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Link to >> RosterDoor >> ChurchRosters
Most days there are 3 stewards rostered for 9:15 service. However, where 4 stewards are needed, please ask an off duty steward within the congregation to assist in collecting the offering. The offering needs to be collected as quickly and fluidly as is possible. For 11am services, 2 stewards are rostered.
Wear your name tag. Stewards badges are on the foyer table. Arrive 30 minutes before the start of the service.
- Place DISABLED PARKING signs in position
- Clean and refill the drinking glasses in the pulpit and lectern.
- Open windows to suit weather conditions. The key is on a hook in the sound room.
- Switch on FANS in hot weather; position 1 or 2 initially.
Check with worship leaders for ORDER OF SERVICE & for 11am, the NUMBERS FOR THE HYMN BOARD. Hymn numbers are kept in the sound room.
Check that lights are as required - please note: main lights in the church ARE NOT USUALLY REQUIRED IN DAYLIGHT HOURS.
- Check hymn books and Bibles in the pews.
- Check placement of Offering Bowls. Offering Bowls to be placed on the foyer stewards table, and one in the choir stalls if occupied.
- Bring in and remove additional seating if required.
- Distribute Bulletins and any other literature.
- Show people to seats, especially late- and new- comers.
Count and record attendance numbers in the folder provided.
- Remove relevant page from the Prayer Book, and take it forward with the offering.
- Receive the offering. Plates to stay in the church until after the service.
- As soon as you are assembled at the rear, take the offering forward.. DO NOT WAIT FOR BACKGROUND ITEMS TO CONCLUDE.
- After the 9:15 service, collect any literature from the pews and generally tidy up. If the windows have been opened, close and lock them.