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Neil’s Report

I continue to feel quite well following surgery in October. My surgeon has said it might be three months before I return to normal. I think the two hiccups stretched by full recovery period. Thanks to the ministry team, church council and members of the congregation for their support and concern.

I believe that the ministry team continues to work well together. This in part is due to an appreciation and respect for each person’s gifts and skills that we each bring to the team and a respect for our different areas of ministry.

Advent and Christmas seemed to go very well. The team worked with the theme of “a thrill of hope” which was supported by sub-themes all taken from ‘O holy night’. The living nativity was a highlight. Many families and young people attended and the live animals were a hit. The feedback from the service was very positive. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services were also well received and well attended. The positive responses are encouraging for the team who put in a big effort for Advent and Christmas. We were able to have Di very involved at the Christmas Eve family service. The Seniors carols service was well attended and also well received. It has also been lovely to share with members in the end of year break up events. Uniting Voices led a service of carols and lessons. Free Spirit visited two nursing homes and made themselves available on Christmas morning 8.30 as did John Colvin at 10 am on Christmas Day. We are also grateful to the tech team and the musicians. We are indeed a blessed congregation.

I had the privilege of leading and preaching at the GWUC Indonesian Fellowship Christmas celebration as well as a week later preaching at the combined Indonesian Christmas celebration with about 300 in attendance. The consul general attended both and spoke well. At the combined service the President of the Victorian Islamic Council spoke and was quite inspiring.

The Remembrance service was a special night with 90 in attendance and a lovely time of fellowship afterwards.

I met with Sheila and Angel to review the multi-lingual English Class and the Chinese Fellowship. Please see my separate report of this important meeting.

I had a meeting with John Muir who wanted to raise an idea with me. He is very concerned with the impact of the drought on farming families and farming communities. He hears others in the congregation expressing concern as well. He wants to do something that will make a real difference over time. His idea was to set aside three months of our open plate offering and direct it through Share or Frontier Services to support drought relief work. His view was that a one of gift is not enough. We could also work with our broadcast partner churches. I feel there would be support in the congregation for supporting a drought initiative, whether it is this or something else.

I am consulting with the Treasurer and the Outreach Missional Group and might bring a proposal to council along the lines of a retiring offering on the last Sunday of each month alternating between drought relief and the bushfire relief work.

Alanee and I have facilitated conversations with the 4.30 gathering community and the 5.30 service community. LynnPeters has stepped aside from the kids’ program at 4.30 which has prompted looking at what the future might look like. The consensus among both groups was that we bring these communities together for a 5 pm service beginning 9th Feb 2020 and that the traditional 4.30 meal follow the service and it be open to others to join them. This will increase numbers which I think will encourage further growth. It will be a more strategic use of the ministry team resource. The church council needs to approve this arrangement as council is responsible for determining worship times.

I have taken some leave in January and hope it will be a refreshing time.

Neil Peters

Di’s Report

It was a joy to be involved in the excitement of Christmas at the Church. Munch with a Bunch was a wonderful celebration with great entertainment from Free Spirit. The Indonesian Christmas Service and meal was again, excellent and it was great to be able to share with our Indonesian friends. I delivered flyers on a very cold and wet day, but it is good to be able to spread the good news of our activities with our near neighbours. I was delighted to be able to join with the UCAF for their meeting and to chair the elections at their AGM. This meeting was followed by a shared Christmas lunch, most enjoyable.

I attended the funeral of Barbara Higgins and it was a blessing to able to share in the celebration of her life. I had a meeting with Rev Anneke Oppewal to see what I am up to and to be assured of the assistance of Presbytery if needed. I have also met again with Craig Mitchell; as we continue to sort through a way forward for the Lay Preachers Association in our Presbytery.

I enjoyed the HUB Christmas morning tea, we are fortunate to have such amazing and willing workers to make these morning teas such a success. We also enjoyed HUB with our Mount View Primary friends. We made Christmas crafts and shared stories and food. Some of our friends are moving on to Forest Hill Secondary this year. The Seniors Christmas service went well and the carols and afternoon tea were appreciated. Thanks to all who give their time and talent, especially Free Spirit, to make these services such a great success. I was delighted to be invited to the Leisure Time Christmas Break Up, which was a lovely lunch. I enjoyed sharing carols and a message/story for a Christmas reflection and I am grateful to Matthew Boldiston for playing the key board for the Carols. The Aqua Fish breakup was an enjoyable night and it was good to donate money collected on the night to help some needy causes.

I have attended the induction of Rev Ann Simons at Hampton and Rev Tawk Kap at Chelsea, it is good to be able to welcome these ministers into their new Churches and it is certainly a great new beginning for the Churches.

It was good to be able to share with Neil in the 5:30 service on Christmas Eve. I enjoyed the challenge of being an Angel and the message we were able to share with the Children and Families. I also enjoyed the 11:30 service organised by Alanee and the young people, it was good to share in Communion at this service.

We have had a number of people in hospital. Some of them are still in hospital but many are well on the road to recovery. Visiting people in hospital, nursing homes, or at home or making phone calls to see how they a travelling is an important way to keep our people connected into the Church.

I have attended GOMER and have had supervision and Spiritual Direction.

Di Paterson

Pastoral Care.

ACTION Church Council endorses the ceasing of the 4.30pm gathering and the 5.30 pm service and from 9th February 2020 a new 5 pm service will commence. That church council gives thanks to God for the life, pastoral care, community building and faith development offered through the 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm services.

NB. A possible proposal for a retiring offering on the last Sunday of the month alternating between Drought relief and bushfire relief.

MinistryTeamReport202001 (last edited 2020-01-23 10:02:16 by DavidMorgan)