#acl All:read Link to > [[JNC2022]] > == ELECTION OF JNC AND THEIR ROLE: Timeframe and steps involved. == * Notes prepared by GlynHowells Feb 2022 === Setting up a JNC === * From CongMeetingInfoSessionReport202220206 * John Snare, formally announced elections for members of a Joint Nominating Committee - JNC - (the JNC nomination form is here) for a new minister and for Church Councillors for 2022 (the Church Councillor Nomination form is here). The timetable for both elections is the same. * Nominations Open February 6th * Nominations Close February 27th * Candidates announced March 6th * Elections following all worship services on March 20th. === What the JNC does === * From talk to Neil 20/2/2022 * JNC likely to commence work by May or June. * after election. * after PPEP (Port Phillip East Presbytery) appoint 2 PLPs (Presbytery Liaison People). * Two to 3 months to write Congregational Profile. Not easy. * Must tie in with vision and role of minister. * Needs to be carefully crafted. * CC and presbytery need to approve. * Synod Placements committee. Meets monthly * Presbytery sends to Synod * Advertise nationally? Need to decide. * Has to be approved by Placements Committee (Synod: includes 2 presbytery reps) * They give up to 3 names to JNC * They see if these three ministers discern a calling. * Exchange of profiles (between JNC or Placements Committee and potential ministers?] * One or more conversations with different people at different times * make a discernment – seek consensus. * Eventually go to congregation. * Could run into early next year. * 3 months notice minimum needed for ministers in placements already