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Revision 2 as of 2015-03-28 04:35:24
Size: 2034
Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 3 as of 2015-08-17 09:16:39
Size: 2099
Editor: JohnHurst
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Ministry Risk Management Annual Review Form

This is a written accountability tool for ensuring that each ministry team has completed risk management and have reviewed and considered all policies in relation to the program and content being conducted and are ready to run the program for the year/semester/or event.


Name of program:

Where the program is to take place:

Time of program:

Ministry leader / co-ordinator:

Ministry team members:



Program first aid person:

Program safe food handler (if program involves serving of food):

Details of ministry resources to be utilised next year:

In what ways has God been moving through the program this year?


What did we do well as a team?


How did the program participants grow in their relationship with God?


How can our team better share ministry next year?


Is there any information relating to the suitability of the ministry to continue that should be known by the Safe Church sub-committee?

If yes, please list:

Have there be any incidents that were of a child protection nature affecting members of the ministry team?


TEAM COMMITMENT - On behalf of the ministry team I make a commitment to adhere to the Leadership Conduct Covenant and to hold team meetings and training as required in the Recruitment, Induction & Training policy, and to encourage team members to take advantage of learning and development opportunities to advance leadership skills relevant to our ministry. My team commits to 12 months in this ministry or alternatively will give the team leader notice that they are unable to continue in the role.




SafetyMinistryRiskManagementReviewForm (last edited 2017-11-19 05:43:58 by JohnHurst)