#acl All:read == NOTES FROM INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY MEETING. 10 AUGUST AT 1PM IN ROOM 1. == '''PRESENT:''' Barb., Faye, Jan, Neil, Alison Di, Elwyn. '''APOLOGIES:''' Marj., Laurel. '''SHARING TIME:''' pg. 81 “365 Devotions” pg. 81-small devotion about prayer. '''PASTORAL CONCERNS.''' Members shared those who have problems at this time. Jan prayed for these people. Baby Bundle- Jan has bought a Baby Bundle for Kat and Jason Mann and their baby Jordan. '''CORRESPONDENCE. IN'''-replies for High Tea, letter from Beth Andrews (doesn’t wish to be contacted for Munch with a Bunch), card from Stephen Hughes and family (following passing of his mother-Elizabeth Hughes). '''GENERAL BUSINESS:''' * Discussion about Intergenerational Night. (Discussion items on separate sheet. ) * Newcomers’ High Tea- 13 August. We have had three replies and it has been difficult to get “Old Timers” to attend too. It was decided that we would cancel the afternoon tea and have special food for the light lunch e.g. cakes etc. * Light Lunch-soup Faye, sandwiches Barb 2 loaves Elwyn 2 loaves Laurel 1 loafham, date loaves Marj, mini quiches, sausage rolls, truffles Faye, fruit Jan. * MWAB-20 August-George is doing a Spit Roast. * Fathers Day celebration-3 September-between services. party pies and sausage rolls, gingerbread men, table decorations windmills, book marks to take home, small book about fathers (to take home). * Jan and Andrew to set up tables. * light lunch 10 September-sandwiches, date loaves, fruit.-finalise next meeting. * English Classes-Sheila and Jan spoke about the English classes. Sheila and Angel want a year off next year. We will discuss ways to cover this next meeting. * Dementia Workshop at St. John’s -Jan and Di said that it was very good and could be part of our next pastoral workshop later in the year. * Neil said that we need to do better with welcoming newcomers. Jan has contacted new people-Murray and Tiffany Wilde. * We spent some time discussing key words for the Poster that is being produced following the Leaders’ lunch. Jan and Faye will google some graphics. * Reports were held over until our next meeting. NEXT MEETING-SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.