#acl Known:read,write All:read = Glen Waverley Uniting Church = = Ministry Team Report to Congregation Meeting = Monday 21st March 2011 This is the first opportunity of the new Ministry Team to present a report to the congregation. As the congregation is aware the team commenced working together at the beginning of February, and Rosemary’s Induction into the Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation was held on Tuesday 8th February 2011. The Ministry Team consists of Alanee Hearnshaw (Youth Ministry (Full time)) Alison Clarkson (Ministry to Seniors coordinator (Part-time up to 7hours per week)), Deborah Davey (Children and Families ministry coordinator (P/T - 8 hours/week), Greg Fry (MOW (F/T)) and Rosemary Carter (MOW (F/T)). This report does not contain details of all the events and activities that have occurred since August 2010. Rather it is to give a picture of where the team is at and some of the hopes for the future. It is my privilege to present the Ministry Team Report to the congregation. I would like to express my thanks to you all for your welcome. It is 7 weeks tomorrow since I commenced here. I am very aware that it is very early days in ministry here, and that most of you know little about me or about my background and experience in ministry, particularly because I have spent the past five years of ministry in an agency of the Uniting Church, !UnitingCare Moreland Hall, located in the Coburg area and specifically working with people who have substance use (alcohol and other drug) related issues, and their families and friends. Prior to that I came from South Australia, where I had been in ministry in congregations with team ministries. While I have a previous background in nursing, social work and parenting(!) My particular ministry desires are to see communities of Jesus’ people growing and thriving in love for each other and the world in which we live, to enable people to catch a glimpse of the big picture of God’s love, and to develop creative ways of living that love. Some of this involves the way we worship. Much more involves how we live lovingly. That’s enough about me. While the new Ministry Team has been getting to know each other, planning together, learning each other’s strengths and abilities and seeking to plan ahead for 2011 and beyond, it has been emotionally hard: * Ineke Gyles, much loved by many, concluded her long supply ministry and entered retirement * Bereavements have had a significant impact on the Ministry Team in this short 7 weeks. Brian Clarkson’s death, Rosemary’s aunty, and most recently Alanee’s housemate and close friend, Jacky, all take an emotional toll. * the 9:30am changes of service time and styles coincided with the commencement of the school year, and by coincidence the beginning of Rosemary’s placement. This has been very time-intensive for both Greg and Rosemary, and for people who have enthusiastically taken up the challenge to plan each week, at this point. * Debbie Davey was to conclude at the end of January, but thankfully agreed to continue to the end April in Children’s and Family ministry. The Ministry Team is looking to work strategically and healthily together. It seeks to meet weekly to identify, discuss and address the directions and tasks that have some immediacy. * spent 2 days planning together in February considering the various aspects of the congregation’s life together to enable the team to begin working together well. * intends to meet soon for an opportunity to attend to identify, explore and develop strategies to assist each of us in our particular responsibilities and for the overall development of the congregation There are a few specifics to which the Ministry Team would like to draw your attention. Children and Families Debbie Davey – concludes in this position at end of April, and will officially finish in her role just after Easter. The Ministry Team (F/T) is meeting with the 4.30 Planning Team and the Children's and Families Support group in the next fortnight to discuss the future directions for Children and Family ministry. Recommendations from this discussion will be brought to the April Church Council meeting for discussion, decision and future direction. The Ministry Team would like express our heartfelt thanks to Debbie for stepping into this role at a difficult time and for her dedication and love for the Children and Families of this congregation and those who are beyond our congregation. (Please see the full Children and Family Ministry report) Pastoral Ministry The Ministry Team thanks the Pastoral Team for all that they do to ensure that pastoral needs of the congregation are addressed and keep us alert to those particular concerns and needs that may require our involvement. It has been invaluable to have people who enhance the pastoral ministry for the congregation especially in times of serious illness and bereavement. Youth Ministry Please see the Youth and Young Adult Report to the February Church Council AlaneeReport201102 for a summary of celebrations for the end of 2010 and start of 2011, and some of the plans for 2011. There is a lot happening amongst youth and young adults with home groups, youth services, conferences and events and leadership training being offered for the Presbytery and GWUC. It has, however, been a tough start for 2011 with Brian’s death being keenly felt. Please uphold Alanee, and Joel, in particular as they also struggle with the death of their close friend this week. Worship GWUC is a very diverse congregation where no one style of worship fully expresses the relationship with God and with each other. It is blessed in being able to offer such intentional variety that is just not possible for so many other congregations. The Ministry Team does recognise the struggles for people for who particular aspects are really important. We need a time of grace, where people are patient as we all adapt to the changes to in worship, especially when we have people who find change difficult and others who are excited by the changes. So, we ask for your prayers and loving support, for the whole existing body and for those that we do not yet know, as together we seek to be the “faithful, Christ-centered community that meets God and shares that unconditional love” we are called to be. See http://www.outofur.com/upload/2008/06/cartoonchurchplex.jpg Seniors’ Ministry As everyone is aware it has been a very difficult beginning of 2011 for Alison. However, the various ways of engaging and caring for Seniors both within the existing congregation and beyond continues well with a variety of people sharing in the worship opportunities in different locations, and with the attentive pastoral support of many people. Report prepared by Reverend Rosemary Carter on behalf of the Ministry Team 21st March 2011