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Editor: JudyLowe
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= OUTREACH MISSIONAL GROUP MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2014 = #acl JudyLowe:read,write OutreachGroup:read,write All:read
#pragma section-numbers 2
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== 1. Apologies and Welcomes ==
'''In Attendance:'''<<BR>>
'''Apologies:''' Heather Wilkins (Grandmothering), Belinda Clear (holidays), Amy Spark (overseas at conferences)<<BR>>
'''Celebrations:''' Kivuli's Project Manager Isaac in Melbourne for a month (including his birthday)<<BR>>
== 2. DEVOTION ==
Line 10: Line 6:
=== Apologies and Welcomes ===
'''In Attendance:''' Andrew Hosking, Faye McDougall, Lyn McDonald, Fairlie Mackinnon, Kaye Mackinnon, Amy Spark, Judy Lowe, Alanee Hearnshaw, Jacob Davey<<BR>> '''Apologies:''' Heather Wilkins (Grandmothering), Belinda Clear (holidays), Robin Pope<<BR>> '''Welcome:''' Alan Barnard, Lynne Boyer<<BR>> '''Celebrations:''' Kivuli's Project Manager Isaac in Melbourne for a month (including his birthday)<<BR>>

=== DEVOTION ===
Line 12: Line 12:
We are called to turn the other cheek,<<BR>>
so we will seek to be vulnerable<<BR>>
In our lives of faith and service.<<BR>>
We are called to go the extra mile,<<BR>>
so we will walk with those around us<<BR>>
in the journeys of hope as well as fear.<<BR>>
We are called to love those who make that so hard<<BR>>
so we will rely on the One who loves us<<BR>>
to fill us with that special grace.<<BR>>
We are called to turn the other cheek,<<BR>> so we will seek to be vulnerable<<BR>> In our lives of faith and service.<<BR>> We are called to go the extra mile,<<BR>> so we will walk with those around us<<BR>> in the journeys of hope as well as fear.<<BR>> We are called to love those who make that so hard<<BR>> so we will rely on the One who loves us<<BR>> to fill us with that special grace.<<BR>> Amen.<<BR>>
Line 24: Line 15:
== 3. COG - BBQ FORUM (and Non BBQ Forums) ==
=== 4.1. COP 2014/15 ===
=== 4.2. Any further COP 2015 ===
=== 4.3. Asylum Seekers ===
=== 4.4. Baguia ===
=== 4.5. Ermera ===
=== 4.6 Monthly Outreach Offerings ===
=== 5.1. September 2014 Congregation Meeting ===
=== 5.2 Kenya Visit ===
=== 5.3 Pitjantnatjara Bible Translation Project ===
=== 5.4. Habitat - Brush with Kindness ===
=== 5.5. Free Spirit ===
=== 6.1. Church Council ===
=== 7.1. Additional Speakers for BBQ Forum ===
=== 7.2. Kivuli ===
=== 7.3. Operation Christmas Child ===
== 9. BLSEEING ==
Line 47: Line 16:
May the God - the Tree of Life - grant us the courage<<BR>>
to act for Justice in the life of those who are oppressed<<BR>>
and be continually nourished<<BR>>
to be the instruments and agents of Life Giving Peace.<<BR>>
Discussion followed.<<BR>>
Line 53: Line 18:
(Adapted from the Christian Conference of Asia)<<BR>>
Adapted by Heather Wilkins.
=== COG - BBQ FORUM (and Non BBQ Forums) ===
 * September Forum went well; people were very impressed with the speaker, Erin Wicking.<<BR>>
 * People were asked to present bills for expenses to Amy from all BBQ Forums that have been held.<<BR>>
 * At the BBQ Forum, Rohan cooked a vegetarian curry, as it had proved so popular at the Asian food night. Sausages (veg and non) and onions were also cooked.<<BR>>
 * Thanks again to Faye McDougall for 5 loaves of bread.<<BR>>
 * Winnie is ready to take over from Rohan in BBQ 5, March 2015, cooking the same as BBQ 4 dish. It was thought that variety is good, and at future Forums she be encouraged to cook Asian cuisine, which she does very well.<<BR>>
 * Rohan was acknowledged by Robin with a gift of a personal $50 book voucher. Thanks Robin. (Amy gave $50 to Judy to place in the office for Robin to collect for reimbursement.)<<BR>>
 * Kaye arranged advertising for the last Forum 3. The pink flyers given out on the day to remind people were a great idea. Thanks Kaye.<<BR>>
 * December 28 2014 Forum will be a COP information session by applicants, further to Congregation Meeting. Because only 2 recipients have so far responded positively to the invitation to attend, it was thought a good idea to show Bobbie's East Timor video. It is also hoped that even if recipients cannot attend they may be able to provide some material on their project. Pizza will be served. Andrew is investigating pizza shops in the area that are happy to offer us discounts.<<BR>>
 * Now that the Forums are so much more than a BBQ, it was felt appropriate to rename sessions "Lunch Forum."<<BR>>
 * Speakers at our Forums are thanked with a gift. It was felt this is very important to show our appreciation, but should not be seen as excessive.<<BR>>

