Link to > ChurchRosters > Morning tea roster preferences > Previous roster allocations
Morning Tea Roster
This roster has converted to a rolling allocation as described.
This roster is allocated week by week, known as "rolling allocation". See the links above for associated pages. Each volunteer in the preferences page is considered for allocation at their "Fixed Period" ahead, as indicated in the preferences page. Those who are available, do not have a clash and have more than the median interval since their last duty will be allocated if needed, and sent an email advising them of this. This allocation process respects the RosterUnavailable page, and attempts to avoid clashes with other rosters. If you are unable to do an allocated duty, you need to arrange a swap.
You can pre-empt the automatic allocation by allocating yourself to dates of your choice; simply enter your WikiName in any blank cell. Instructions here.
Automatic reminders will be issued by EMail during the week before a duty. These will obviously only be correct if swaps have been recorded here.
Thank you for helping with the morning tea. Instructions for dishwasher and urn are in the kitchen. Would everyone bring a litre of milk, please? ChrisWaddell and IanFerguson prefer to drink water not tea/coffee.
REMINDER it is important to make your own swap if unable to attend on your rostered day. Possible people to ask arefound at MorningPreferences. You need to log in to the wiki to see personal contact details.
WendyPepper Roster Convenor
2025 |
Jan |
5 |
11.00am |
School holidays. |
Jan |
12 |
11.00am |
School holidays. |
Jan |
19 |
11.00am |
School holidays. |
Jan |
26 |
11.00am |
School holidays. |
Feb |
2 |
11.00am |
Communion. Backpack Blessing |
Feb |
9 |
11.00am |
Feb |
16 |
11.00am |
Feb |
23 |
11.00am |
Mar |
2 |
11.00am |
Communion. Pancake morning tea. |
Mar |
9 |
11.00am |
Mar |
16 |
11.00am |
Mar |
23 |
11.00am |
Mar |
30 |
11.00am |
Apr |
6 |
11.00am |
School holidays. Communion. |
Apr |
13 |
11.00am |
Palm Sunday. School holidays. |
Apr |
18 |
09:30am |
Good Friday |
Apr |
20 |
11.00am |
Easter Day. School holidays. |
Apr |
27 |
11.00am |
May |
4 |
11.00am |
Communion. |
May |
11 |
11.00am |
May |
18 |
11.00am |
May |
25 |
11.00am |
Jun |
1 |
11.00am |
Communion. |
Jun |
8 |
11.00am |
Jun |
15 |
11.00am |
CategoryRosters Post Fete