## page was renamed from KingswayWelfareFoundation #acl AndrewAdams:read,write,admin BenKrieger:read,write,admin KenCoutts:read,write,admin All:read Link to > PeopleAndCultureReport202403 > KingswayWelfareFoundation == Kingsway Welfare Foundation == === Setup process === * [[https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/98fd38e7-7e40-ee11-bdf4-002248122b18/profile|Registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission]] from 17 September 2023. * Has the appropriate Charites tax concession status as a Public Benevolent Organisation with various tax concession status arrangements for GST Concession Income Tax Exemption and Fringe Benefits Tax Exemptions from 7 Septemeber 2023. * [[https://www.abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/28711032379|Approved in January 2024 as a Deductable Gift Recipient]] backdated to 7 September 2023. * Bank account established 30 April 2024 * Next step is to launch to the GWUC community. * The significance of KWF is that people can get a tax deduction for donating funds for the Church's welfare work. * Current personnel of KWF is as follows: * Ben Krieger (Treasurer) * Joanne Boldiston (Secretary) * Andrew Adams (Chairman, but happy to relinquish position if there is a strategic advantage to KWF and to stay on as a general committee member) * Jane Adams (general committee); and * Elinor McClusky de Garza (general committee, previous GWUC employee) * KWF's Constitution requires a minimum of 5 members. Both Jane and Elinor will make way for new appointments by GWUC Council.