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The church’s grapevine was abuzz.
A Tassie was in town!
And squatting in the manse, what’s more.
‘Twas time to track him down.

When he appeared, the people gasped -
A Pres-by-ter-ian!
All dour and grim and humorless,
A truly dismal man.

“So, Hoo are You?” the people asked,
“And what is it you do?
And his reply confused the flock:
“Hoon I am and I am You.”

“And I am here to shake you up
And help Neil at the helm
And bow in awe to Pastor Di
And disturb Joanne’s realm.”

In flowing robes and fancy stoles,
With mighty words unfurled,
He leads us up Mount Everest
And round the spinning world.

But that’s not all. He urges us
To open Holy Writ
To see God’s Word in diff’rent light
And keep on it doing it.

And now, dear Hoon, the time has come
To let you go at large,
And one thing’s sure, it has been great
To have a Hoon in charge!

A song written by RossMackinnon for Hoon's farewell, 17 Sep 2023.