#acl SafetyTeamGroup:read,write All:read Link to > PeopleAndCultureCommittee > SafetyTeamGroup > SafeChurchUpdate2024 == Safe Church == The linking page for all matters to do with the Safe Church program. * The three requirements for all AppointedLeaders * [[WorkingWithChildrenCheck|Working With Children Checks.]] * [[WorkingWithChildrenCheck#RenewWWCC|Instructions for renewing an expired check]] * SafeChurchTrainingProgram * The [[SafeChurchTraining|list of Glen Waverley members with Safe Church training.]] See also SafeChurchStatus. * The [[attachment:KCSCodeOfConductGWUC.pdf|Code of conduct for the prevention of child abuse]] required to be signed by all holders of WWCCs. (KCS4 Updated 16 Sep 2017) * GwucServingSafelyPolicy * SafeChurchImplementationPlan from set up. * A [[attachment:KeepingChildrenSafePPPE.pdf|presentation]] on 2017 laws and UCA rules on prevention of child abuse made by Presbytery March 2017. * ChurchCouncil statement of commitment * [[attachment:CouncilAgenda20171025/KCS3-Statement-of-Commitment-GWUC.pdf|Keeping Children Safe Statement of Commitment]] made by Church Council (KCS3). * [[attachment:2021VicTasSynodChildSafeStatementOfCommittment.pdf|Updated version 2021 adopted April.]] * [[CouncilMinutes20240404|Recommitted April 2024]] * The [[https://safechurch.ucavictas.org.au/|Synod website on keeping children safe.]] * [[attachment:WWCC-VP-Policy-2024.pdf|Synod WwCC policy 2024]] * The SynodSafeChurchDatabase of WWCCs, accessible to the designated contact for the congregation and its [[attachment:SynodDatabaseManualWWC3Jan2018.pdf| user manual.]]. * The [[https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/|State Government Commission for Children & Young People.]]<
>[[https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/child-safety/resources/reportable-conduct-scheme-information-sheets/#TOC-12|Information sheets on the reportable conduct scheme.]] * A [[attachment:DriversDeclarationJan2018.pdf| declaration required for drivers.]] * A [[attachment:SafeChurchPoster.png| new Safe Church poster and Congregational commitment adopted Nov 2018.]] and updated 2022.