Differences between revisions 6 and 10 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2015-10-31 00:01:49
Size: 4877
Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: wiki content guidelines expanded to cover changing content
Revision 10 as of 2015-11-02 04:15:02
Size: 3687
Editor: DavidMorgan
Comment: Refer to vision elsewhere.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= PSALTER wiki Vision =
The Psalter (aka The Wiki) is an important communication channel as interactive information provider about many activities within Glen Waverley Uniting Church.
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There are over 2500 pages of information about church groups, church events, church services and church people. Members of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation are invited to browse these pages, starting at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/. Some pages may require users to login; a username and password can be obtained by emailing [email protected] . This page is incorporated in [[3.2.11 Wiki Policy and Guidelines]]. For vision, see CommunicationsStrategicPlanPsalter.
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Note that the Psalter wiki provides a lot more information about current events, people and church activities than does the web site. The web site is for external (non-GWUC people), whereas the Psalter is designed to provide information for members of the congregation.

 * The Psalter wiki provides information of interest to the congregation.
 * The Psalter meets a need similar to the weekly bulletin, but in addition provides a tool for meeting and group management (e.g. diary management, agenda management, report management)
 * Psalter content is dynamic, with both future looking and record keeping aspects.
 * Psalter content can be created and amended by anyone who has access permissions, and can be the most up-to-date of any of the communications options.
 * The Psalter does not rely on a particular publication cycle.
##***Start policy***
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You are encouraged to correct or add to editable pages that contain information. However, please respect the opinions of original authors of content. Only make changes to content created by others if it makes sense in the context (e.g. when recording roster swaps) or you think that they would agree with the correction. You are encouraged to correct or add to editable pages that contain information. However, please respect the opinions of original authors of content. Only make changes to content created by others if it makes sense in the context (e.g. when recording roster swaps) or if you think that they would agree with the correction.
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##***End policy***

This page is incorporated in 3.2.11 Wiki Policy and Guidelines. For vision, see CommunicationsStrategicPlanPsalter.

Psalter Wiki Policy

The policy for the use of the Psalter wiki explains the application of Code of Conduct for members of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation to the use of the Psalter wiki.

The Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation acknowledges the importance of good communication and will:

  1. communicate courteously, openly and honestly;
  2. listen with understanding
  3. refrain from communicating in a offensive, abusive, intimidating, sarcastic or patronising manner.


This policy applies to all members of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation.


To ensure that information and commentary on the Psalter wiki is responsible, respectful and lawful.

Psalter wiki Guidelines


You are encouraged to correct or add to editable pages that contain information. However, please respect the opinions of original authors of content. Only make changes to content created by others if it makes sense in the context (e.g. when recording roster swaps) or if you think that they would agree with the correction.

You are encouraged to express different points of view in discussion pages. New areas for discussion can be created by contacting [email protected] .

Protect your own privacy

Be mindful of posting information that you would not want the public to see. While the Psalter wiki is primarily intended for use within the Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation, some content is publically visible.

Respect Confidentiality

It is perfectly acceptable to publish factual information or opinions. However be careful not to publish confidential information. You must take proper care not to purposefully or inadvertently disclose any information that has been provided to you in confidence, or that may affect the privacy of other people. If you are unsure about the confidentiality of any information, consult the Communications Committee before publishing on the Psalter wiki.

Respect your audience

When engaging in discussions on the Psalter wiki, don't be afraid to be yourself, but do so respectfully. This includes not only the obvious (no ethnic slurs, offensive comments, defamatory comments, personal insults, obscenity, etc.) but also proper consideration of privacy and of topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory. If you are unsure, consult the Communications Committee before publishing on the Psalter wiki.

It is critical that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted material owned by others, including the Assembly’s Synod’s and GWUC’s own copyrights and brands. You should always attribute quotes or work to the original author/source. It is good general practice to link to others' work rather than reproduce it. If you are unsure, consult the Communications Committee before publishing on the Psalter wiki.

Be Honest

Do not use pseudonyms or false screen names. We believe in transparency and honesty. Use your real name; be clear who you are when engaging in discussion. Remember that the Psalter wiki keeps a record of who has created or edited content. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue, or misleading. If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, point it out.

PsalterPolicy (last edited 2017-11-19 03:22:30 by JohnHurst)