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Editor: DavidMorgan
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Editor: DavidMorgan
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=== Description form Presbytery === === Description from Presbytery ===
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 * AlisonClarkson wrote:
I strongly support an application to be part of the Mission Pilot Project.
I like the opening sentence to the invitation, ‘An invitation to discernment, learning and action in local mission.’

From the Invitation I highlighted,
- community connection, both a fresh look and new relationships
- reimagining what it means to be church shaped for mission in our context
- learn about expressing faith as good news in word and deed with people in our community.

From the Mission Cultivation Gauge I highlighted,
- deepening discipleship practices as a congregation
- team building and team learning (Ministry team and others)
- discernment, listening to God’s Spirit.
- risk taking and experimentation

I see the project as an opportunity to build on and expand what we are doing, particularly with the Asian community.
I particularly like the emphasis on sharing and deepening of faith

Perhaps our project could be development of the Chinese Fellowship

Link to ChurchCouncil >

Mission Pilot Process

Description from Presbytery

The Mission Cultivation Process is a twelve-month process for congregations to learn about new ways of being in mission through action learning – taking on a new initiative and learning from the experience. This involves a process of missional cultural change designed to assist congregations to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the post-Christendom context in Australia.

The Presbytery is seeking to identify three congregations for this first round of mission pilots, with subsequent rounds from mid-2020. Congregations are invited to submit expressions of interest to participate in the project by 31 August, 2019. The Port Phillip East Presbytery *Cultivating a New Future* Process includes a strategic priority to develop a small number of Congregational Mission Pilots in 2019 and 2020.

A brochure and introductory video are available here: https://www.ucappep.org/being-presbytery/mission-pilot-process/

Glen Waverley consideration

  • Considered at July 2019 Council meeting

  • NeilPeters commented:

    • After looking at the video on the Presbytery website the following things stood out for me.
      This is about shaping the culture of a congregation.
      Looking at the vitality of our congregation as a community of disciples.
      This is connecting discipleship and Mission
      Do you want to take a risk.  Not pretend to do something.
      Looking at how we function as a leadership team.
      These are all things that excite me about this process.  I also feel that both Alanee and myself should be members of the group who do the project work.
      If others are up to the challenge and opportunity, so am I.
      John Hurst spoke to me.  He hopes that church council will express interest in the Mission Pilot process.  John has expressed interest in being part of the group for the 12 month project.  Whether it includes John or not I think the group should have some from church council and some members of the congregation. It needs to be people committed to doing the work.
  • DavidFraser prepared a diagram.

    • DavidFraserMissionProjectDiagram.jpg

  • AlisonClarkson wrote:

I strongly support an application to be part of the Mission Pilot Project.
I like the opening sentence to the invitation, ‘An invitation to discernment, learning and action in local mission.’

From the Invitation I highlighted,
- community connection, both a fresh look and new relationships
- reimagining what it means to be church shaped for mission in our context
- learn about expressing faith as good news in word and deed with people in our community.

From the Mission Cultivation Gauge I highlighted,
- deepening discipleship practices as a congregation
- team building and team learning (Ministry team and others)
- discernment, listening to God’s Spirit.
- risk taking and experimentation 

I see the project as an opportunity to build on and expand what we are doing, particularly with the Asian community.
I particularly like the emphasis on sharing and deepening of faith

Perhaps our project could be development of the Chinese Fellowship

MissionPilotProcess (last edited 2020-09-26 11:52:59 by DavidMorgan)