Announcement of New Service Structures
all morning services, 19 Sep 2010
Drift in numbers
- - esp 9am
Recognize two issues:
- Different styles
- Ownership of times
Little disagreement on 1, much angst on 2.
Council has decided on 1:
- - meditative service - traditional service - children and families service - youth service - contemporary, experimental service
For the last, we have settled upon "Fresh Expressions"
- - information sessions have been held - Alanee currently visiting churches in the UK to see FE at first hand - Council is excited about the possibilities - no time here to tell you about it - targets the "unchurched" with church needs
Timetable has been set
- - 21 Nov is last 9am service in the current format - Dec/Jan is single morning service (10 or 11) - 2 Feb is first new 9:30 Fresh Expressions service - 8, 11, 4:30, 7 will remain
Re ownership, we need to approach the issue with sensitivity, openness, compassion
- - openness to new ideas - sensitivity to the needs of others - compassion for the deep feelings of loss of ownership - discharge these through discussion, congregational meeting 22 Nov