#acl All:read,write = Questions for Carolyn Kitto = This page has been created to capture ideas, questions, clarifications, etc. for Carolyn Kitto's visit. * To enable parents to be able to participate in the discussion process, would it be a good idea to offer child minding at some of the sessions??? (BelindaClear) * It would indeed, Belinda. I shall explore this with Carolyn (JohnHurst) * After reading the Consultation Outline, if we follow the proposed date of 22 Feb, we do not have the required Preparation time outlined. My question is, will we be disadvantaged by this lack of preparation? (VidaFoo) * I have already discussed this with Carolyn. She is comfortable with the reduced lead time. (JohnHurst) * ''(referring to the proposed DiSC profiles)'' Quote "The number is based upon 4 ministry team staff and 2 lay people" unquote. Does this mean that only 2 lay people will be asked to join this proposed consultation process? I hope not because we need a cross section of lay people to represent our congregation. (VidaFoo) * I based the number on 4 ministry staff: Greg, Alanee, Alison, Belinda, and 2 lay - myself and Eric Armstrong (Chairs of Council/Congregation respectively). Carolyn thought we could go as low as 2 (Greg,Alanee) or as many as we wished to pay for. If you have a good idea as to how to discern the other leaders in the congregation, let's hear it. (JohnHurst) * There should be an adequate representation of the congregation at the ChurchLifeAndWitness consultation - ring the ChurchOffice to make an appointment to talk with CarolynKitto (JohnHurst) * Quote "The number is based upon 4 ministry team staff and 2 lay people" unquote. If this refers to just the DISC profile, then I am not too concerned whether we go with the DISC or not because from talking with my psychologist & psychiatrist friends, they told me that it is a good tool but should not be taken as 100% accurate. (VidaFoo) * I think that is widely understood (by those who have used it). I have had a number of positive responses from Council members that it is worth doing. (JohnHurst) * What is DISC profile(s)? (RogerVass) * "DiSC" stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness; and is a personality profiling tool. You can read about it on line at http://www.discprofile.com/whatisdisc.htm (JohnHurst)