#acl All:read Link to CouncilAgenda20210621 > CouncilMinutes20210621 > MinistryTeam == MINISTRY TEAM REPORT June 2021 == === Neil’s Report === Lynn and I had a lovely break during my long service leave visiting regional Victoria. We were prevented from spending time with Lynn’s family as planned in Canberra and Sydney due to the lockdown in Victoria. I am very thankful to the ministry team and the Rev Ineke Gyles for their great work during my absence. Ineke has gone above the call of duty to arrange the thanksgiving service for Bernard Shanahan in which Ineke and I shared in on Thursday 17 June. Since returning I have again joined in leading the live stream worship. There have been meetings and I have tried to catch up on some pastoral matters. I have had my annual visit to the cardiologist and he was happy with my health from his perspective. So that was pleasing. “I need to keep doing what I am doing” were his words. While away I sensed that my eye sight may have deteriorated. I arranged to visit an optometrist and my GP. I had it confirmed that my eye sight has deteriorated. It seems that I will need cataract surgery on both eyes. I see a specialist at the end of June. In the coming week I will catch up on the Code of Ethics session that I missed while away. Neil