==== COP 2014/15 ====
 * COP Selection Panel's recommendations, as approved by Congregation Meeting, for 2014 are included on the Wiki.<<BR>>
 * Letters of thanks were sent to all COP Selection Panel members to ensure they understand they did a good job.<<BR>>
 * COP Selection Panel Members were keen this year, but have declined to continue this role in 2015.<<BR>>

'''4.1.1. Comments/Criticisms raised about the project and funding decision process'''

 * Past COP Committee members, Alan, Lynne and Kaye spoke of their experiences on COP.<<BR>>
 * A letter from Eileen Scott detailing her thoughts and concerns about COP procedures and decisions was read out.<<BR>>
 * Extract from Church Council Minutes 17 March 2010 4.7. COP proposals for 2010 was tabled, and reads as follows:<<BR>>

''Proposal for Outreach MG to do this. The proposal was modified as follows:<<BR>> That the Outreach Missional Group be delegated the authority to:<<BR>> ''

 * ''call for COP submissions,<<BR>> ''
 * ''to select and oversee a COP committee, with members who have not sponsored projects, who will evaluate submissions<<BR>> ''
 * ''make recommendations to the Outreach Missional Group on the projects to be funded, and at what level;<<BR>> ''
 * ''select the recipients for presentation and recommendation to the Congregational meeting (without seeking Church Council approval).<<BR>> ''
 * ''Where there is a difference between the committee recommendations and the recommendations presented to the Congregation, both recommendations should be forwarded with an explanation as to why the Outreach Missional Group has revised them.<<BR>> ''
 * ''That all recipients must have a bank account and a nominated contact to receive any funds.<<BR>> ''
 * ''That the whole proceeds of the Fete fund COP.<<BR>> ''
 * ''That Church Council recommend:<<BR>> ''
 * ''projects should be chosen to reflect a balance between Local Community, State or National Community, and Global Community projects. Balance may be defined over the number of projects, or over the amount of funding of the projects, at the discretion of the committee.<<BR>> ''
 * ''preference has been given in the past to new projects, but there is now a feeling that we should be looking at building continuing relationships with previously supported projects.<<BR>> ''
 * ''that the selection process be completed by June each year to enable effective advertising for the Fete.<<BR>> ''

''Executive Ctte recommends: Council approve the suggested policies.<<BR>> Approved.''<<BR>>

'''4.1.2. Discussion'''

