#acl All:read Link to OpeningAfterCoronaVirus > ResumingWorshipAfterCovidVaccination == Roadmap Timetable for Churches == ||Step ||Religious gatherings ||Funerals ||Weddings||Care Facilities Visitors|| ||80 Percent of people 16 and over with a single dose (aiming at 26 September)||No in-person gatherings permitted. Broadcast permitted with a a maximum of 5 people in attendance.||Involve no more than 10 people, as well as those necessary to conduct a funeral.||Weddings not permitted unless end of life or other compassionate reasons.||Two visitors at a time up to two per day, except for end of life or life threatening conditions (2 visitors at a time with no total limit per day).|| ||70 Percent of people 16 and over fully vaccinated (aiming at 26 October)||Outdoor only<
>All fully vaccinated: with one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 50<
>Unknown vaccination status: with one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 20|| Fully vaccinated: one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 50<
>Unknown vaccination status: no more than 20 people, and those necessary to conduct a funeral. ||Outdoor only<
>Fully vaccinated: one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 50<
>With unknown vaccination status: no more than 10 people, and marrying couple plus those necessary to conduct wedding.|| Easing of visitor restrictions || ||80 Percent of people 16 and over fully vaccination (aiming at 5 November)||All fully vaccinated: <
>Indoors with one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 150<
>Outdoors with one person per 2 square meters, maximum of 500<
>Unknown vaccination status: <
>One person per 4 square metres, maximum of 20||Fully vaccinated: <
>Indoors with one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 150,<
>Outdoors with one person per 2 square meters, maximum of 500<
>With unknown vaccination status:<
>No more than 20 people, and those necessary to conduct a funeral||Fully vaccinated: <
>Indoors with one person per 4 square metres, maximum of 150,<
>Outdoors with one person per 2 square meters, maximum of 500<
>With unknown vaccination status: <
>No more than 10 people, and marrying couple plus those necessary to conduct wedding.||Easing of visitor restrictions|| Compiled by Duncan Macleod; Presbytery Minister: Team Leader