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Link to >> CouncilAgenda20130820 >> CommunityHub
Report to August Council meeting.
=== THE HUB ===
The Hub continues to welcome and offer hospitality to those who enter our church building, and relationships continue to grow with those who visit The Hub regularly.
Some of our visitors have returned to their homes overseas and are keeping in contact with us by email. They are very thankful for their times spent at The Hub, and some hope to return to Australia and The Hub one day.
Our next special morning tea will be a Muffin Morning on Thursday August 29th, 10am –12noon. Come and bring your family and friends. All ages are welcome.
Join us during the week for a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat. The Hub operates on Tuesday and Thursday 10am – 2pm, and Wednesday 10am – 12noon, during school terms. We would love to see you.
=== COOEE ===
Cooee continues to meet on a Friday at lunch time. New people are always welcome to come and enjoy some company while having lunch and a chat, followed by a few games of UNO or Scrabble. BYO lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.<
If you would like to know more about any of these groups, or if you would like to help in any way, please contact Judith on 98038373
Leisure Time guests continue to enjoy their Mondays at our church. As well as a variety of activities at the church, they have had two outings in the last six weeks. They enjoyed singing along and even dancing at Morning Melodies at Waverley RSL on June 17, followed by a restaurant lunch. The second outing included the movie “Still Mine” and lunch at Mt Waverley on July 29.<
Our numbers have been lower in recent weeks. Sadly, one of our guests, Maria, passed away in June, and two others have moved into residential care. This leaves vacancies for new guests and we are seeking assistance to connect with isolated seniors who would enjoy friendly company on Mondays. We would appreciate any help that the congregation may give us to bring new guests to our attention. Please feel free to hand out the Leisure Time brochures on the Community Hub noticeboard. Please contact Margaret Fraser (9803 7653) or the Church Office if you know someone or if you have any queries.<
Our lovely two course hot dinners are still a hit with one and all, along with the transport our drivers provide. All our wonderful volunteers maintain a high level of care and compassion. We thank God that we are able to provide this much appreciated community outreach.
All three playgroups have been bustling and happy this term. When it has been cold or wet, the children, helped by their Mums, Dads or grandparents, have been busy with a variety of craft activities, books and puzzles. On sunny days the cubby house, slide and sandpit have been the popular choices. Nursery rhyme time continues to be a highlight of each session.<
We are very fortunate to have such an experienced and dedicated team of leaders and helpers. They have been really tested this term as we are being almost swamped with enthusiastic visitors and would-be new members. Each group is full to overflowing, and we have a lengthy waiting list! Anyone who might be interested in joining our team as a leader or helper would be most welcome to visit and see this part of our Church’s mission to our local community.<
Kaye Mackinnon, GWUC Playgroups Coordinator