 * It was felt that the paperwork, guidelines and criteria for COP we have in place are good, and as a group we support the process; and we do follow the proposals of Church Council.<<BR>>
 * If submissions are incomplete they will be dismissed, with COP Committee following all criteria before reaching this decision.<<BR>>
 * The mix / balance of recipients can only be implemented if such projects apply for funds.<<BR>>
 * By continuing to fund a larger number of projects, this helps maintain good contact with the community.<<BR>>
 * Vitally important that we hear back from all groups to ensure money reaches destination and to see positive results from our funds.<<BR>>
 * All applicants must be interviewed to obtain a better understanding of the projects and it's needs. A thorough breakdown of funding to be supplied to enable COP Committee to decide how much to give if full funding is not possible. (Projects asking for a small amount are usually approved immediately and fully.)<<BR>>
 * Volunteers should be called to fill positions on future COP Committees to ensure interested / concerned individuals are given the opportunity to contribute. Having a group of 3 ensures no one view will override, and voting in decisions will give a clear outcome.<<BR>>
 * We felt as a group we have a good overview of the processes but we need to inform the Congregation of this. COP Criteria and guidelines, and Church Council proposal are all available on the Wiki also.<<BR>>
 * The COP Committee, under the umbrella of Outreach, is working on behalf of the congregation. There is a fundamental mandate in place, we belong in the process.<<BR>>
 * The results of this meeting should be published for the congregation, and also affirmation of the COP 2014 committee. They have had a huge responsibility and have followed all criteria and done their job well.<<BR>>
 * We need to move soon to form COP 2015.<<BR>>
 * see also 5.1 of Minutes.<<BR>>

==== Any further COP 2015 ====
 * Reviewing COP application process in light of previous discussion we felt it was good.<<BR>>
 * We need to report to next Congregation Meeting (24/11/14) outcomes of our discussions / resolutions.<<BR>>

==== Asylum Seekers ====
 * Seven people are on the Asylum Letter Writing campaign list. Still no-one has yet to receive a reply. Recent media coverage highlighted contact via islands as very sensitive. Will ask Robin at next meeting whether she has had any feedback from Julian Burnside.<<BR>>
 * Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network / Whitehorse Community Chest - letter of $100 thanks received by 8am Service for donation via Heather.<<BR>>
 * "Love makes a Way" - Adrian Greenwood facilitated this group. Alanee is arranging a date for him to talk at a GWUC 7pm service. She is waiting to hear back from Adrian.<<BR>>
 * Shipping container of books for Sri Lanka has been held over until 2015 at Rohan's request. They need to re-establish themselves in the community in 2014. Reading material to enhance English skills being sought, of no more than 1 ton. The Fete and Book Fair are happy to donate left over books.<<BR>>
 * Thanks received from Lentara for the tools and sewing machines received. (People gaining permanent residency are being taught to sew.) A request for more machines will be published in the future.<<BR>>

'''4.3.1. Part of Email from Lentara:'''

''From: M.Isah to Andrew Hosking 23/9/14 Subject Maintenance tools<<BR>> I also wanted to let you know that the staff at the Asylum Seeker Project are putting together a team for this year's Melbourne Marathon and would like to invite Lentara staff and volunteers to join them. The team have entrants in both the 3km walk and 5km running events, and will be fundraising to raise money for the ASP. We are also getting shirts made for those who are running to promote the ASP. If you would like to be a part of the team please email me by 5pm on Tuesday 24 September. If you do not wish to be a part of the run but would like to sponsor either the team or a colleague we will have information on making a donation once everyone is signed up. Date of Marathon Sunday 12 October 2014.''<<BR>>

==== Baguia ====
 * Musical instruments are on the way and should arrive by the end of October. The president of Friends of Baguia is flying across to meet the ship in Dili, and escort the goods to Baguia.<<BR>>
 * Books and tools left over from the fete would be welcome.<<BR>>

==== Ermera ====
 * No news.<<BR>>

==== Monthly Outreach Offerings ====
 * The issue of our previous suggestion to have monthly offerings for outreach organizations was agreed to by the Ministry Team, but they need a calendar of this. It was hoped that offerings could be positioned to reflect the time of year, and what is going on at that time; eg. operation shoe box later in the year to lead into Christmas.<<BR>>

