#acl All:read Link to > CouncilAgenda20131119 > InclusiveCommunity == Notes from Inclusive Community Meeting November 2013. == * Alison read two readings from Romans and Ephesians and we discussed them. Then we moved onto pastoral concerns within the church family and Alison concluded with prayer. * Supportive Care Link- difficulty finding people to visit one congregational member weekly. We will speak to Margaret about two members attending Leisure Time. * Seniors-service on 8 December-Christmas carols. (sheet for suggestions on office ledge.) Alison will prepare Devotions roster for nursing homes shortly-any ideas for presenters? She is contacting nursing homes to check available dates. * Transfer letter from Val Horney-attending worship at Salford Park. Jan will write to her. * Chris Brandt would like water and a cup, firm pillow and blankets placed in the vestry, for times when someone is unwell in worship. * English classes are going well. * Pastoral Team will not meet until Neil arrives and we talk to him. * Alison Clarkson, Gail Irvine and Jan will run a Pastoral Partners’ workshop on Sunday 24 November, 12.30pm-2.30pm. * We will have Munch with a Bunch next Sunday, the 17 November at the RSL. * We will have morning tea after the 11am service on 24 November and after 10am service on 22 December. * We discussed catering arrangements for the Remembrance Service (26/11), Neil’s Induction, the Moderator’s visit (24/11) and special service on 19 January. * Jan will prepare program for Jan. –June 2014 and circulate to committee members for approval and amendments. Jan Clear.