#acl All:read Link to > CouncilAgenda20171129 CouncilMinutes20171129 CommunityOutreach == OUTREACH Meeting 2 November 2017 == === Welcome. === Neil, Amy, Angel, Alanee === Apologies === Fairlie === Prayer === Neil === Minutes of the last meeting 3 August 2017 === affirmed minutes from last meeting. === Correspondence === * Africa Inland Mission * JIM Unit * Act for Peace * Asylum Seeker Resource Centre * This is to let you know that the Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible is now available in [[https://www.youversion.com/|YouVersion]]. (This was a COP a few years ago... Yay) === Speaker Requests: === * Hope from above - use aviation and technology to spread the gospel -Exploring it for a possible talk next year. * Christmas Bowl - for the next coming weeks before Christmas. We affirm our congregations regular giving towards Christmas bowl. === COP FOLLOW UP === From the Congregational meeting re COP<
> In essence I consider the present procedures for COP funding are rather messy at the margins, and quite confusing to members and to the selection panel.<
> I’m proposing that we should streamline the procedure as follows: * Bring the COP funding within the congregation accounts as an expense item or perhaps as a reserve fund. * When the annual budget is considered in February/March we should include an estimated amount for COP at least as much as the likely proceeds from the fete. * After the budget is agreed, have the selection panel call for submissions for COP, and prepare recommendations for the congregation for a total amount approximating the budget allocation. * At the mid-year congregation meeting approve the recommendations and amounts. * Make payments to the successful projects immediately following approval, rather than waiting until after the fete outcome is known. * Raise funds for the COP reserve through the fete and otherwise. Any surplus funds could be held in the reserve for the following year. Any shortfall could be covered by a small allocation from general funds. I am willing to raise the proposal at the next meeting of the Congregation.<
> Graeme Frecker We have submitted a outreach response to congregational meeting. === Material Aid Offering === * Sept GWUC Welfare * October none – fete * November In the bag. Personal items for homeless women. (frontier services initiative this month 19 Nov) * Empty Christmas Tree and Wesley food for families * Email office to confirm with Broadmeadows pick up of gifts. * Next year. * Cheltenham cat rescue - cat toys & blankets * Glen Waverley secondary - muesli bars === Forums === * November 26 Jess 5 Leaf lunch salads and sausages and bread * Chinese salad - Angel * Roast veg and spinach with feta - Al * Potato salad - Neil * Coleslaw - Amy * Fruit? TBC * Sign up sheet - Neil * Jess happy to be involved with service - Al to follow up with her re 9.15am & 11am * Next Year ??? We are going to be open for forum possibilities but not plan for the sake of planning. * Idea to book in regular times from May - but are flexible to change times to suit a wider audience. * ( Are aware of all the services, and events that clash and use space) * Example if welfare comes up again, we could tie it in with the material aid offering etc. HFA - option after their offer to come. * Looking out for new ideas and stories of organisations * Neil thought about - MAF fly outback, Papua N, East Timor, Medi vac, not for profits etc === Christmas puddings === Streat - it seems as though they are not selling them this year? But we will keep an eye out in the next few weeks. === Large Print TIS === Strathdon === Frontier Services. === Janinne Jackson – National Director Frontier Services visited Sunday Oct 15th report and fundraiser for November. Well received and Lunch with long term supporters went well. === Next year’s Walkathon === funds for whom SRI 360, split GWSC chaplaincy, GWSC breakfast, Intercultural ministry Cop funding - raised $5,000 for chaplaincy (yay) Thoughts to not split with intercultural ministry only as we see the focus as localised and with teenagers. Like building into sending kids on young life camps etc... Love to see the intercultural ministry under is own momentum building a fundraising initiative. === Next meeting === First Thursday in Feb 2018, time to be confirmed ( maybe dinner...dumplings) === Continue to look for new convenor. === * Neil is no longer convening as of this meetings end. * We accept Amy's offer to convene in the interim. * Neil has has been awesome. We will miss him and thank him for all he has done in his short three years as interim. * Neil responded that it has been a pleasure to be involved.