==== September 2014 Congregation Meeting ====
 * Concerns raised about the feel of the Congregation Meeting have been conveyed along with Inclusive Missional Group (Jan Clear) to the parties concerned in a sensitive manner. Concerns included:<<BR>>
 * It is inappropriate to squeeze meeting to a shortened time to encourage people to attend; matters of importance are brought up for the congregation at these meetings.<<BR>>
 * Timing of the meetings should be reconsidered, eg. after a combined service go to lunch and start meeting during lunch?<<BR>>
 * Missional Group reports are needed at each meeting to keep congregation informed.<<BR>>
 * Presentation of COP recommendations should be led by Outreach Co-ordinator.<<BR>>
 * No discussion on projects should be allowed until all recommendations are presented.<<BR>>
 * It needs to be emphasised to the congregation that COP Selection Panel makes a recommendation based on ALL Project applications, therefore discussion by members re. one project more deserving than another is inappropriate.<<BR>>
 * Managing of the COP Process has been delegated to Outreach Missional Group, therefore inappropriate for Meeting Chairman to make decisions or recommendations.<<BR>>

Outreach members were asked to think about these concerns, also taking into account thoughts raised by discussion in 4.1.1. and 4.1.2., with a view to possibly raising points of concern with Congregation Chair (and / or Church Council) next year. To be discussed at the next Outreach meeting.<<BR>>

==== Kenya Visit ====
 * Isaac, from Kivuli Project, welcomed at 9:15 and 11:00am Services 14 September. Matter encouraged by Rev.Neil P.<<BR>>
 * Lyn, Pam and Isaac (Kivuli) held a Kenya information night on Friday 26 September, that was very well received.<<BR>>

==== Pitjantnatjara Bible Translation Project ====
 * Paul Eckert is awaiting contact from GWUC; then video connection will take place. With Warren unwell at present, someone else will need to contact Paul.<<BR>>

==== Habitat - Brush with Kindness ====
 * No news to report on BWK.<<BR>>

==== Free Spirit ====
 * Free Spirit to perform at GWUC in October. They sing at 9:15 service on the 4th Sunday.<<BR>>
 * Talk of making another CD.<<BR>>

==== Church Council ====
 * Jacob spoke of C.C. visions for the future.<<BR>>
 * Missional Groups are all part of the one, so perhaps every 3 - 4 months all groups could have a joint meeting.<<BR>>
 * As part of faith development for the children, perhaps they could write to children as part of the Asylum Seeker Writing Group. Heather to be asked about this possibility.<<BR>>
 * C.C. discussed what the future Ministry team might look like with the departure of Belinda, and the future of 4:30 services. Continuing her work was seen as most important.<<BR>>
 * To have more focus on our Outreach, should we be encouraging / formalizing / supporting our relationships with Monash Council, local businesses, Chinese celebrations etc?

==== Additional Speakers for BBQ Forum ====
 * Dee and Dan Rutherford (Kivuli Project) have been confirmed for 21st June 2015.<<BR>>
 * Next year, BBQ Forum could include local speakers. Everyone to think of who we could ask.<<BR>>

==== Kivuli ====
 * Kivuli Trivia Night Saturday 4 October, all welcome. Isaac, Project manager will be present.<<BR>>
 * Isaac's visit to Melbourne going well.<<BR>>

==== Operation Christmas Child ====
 * Notices are to go out shortly.<<BR>>

Next meeting will be held at GWUC Room 4, 7:45pm, Thursday 6 November 2014.<<BR>>

=== BLESSING ===
May the God - the Tree of Life - grant us the courage<<BR>> to act for Justice in the life of those who are oppressed<<BR>> and be continually nourished<<BR>> to be the instruments and agents of Life Giving Peace.<<BR>> Amen<<BR>>

(Adapted from the Christian Conference of Asia)<<BR>> Adapted by Heather Wilkins.


