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Mission Pilot Process

Description from Presbytery

The Mission Cultivation Process is a twelve-month process for congregations to learn about new ways of being in mission through action learning – taking on a new initiative and learning from the experience. This involves a process of missional cultural change designed to assist congregations to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the post-Christendom context in Australia.

The Presbytery is seeking to identify three congregations for this first round of mission pilots, with subsequent rounds from mid-2020. Congregations are invited to submit expressions of interest to participate in the project by 31 August, 2019. The Port Phillip East Presbytery *Cultivating a New Future* Process includes a strategic priority to develop a small number of Congregational Mission Pilots in 2019 and 2020.

A brochure and introductory video are available here:

Glen Waverley consideration

I strongly support an application to be part of the Mission Pilot Project.
I like the opening sentence to the invitation, ‘An invitation to discernment, learning and action in local mission.’

From the Invitation I highlighted,
- community connection, both a fresh look and new relationships
- reimagining what it means to be church shaped for mission in our context
- learn about expressing faith as good news in word and deed with people in our community.

From the Mission Cultivation Gauge I highlighted,
- deepening discipleship practices as a congregation
- team building and team learning (Ministry team and others)
- discernment, listening to God’s Spirit.
- risk taking and experimentation 

I see the project as an opportunity to build on and expand what we are doing, particularly with the Asian community.
I particularly like the emphasis on sharing and deepening of faith

Perhaps our project could be development of the Chinese Fellowship

seeking to participate fully
 marrying discipleship and mission in a focussed and thoughtful way in a process shared with the presbytery team. 
 involve the wider  congregation with a highly committed pilot team ensuring it is an inclusive project.  
Two possible areas immediately occur to me: working on faith development and with the Chinese fellowship (this could also be part of a wider task). 
