## page was renamed from 4.7.12 Leisure Time Committee #acl NeilSkilton:read,write All:read <> <> See also LeisureTimeRecordBooks == 4.7.12 Leisure Time Committee == Members of the Committee of Management are elected to act in a voluntary capacity to continue the provision of Leisure Time, a community outreach service of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church. LeisureTime is part of the CommunityHub Missional Group of Glen Waverley Uniting Church, and is guided by decisions and priorities made by the Mission Group on behalf of Church Council. The members of the Committee of Management are also responsible for adhering to all parts of the Constitution of Leisure Time. === Leisure Time aims to: === * Develop programs which enable those in its care to develop positive relationships with each other and their community; * Deliver high quality services in ways which promote human dignity; * Ensure that the programs are non-discriminatory and are planned, implemented, managed and evaluated in a consultative and participative manner; * Provide or encourage innovative services; * Liaise and cooperate with other community service agencies in developing accessible and relevant services; and * Advocate publicly on behalf of those who require services.” (Leisure Time Constitution 2008) Committee members are encouraged to fill the various committee positions required for the smooth operation of Leisure Time. In addition, Committee members’ duties are: * Be aware of all Duty of Care responsibilities to guests and other volunteers, including * Safety at all times, including food safety * Emergency procedures * Confidentiality and privacy requirements * Not providing advice to guests which may relate to financial or legal matters * Undertaking such police checks as may be determined by the Committee * Following up any complaints from volunteers or guests * Attending Committee meetings and abiding by Committee decisions * Contributing to improvement of Leisure Time operations * Assisting with special events, Christmas lunch and outings * Keeping a record of phone calls and other expenses for reimbursement.