Meeting held at 7:45pm Thursday 2 October in Room 4 at GWUC

1. Apologies and Welcomes

In Attendance: Andrew Hosking, Faye McDougall, Lyn McDonald, Fairlie Mackinnon, Kaye Mackinnon, Amy Spark, Judy Lowe, Alanee Hearnshaw, Jacob Davey
Apologies: Heather Wilkins (Grandmothering), Belinda Clear (holidays), Robin Pope
Welcome: Alan Barnard, Lynne Boyer
Celebrations: Kivuli's Project Manager Isaac in Melbourne for a month (including his birthday)


(Thom Schuman)

We are called to turn the other cheek,
so we will seek to be vulnerable
In our lives of faith and service.
We are called to go the extra mile,
so we will walk with those around us
in the journeys of hope as well as fear.
We are called to love those who make that so hard
so we will rely on the One who loves us
to fill us with that special grace.

(Heather Wilkins library content)

Discussion followed.

3. COG - BBQ FORUM (and Non BBQ Forums)

  • September Forum went well; people were very impressed with the speaker, Erin Wicking.

  • People were asked to present bills for expenses to Amy from all BBQ Forums that have been held.

  • At the BBQ Forum, Rohan cooked a vegetarian curry, as it had proved so popular at the Asian food night. Sausages (veg and non) and onions were also cooked.

  • Thanks again to Faye McDougall for 5 loaves of bread.

  • Winnie is ready to take over from Rohan in BBQ 5, March 2015, cooking the same as BBQ 4 dish. It was thought that variety is good, and at future Forums she be encouraged to cook Asian cuisine, which she does very well.

  • Rohan was acknowledged by Robin with a gift of a personal $50 book voucher. Thanks Robin. (Amy gave $50 to Judy to place in the office for Robin to collect for reimbursement.)

  • Kaye arranged advertising for the last Forum 3. The pink flyers given out on the day to remind people were a great idea. Thanks Kaye.

  • December 28 2014 Forum will be a COP information session by applicants, further to Congregation Meeting. Because only 2 recipients have so far responded positively to the invitation to attend, it was thought a good idea to show Bobbie's East Timor video. It is also hoped that even if recipients cannot attend they may be able to provide some material on their project. Pizza will be served. Andrew is investigating pizza shops in the area that are happy to offer us discounts.

  • Now that the Forums are so much more than a BBQ, it was felt appropriate to rename sessions "Lunch Forum."

  • Speakers at our Forums are thanked with a gift. It was felt this is very important to show our appreciation, but should not be seen as excessive.


4.1. COP 2014/15

  • COP Selection Panel's recommendations, as approved by Congregation Meeting, for 2014 are included on the Wiki.

  • Letters of thanks were sent to all COP Selection Panel members to ensure they understand they did a good job.

  • COP Selection Panel Members were keen this year, but have declined to continue this role in 2015.

4.1.1. Comments/Criticisms raised about the project and funding decision process

  • Past COP Committee members, Alan, Lynne and Kaye spoke of their experiences on COP.

  • A letter from Eileen Scott detailing her thoughts and concerns about COP procedures and decisions was read out.

  • Extract from Church Council Minutes 17 March 2010 4.7. COP proposals for 2010 was tabled, and reads as follows:

Proposal for Outreach MG to do this. The proposal was modified as follows:
That the Outreach Missional Group be delegated the authority to:

  • call for COP submissions,

  • to select and oversee a COP committee, with members who have not sponsored projects, who will evaluate submissions

  • make recommendations to the Outreach Missional Group on the projects to be funded, and at what level;

  • select the recipients for presentation and recommendation to the Congregational meeting (without seeking Church Council approval).

  • Where there is a difference between the committee recommendations and the recommendations presented to the Congregation, both recommendations should be forwarded with an explanation as to why the Outreach Missional Group has revised them.

  • That all recipients must have a bank account and a nominated contact to receive any funds.

  • That the whole proceeds of the Fete fund COP.

