faith may act in respect for the spirituality of the whole human race.

For the healthy and the sick, that the healthy may tend to the needs of the sick, We pray especially for people in our congregation whom we name before You: (read prayer list). We pray also in silence for those not named except in our hearts, and for those whom we cannot name. (observe a short silence)

And let us pray the prayer that Jesus taught us: "Our Father in Heaven, ..."

(John Hurst)