Thoughts on the New 0930 Worship Service

I went to the first new format 9:30 service on Sunday, 6 Feb 2011, and here are some of my perceptions.

The first thing I noticed on sitting down was the huge array of microphones out the front. It made me feel a bit uneasy. I'm not sure that "make a loud noise unto the Lord" is quite the same thing as "make a joyful noise unto the Lord"! But, I told myself, I'm here with an open mind, I'll see what happens ...

Raw Stuff, not yet edited

You are worthy (?) Blessed be the name of the lord Prayer directed at flood and rain victims Matt 5:13-20 salt of the earth (Annette Wojak) Sharing about salt and light

Dean introduced "Snack", who sang "Star in God's eyes". 7 members,3 guitars, keyboard, drums, 2 vocalists, who sang with infectious (?) enthusiasm. Not too loud, but loud enough to satisfy the younger members of the cong..

Followed by "His name is Jesus", which had a few more standing and joining in the actions. Are actions a substitute for thinking? "Jesus is a good mate" had a bit more compassionate theology, with a stirring Spanish feel that had people applauding. Greg then read my thoughts and asked people if they felt comfortable with actions and songs. Lots of comments! That was a really interactive part of the service, and made me feel part of the service in a way that hadn't happened for a while (prayers of the people notwithstanding). Part of this was the recognition that differences in preferences are OK. Greg followed that with a short reflection on salt and light. We are called to be God's seasoning and God's light in the world. Followed with a recorded song that picked up this theme. Short exhortation by Greg "are we ready to change?", then song "Lord of all", then offering, then kids and Snack return. Offering prayer, then Snack leads kids in song they have learnt "You are welcome". I counted 20 kids, all joining in the actions with varying degrees of engagement! Clearly enjoyed by the congregation! Sue Morgan led us in Prayers of the People, reflecting on recent events, our community, our families and friends, the sick, the lonely - especially those in our cong. Benediction by Greg, then a little bit of a hiatus as there was no taking out of the bible, and people were not sure what was to happen next - until ? Started up on the piano with a postlude.

Conversations at morning tea were lively. Opinions were divided - some thought it wonderful to see the children involved, and one person told me that it was "childish". I engaged in more meaningful conversations than I have in a month of Sundays! One person even revealed how he had felt his faith was slipping, and that he sometimes wondered what it was all about.

I stayed on for 11am. What a contrast. Big kids: John was caught doing actions in Warren' kids talk! Warren engaged reality in a quite different way, that had people chuckling in their seats. Everyday things, but with divine interpretation.