  • That Church Council recommend:

  • projects should be chosen to reflect a balance between Local Community, State or National Community, and Global Community projects. Balance may be defined over the number of projects, or over the amount of funding of the projects, at the discretion of the committee.

  • preference has been given in the past to new projects, but there is now a feeling that we should be looking at building continuing relationships with previously supported projects.

  • that the selection process be completed by June each year to enable effective advertising for the Fete.

Executive Ctte recommends: Council approve the suggested policies.

4.1.2. Discussion

  • It was felt that the paperwork, guidelines and criteria for COP we have in place are good, and as a group we support the process; and we do follow the proposals of Church Council.

  • If submissions are incomplete they will be dismissed, with COP Committee following all criteria before reaching this decision.

  • The mix / balance of recipients can only be implemented if such projects apply for funds.

  • By continuing to fund a larger number of projects, this helps maintain good contact with the community.

  • Vitally important that we hear back from all groups to ensure money reaches destination and to see positive results from our funds.

  • All applicants must be interviewed to obtain a better understanding of the projects and it's needs. A thorough breakdown of funding to be supplied to enable COP Committee to decide how much to give if full funding is not possible. (Projects asking for a small amount are usually approved immediately and fully.)

  • Volunteers should be called to fill positions on future COP Committees to ensure interested / concerned individuals are given the opportunity to contribute. Having a group of 3 ensures no one view will override, and voting in decisions will give a clear outcome.

  • We felt as a group we have a good overview of the processes but we need to inform the Congregation of this. COP Criteria and guidelines, and Church Council proposal are all available on the Wiki also.

  • The COP Committee, under the umbrella of Outreach, is working on behalf of the congregation. There is a fundamental mandate in place, we belong in the process.

  • The results of this meeting should be published for the congregation, and also affirmation of the COP 2014 committee. They have had a huge responsibility and have followed all criteria and done their job well.

  • We need to move soon to form COP 2015.

  • see also 5.1 of Minutes.

4.2. Any further COP 2015

  • Reviewing COP application process in light of previous discussion we felt it was good.

  • We need to report to next Congregation Meeting (24/11/14) outcomes of our discussions / resolutions.

4.3. Asylum Seekers

  • Seven people are on the Asylum Letter Writing campaign list. Still no-one has yet to receive a reply. Recent media coverage highlighted contact via islands as very sensitive. Will ask Robin at next meeting whether she has had any feedback from Julian Burnside.

  • Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network / Whitehorse Community Chest - letter of $100 thanks received by 8am Service for donation via Heather.

  • "Love makes a Way" - Adrian Greenwood facilitated this group. Alanee is arranging a date for him to talk at a GWUC 7pm service. She is waiting to hear back from Adrian.

  • Shipping container of books for Sri Lanka has been held over until 2015 at Rohan's request. They need to re-establish themselves in the community in 2014. Reading material to enhance English skills being sought, of no more than 1 ton. The Fete and Book Fair are happy to donate left over books.

  • Thanks received from Lentara for the tools and sewing machines received. (People gaining permanent residency are being taught to sew.) A request for more machines will be published in the future.

4.3.1. Part of Email from Lentara:

From: M.Isah to Andrew Hosking 23/9/14 Subject Maintenance tools
I also wanted to let you know that the staff at the Asylum Seeker Project are putting together a team for this year's Melbourne Marathon and would like to invite Lentara staff and volunteers to join them. The team have entrants in both the 3km walk and 5km running events, and will be fundraising to raise money for the ASP. We are also getting shirts made for those who are running to promote the ASP. If you would like to be a part of the team please email me by 5pm on Tuesday 24 September. If you do not wish to be a part of the run but would like to sponsor either the team or a colleague we will have information on making a donation once everyone is signed up. Date of Marathon Sunday 12 October 2014.

4.4. Baguia

  • Musical instruments are on the way and should arrive by the end of October. The president of Friends of Baguia is flying across to meet the ship in Dili, and escort the goods to Baguia.

