Link to CouncilAgenda20190327 > CouncilMinutes20190327


Neil’s Report

The last month, like other months, has presented needs, opportunities and challenges for exercising ministry. I continue to serve with energy and enthusiasm knowing that I have the support of colleagues, an office team, church council, the congregation and God’s Spirit is with us all.

We have gently been introducing some changes at 9.15 worship. We have used a specific kid’s song and I have not worn my alb. My plan is to wear my alb and stole just for communion and baptisms at 9.15. Alanee and I are committed to intentionally developing this service.

I attended the World Day of Prayer service at GWUC. The Ash Wednesday service was significant for those who attended.

I attended a Presbytery Code of Ethics session which was on ‘professionalism’. I found this to be one of the better sessions with good, healthy conversations in my group.

I have led services celebrating the lives of Ross Lennon and Clarrie Paterson. Ross made a significant contribution over decades at this congregation. His contribution was significant in the area of property development and maintenance. Ross and Beverly were active in the life of the congregation.

I have met with my support group and my supervisor.

A highlight of the month was bringing a message at the first Chinese Fellowship gathering. There were 19 people attending from the local Chinese community who participated with enthusiasm. We are blessed to have Sheila and Angel heading up this ministry opportunity.

Preparations for the Indonesian visit are now stepping up.

I have been involved in planning for Heather Hon’s ordination and farewell.

As reported last month a request for a speaker from UnitingLentara was made. I am currently finalizing for the speaker to be at our 9.15 and 11 am service 5 May. The presentation will focus on asylum seeker issues. We plan to hold a retiring offering following these two services. Also, I anticipate a visit from a small CWA group at the 11 am service on the same day. I have advised them of the speaker for that day.

Again, this year there will be a special effort for Mothers’ Day.

Walkathon 27 April 8 am to 2.30 pm approved for the purpose of insurance. Already approved as event by Outreach MG.

During the month my mother spent 12 days in hospital. She is much better and at home now and now in need of support from family and friends. Neil Peters

Di’s Report


This report starts on a rather sad note with the passing of one of our hard-working members at Glen Waverley, it was an honour to share, with Neil, in part of Ross’ service of thanksgiving at the Church. I also presided at the funeral of Thanksgiving for a valued member of Edithvale Uniting Church at Chelsea.

It has been a busy time over the last month, with a number of people sick in hospital, having surgery or in care or in rehab. I have also visited people at home and driven some people to hospital appointments and home from rehab.

I was honoured to take a small part in the World Day of Prayer service at Glen Waverley. I attended a revue meeting, regarding the Minister’s Retreat, with members from PPEP and Yarra Yarra.

I was delighted to be able to help out setting up the book stall and helping on the day, an amazing result and so good to share with the people of the Church working together for the success of this day. I was glad to be able to help out with the Pancake Day at Glen Waverley, again a great team effort.

I had the joy of recreating a clown routine for a Stewardship Campaign at my home Church, Springvale. Attended an excellent Code of Ethics Training on Professionalism, very helpful and good to attend these trainings. Attended a Team Meeting with the potential new office manager. I attended the Lay Preacher’s Training Day and Conference at CTM and enjoyed Sunny Chen walking us through part of Luke’s Gospel. Also enjoyed a talk on cross age/inclusive worship.

I have attended GOMER, to catch up with people and to hear how people are travelling. I also catch up with people in the HUB. The first Seniors Service for the year is organised and ready to go. I have had Spiritual Direction and Supervision, challenging but rewarding.

Di Paterson Pastoral Care Worker


It has been another full month since our last report.

Youth Group

Continues to be a wonderful group and we are really pleased at how our new young people are fitting in and the community that is building between them.

State Youth Games

SYG is fast approaching, we are very pleased to report that Joanne & Micheal Boldiston have agreed to be our caterers for this years SYG. We now just have to get our usual camping & paperwork all sorted out for our annual weekend in Warrigul. Please pray that our camp spot is the same & that it will go smoothly this year after a very uncertain last two years due to unforeseen site regulations.


All the leaders I have spoken to about our proposed Grow curriculum are very positive and thankful that we are going to invest in this new resource. Thank church council for being so encouraging & approving the purchase.

Sleeping at the G

A group of young adults would like to sleep at th eG this year to raise money and awareness for homeless youth. We would love CC to endorse this initiative & approve our Sleep out on Thursday May 17. All participants have to be over 18 & Nicole Boyer & myself will be attending.


I am happy to report that Uthies has began & that we have had a very good turn up for our last two afternoons. I am very thankful for our volunteers and it has been a joy to see the grade 4-7’s hanging out, sharing and getting to know each other. We can’t wait to see this group grow & build as the year progresses.

Overseas Trip

After some consultation the young adults would like to have an overseas opportunity together & we are proposing a trip to the USA & Mexico. We would like to volunteer with the inner city ministries at the Dream Centre in Los Angeles & then over the border to build houses with the organisation Amor. We are also exploring visiting some other churches to broaden our experiences & other volunteer opportunities hopefully in San Diego.

Other plans

This month has continued to be full and the challenge still remains finding time to put into practice & plan some of the ideas we have. We are enjoying the beginnings of changes to the 9.15am worship focusing on intergenerations and are looking forward to really digging into our Easter theme Jesus’ Story a lot can happen in a week….

We are planning an easter egg hunt straight after Easter Sunday’s service ( As a family engagement as this year we are not running an Easter Event in the afternoon.)

Please check out our Facebook page this Easter as we have some thought provoking Easter Posts coming up. And Like our page and The Choir of Hope’s facebook page as well.

We have a confirmation group, deliberating on a communal time to begin…

And a new Young Adult regular gathering once a month on late Friday nights.

We will be asking C & F for dates for a C & F camp and are very happy that families have been asking for another camp!

Thanks so much for reading, prayers & support.
