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Editor: JohnHurst
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Editor: JohnHurst
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= A collection of common texts used in multiple places throughout the wiki

*** start Roster Preference Explanation This table is designed to capture your (and others) SALT roster allocation preferences. For each worship time slot that the roster covers, you are asked to indicate Yes - you are willing to be rostered in this time slot, or No - you don't wish to be allocated this time slot. Any changes you make to your preferences will not change allocations to you until your fixed term has expired. If you change preferences to remove a time for which you are allocated, it remains your responsibility to arrange a swap.

The second column (labelled Fixed Term) indicates how many weeks you want your roster allocation to be fixed. Note that this is a rolling allocation, meaning that the fixed period extends from the first week of the current table. More information on how this works is available in RosterNewSystems.

The third column (labelled Exclusion Period) indicates how many weeks must pass before you are willing to be rostered again. By specifying a period greater than 1, you avoid being rostered for consecutive weeks. *** end Roster Preference Explanation

IncludeTexts (last edited 2021-11-30 05:38:45 by DavidMorgan)