  • Books and tools left over from the fete would be welcome.

4.5. Ermera

  • No news.

4.6. Monthly Outreach Offerings

  • The issue of our previous suggestion to have monthly offerings for outreach organizations was agreed to by the Ministry Team, but they need a calendar of this. It was hoped that offerings could be positioned to reflect the time of year, and what is going on at that time; eg. operation shoe box later in the year to lead into Christmas.


5.1. September 2014 Congregation Meeting

  • Concerns raised about the feel of the Congregation Meeting have been conveyed along with Inclusive Missional Group (Jan Clear) to the parties concerned in a sensitive manner. Concerns included:

  • It is inappropriate to squeeze meeting to a shortened time to encourage people to attend; matters of importance are brought up for the congregation at these meetings.

  • Timing of the meetings should be reconsidered, eg. after a combined service go to lunch and start meeting during lunch?

  • Missional Group reports are needed at each meeting to keep congregation informed.

  • Presentation of COP recommendations should be led by Outreach Co-ordinator.

  • No discussion on projects should be allowed until all recommendations are presented.

  • It needs to be emphasised to the congregation that COP Selection Panel makes a recommendation based on ALL Project applications, therefore discussion by members re. one project more deserving than another is inappropriate.

  • Managing of the COP Process has been delegated to Outreach Missional Group, therefore inappropriate for Meeting Chairman to make decisions or recommendations.

Outreach members were asked to think about these concerns, also taking into account thoughts raised by discussion in 4.1.1. and 4.1.2., with a view to possibly raising points of concern with Congregation Chair (and / or Church Council) next year. To be discussed at the next Outreach meeting.

5.2. Kenya Visit

  • Isaac, from Kivuli Project, welcomed at 9:15 and 11:00am Services 14 September. Matter encouraged by Rev.Neil P.

  • Lyn, Pam and Isaac (Kivuli) held a Kenya information night on Friday 26 September, that was very well received.

5.3. Pitjantnatjara Bible Translation Project

  • Paul Eckert is awaiting contact from GWUC; then video connection will take place. With Warren unwell at present, someone else will need to contact Paul.

5.4. Habitat - Brush with Kindness

  • No news to report on BWK.

5.5. Free Spirit

  • Free Spirit to perform at GWUC in October. They sing at 9:15 service on the 4th Sunday.

  • Talk of making another CD.


6.1. Church Council

  • Jacob spoke of C.C. visions for the future.

  • Missional Groups are all part of the one, so perhaps every 3 - 4 months all groups could have a joint meeting.

  • As part of faith development for the children, perhaps they could write to children as part of the Asylum Seeker Writing Group. Heather to be asked about this possibility.

  • C.C. discussed what the future Ministry team might look like with the departure of Belinda, and the future of 4:30 services. Continuing her work was seen as most important.

  • To have more focus on our Outreach, should we be encouraging / formalizing / supporting our relationships with Monash Council, local businesses, Chinese celebrations etc?


7.1. Additional Speakers for BBQ Forum

  • Dee and Dan Rutherford (Kivuli Project) have been confirmed for 21st June 2015.

  • Next year, BBQ Forum could include local speakers. Everyone to think of who we could ask.

7.2. Kivuli

  • Kivuli Trivia Night Saturday 4 October, all welcome. Isaac, Project manager will be present.

  • Isaac's visit to Melbourne going well.

7.3. Operation Christmas Child

  • Notices are to go out shortly.


Next meeting will be held at GWUC Room 4, 7:45pm, Thursday 6 November 2014.


May the God - the Tree of Life - grant us the courage
to act for Justice in the life of those who are oppressed
and be continually nourished
to be the instruments and agents of Life Giving Peace.

(Adapted from the Christian Conference of Asia)
Adapted by Heather Wilkins.

OutreachMinutes201410 (last edited 2014-10-27 08:13:36 by FayeMcDougall)