#acl NeilSkilton:read,write All:read == Musical Instruments for Asylum Seekers == For some years, GWUC agreed to act as a drop-off centre for a program of collecting unwanted musical instruments for use in music teaching programs in immigration detention centres, in our case, Maribyrnong and MITA (Melbourne Immigration Transit Accomodation) Broadmeadows. As of Jan 2015, we were advised that guitars are still very welcome - they are stocked up with other instruments. Fortunately guitars are the most popular donated instruments. In Jan 2023, we were advised "With the change in government and other issues, the program is currently only running in New South Wales." For details of the program, please see MusicalInstrumentsForRefugees NeilSkilton has agreed to act as contact, hold the instruments, and take them to the centres when appropriate. ##To resurrect the details for this, revert this page to a previous version.