Link to CouncilAgenda20200429 > ConuncilMinutes20200429 > InclusiveCommunity

Contacting members of the congregation during COVID-19 shutdown

We identified a list of 48 people who did not have an email address, who lived alone or could be socially isolated, on the list from Joanne on 15 April. Jan and I divided the list between us. This is a work in progress. So far we have contacted 34 from the list. On some phone numbers there was no reply, even after several attempts; on others we left a message, but we did not always get a response. We’ll keep trying!

8 people have requested a regular phone contact. We will allocate a contact person to these people from the survey list of those willing to be contacts.

Those contacted welcomed the call; some were happy to have a longer chat; many had family and friends keeping in touch, helping with shopping or medical appointments.

We discovered 4 people who had email addresses not noted on the database. These addresses have been forwarded to Joanne and their names added to the emailing list.

We have found this to be a worthwhile exercise and look forward to continuing the process.

In addition Jan and Di have been in phone contact with people whose birthdays are in each month.

Keep safe,
