#acl SusanKaroly:read,write All:read Link to WorshipIndonesian > CouncilAgenda20230417 > CouncilMinutes20230417 == Update Report to Church Council regarding the Indonesian Festival == 17 April 2023 === Proposal: === Working collaboratively with the Indonesian community of our congregation it is hoped that a festival can be planned that will be held in conjunction with a combined Sunday day of worship. This was approved by Church Council and meets the idea of combining the festival with six visitors from Indonesia who will be in Melbourne. A committee has been formed to plan and run the Indonesian Festival that was approved by Church Council September 2022, SusanKaroly (Coordinator), GlynHowells, VidaFoo, LuckyKalonta, [[GerdineKalonta-Maengkom]], NeilPeters, HoonYou. Thus far it has met four times and the program is as follows: === Friday: === The church will be decorated with bunting (made by the craft group), posters about Indonesia and our church activities. There will be an invited Aussie style dinner for our visitors, committee, and church council at 6pm which is being coordinated by Vida Foo and Joanne Boldistone. The Festival will open with a welcome/acknowledgement to country, dignitaries (Indonesian cultural attaché, visitors from Reidel including Rev Daniel Sompe; Rev Anneke Oppewal, Presbytery; Rev Sylvia Akau'ola Tongotongo, Synod; Rev Apwee Ting, Assembly and Panel members. The panel participants are: Anjalee de Silva (Monash Council), Sachin Remson (GWUC to be confirmed), Daniel Sompe (Reidel, Indonesia) by Rev Neil Peters and translated by Lucky. The theme of the discussion is Sharing and Learning and a brief will be sent to each Panel Member. The festival opening will conclude at 8.30pm and participants invited into the Hall for the opening of the Photographic Art Exhibition. David Fraser as curator will introduce the exhibition at the Indonesian Cultural Attaché will open the exhibition. It is anticipated that the exhibition will continue to Sunday, May 14th. Tea/Coffee and refreshments will be served in the Hall during the exhibition. It is hoped that a booklet of the exhibition will be available. === Saturday: === During the morning a get to know BBQ event will be arranged by Vida and others with our visitors. Volunteers will arrange the church and sanctuary for the workshops and concert, and be available to welcome and assist our workshop tutors, and participants. There are five workshops, Pocopoco Line Dancing, Angklung, Batik printing, Culture and Language and Yoga/meditation. There will be activities in the Foyer of colouring masks and making shadow puppets. * All workshops except Batik printing are repeated (2.00-3.15 & 4-5.15pm and are free). The Batik printing runs for the whole afternoon at a cost of $30 per participant which includes all materials. * Afternoon tea will be held in the Fellowship area and is being coordinated by Vida Foo. * Following the workshops, the Hall will be set up for the catered Halal main meal and desert for 6pm. The tables will be decorated by Susan, the dinner served by volunteers coordinated by Geridene, clean up by volunteers coordinated by Vida. Vida will source the desert which will not be Halal. The cost charged for the meal is $14 per adult/$5 per child under 16 years. * Susan will welcome His Excellency Mr Kuncoro Rusman Waseso and his wife, Neil will open with grace, Susan will close the dinner with an invitation to go into the hall at 7pm, with live music to be playing in the sanctuary (to be confirmed) to welcome guests. * The concert will be from 7.30 - 8.30pm and coordinated by Glyn in conjunction with Lucky. There will be Dancers, Music from Saxophone, Angklung, Singing, and a Parade of Costumes. In conclusion shortbread biscuits made and donated by Judith Greenwood will be given to guests as they leave, and tea and coffee will be available. === Sunday: === Worship is being organized by the Ministry team, with Rev Daniel Sompe being invited to preach. The band, Indonesian choir, and Free Spirit will sing. Following the service morning tea will be held as normal. An invited farewell lunch for visitors and others is being organized by Glyn at the Italian restaurant, Sophia in Croydon. === Budget === This festival is being run on a very limited budget from the Intercultural fund and Room 1 Event fund. While it was hoped to recover costs through the sales of the dinner and concert, this is unlikely. It is hoped that the Batik workshop will be popular which will give some opportunity of cost recovery. Unexpected costs have been: * Welcome to Country by an Elder ($660) - this has been taken out of the program * the dry cleaning costs of the Indonesian costumes for the Parade at $10 per costume, the number of costumes unknown at this stage, and * the invitation to all participants of the concert, number unknown at this stage, not having to pay for the evening meal. Currently Vida has volunteered to pay for the invited Friday evening meal, and Glyn has volunteered to pay for the invited Sunday lunch. Susan has volunteered to cover the costs of decorating the church and posies to be given to the Cultural Attaché and the Consulate General's wife. A gift should be presented to Rev Daniel Stompe on behalf of our congregation, what this gift should be, and the costs are unknown at this moment. === Advertising === A variety of advertising has been undertaken and my thanks are given to JoanneBoldistone, JohnSnare, DavidMorgan and SachinRemson. A board has been ordered for outside the church premises. The festival has been advertised on facebook, our website, the wiki, and through various emails sent out by the committee. SusanKaroly<
> on behalf of the Indonesian Festival Committee