This page is the TARDIS suggestion box. To make a suggestion, click the Edit (Text) or Edit (GUI) link above, and type in your suggestion immediately after this paragraph.

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2011-04-20 03:33:32 At morning tea could we get a jug of cold water and some plastic cups for the children. It would save all the mums from going into the kitchen.

At the 9:30am service could we please not repeat the verse and choruses 3 times. Once, yes, twice maybe, 3 times is too much. The words are good but the repeats are too onerous. Maybe a real hymn once in a while.

I think it is absolutely terrible, the state of the carpet and floor in the kindergarten room. Babies are crawling about on this stained carpet which is past shampooing. For the Property Committee to say it will cost $6000 and to wait 7 years is really dreadful. Surely they could look up some bargain flooring. I am willing to have a coffee morning and afternoon to start raising funds, at my home. This playgroup is a wonderful outreach to non-church members and new arrivals in Australia. It makes a very poor impression to see this dirty floor which can't be washed or swept. How can we give to others when we can't even look after own own? Please follow this up. PS "Charity begins at home!"

2011-04-20 03:33:32 Is it possible to make wiki homepage of GWUC more visually attractive?