Link to CouncilAgenda20180725 > CouncilMinutes20180725

Presbytery meeting Report 23 July 2018

  1. Mission development committee report/Finance Committee
    • Presbytery called for requests for funding and the following congregations responded. After the Committees met the following were agreed:
    Applications for funding
    1. Dandenong Region Congregation (Mission, continued funding for Jason Kioa as Minister) – Recommend strong support 1st/4
    2. Officer/Pakenham Congregations (Mission, funding to for full time minister and part time youth worker) – Recommend strong support 2nd/4
    3. Karingal – Advised the call of a full time minister (Mission, funding for full time minister for the combined UCA & Lutheran congregation) 3rd/4

    4. Parkdale – Not able to speak with them before the presbytery meeting (Mission, funding for kids movie nights and carols by candlelight) 4th/4
    5. Pakenham Congregation Roof – (capital works) 1st/4
    Agreed that these applications and recommendations will be passed to Synod on Monday for resolution in August.
  2. Cultivating a New Future

    Synod’s equipping Leadership Ministry (eLM) unit has asked our Presbytery to review our human resources (staffing). It was decided to hire consultant Phil McCredden to carry out this review. In Stage One, congregations and ministers were asked to respond to a review. The outcome was that 50% of congregations responded and the review exposed cultural tensions on how the current presbytery teams function. Stage 2, Stream B proposed Presbytery Ministry Team Mod

    1. That the Presbytery adopt as its leadership model the Governance and Ministry Leadership Model as outlined in the Ecclesia Leadership Stage 2 Stream B Report.
    2. That this model form the basis of the staffing of the presbytery for five years from its implementation, (with a review to be conducted in the fourth year).
    3. That the model shape the formation of staff positions, recommendation for which will be brought to the Presbytery meeting of 15th August 2018.


Reported SusanKaroly