#acl InclusiveGroup:read,write All:read Link to > InclusiveCommunity > CouncilAgenda20140527 == Inclusive Community-notes from meeting on 29 April 2014. == === PRESENT === Faye, Laurel, Alison, Jan, Elwyn, Marj. === APOLOGIES- === Barbara, Neil. === SHARING TIME === Alison read a poem about Anzac Day. We discussed the poem and shared pastoral concerns, followed by prayer. === REPORTS. === * Prayer chain –Jan will put a notice in the monthly bulletin informing people that the prayer chain has been formed and prayer requests can be passed on through office. * Supportive Care Link (Laurel) –quiet this month. * Seniors’ Ministry (Alison)- Seniors’ Service Sunday 25 May. Seniors’ seminar has been cancelled. * Pastoral Partners (Jan) –we are now working on implementing the program. Jan will write to those who have attended workshops and others recommended by Ministry team, asking if they are happy to be Pastoral Partners. === INTERGENERATIONAL NIGHT, 2 May, 6.30pm-9pm. === * Alanee and Belinda attended the meeting and we discussed arrangements for the evening including setting up, serving and the program. * Reports on past events-Light lunch on 3 April (attendance about 30) (people happy to put in a gold coin.). 6 April (after congregational meeting-many people stayed.) MWAB 27 April-forty-two people had lunch at the RSL. === COMING EVENTS. === * 8 June –light lunch. We will have soup, sandwiches and date loaves. * Anniversary Service 15 June-spit roast ($20 a head). * 29 June-MWAB at the RSL. Faye will book this. === NEWCOMERS === We will invite them to join us for the spit roast lunch and welcome them, during the lunch. Letters will be sent to recent new arrivals. (since last year’s Anniversary service) === GRANDPARENTS- === adopted grandparent for those whose families are interstate or overseas. Belinda will let us know if any families need “adopted grandparents”. === NEXT PROGRAM === We will prepare this next meeting. === Combined Service === ALISON will speak to Ministry Team about future combined services-will they always be the same days as the Outreach BBQ’s which have been planned for 5th Sundays? Jan will also speak to Andrew. === MEDICAL FORMS === any changes need to be given to Heather. Put a note in the monthly bulletin and a copy of the form. === NEXT MEETING === Tuesday 27 May at 10.30am in Room 4. JanClear, wikified by DavidMorgan