#acl All:read
= Minutes of Annual General Meeting =
held at the Church on Monday 23rd April 2012
MargaretFraser welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Their attendance was encouraging to the committee and it was lovely to see RosemaryCarter.
There were 22 present, with 10 apologies.
== Devotions ==
AlisonClarkson led us in devotions and prayer,
== Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting ==
were circulated. MargaretFraser moved they be accepted, seconded PatVevers: Carried.
== Annual Report for 2011 ==
was circulated and MargaretFraser commented on various items in the report, in particular the wonderful team of volunteers and committee Leisure Time has. The sincerity of the volunteers is appreciated by the Guests. The Monash 5 Star Award for food safety awarded to GWUC. NancyBurns retiring after 32 years of service. Sadly noted the passing of Joan Letty.
Margaret moved that the Report be received, seconded AlisonClarkson: Carried.
== Audited Financial Statement for 2011 ==
was presented and circulated by CliffBaker.
Cliff moved the Statement be accepted, seconded BevReid: Carried.
Margaret thanked Cliff for his work as Treasurer.
== Appointment of Auditor ==
!DavidMair was reappointed and a letter of thanks to be sent.
Moved by Cliff, seconded BevRichardson: Carried
== Election of Committee of Management ==
Continuing members are: CliffBaker, PamMcDonald, ElwynPederson, LaurelMuir & JeanetteCoutts.
Retiring members re-nominated were BarbaraCraig, MargaretFraser, PatVevers & RossVevers.
All 4 nominated persons were elected.
New members: ElwynPederson nominated BarbaraThompson, MargaretFraser nominated JennyRobertson.
Jenny & Barbara accepted their nominations and were elected.
AlisonClarkson thanked MargaretFraser for all her hard work.
RosemaryCarter closed the meeting with a Reflection on Hospitality and Welcome and together we said the grace.
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