Differences between revisions 416 and 774 (spanning 358 versions)
Revision 416 as of 2018-09-14 07:22:57
Size: 16875
Editor: JohnSnare
Revision 774 as of 2021-08-09 21:35:06
Size: 13584
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 Sept 2018 =
 * '''September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - '''Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.
 * '''Final Call for Volunteers to Deliver Fete Leaflets - '''Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson – 0411 123 253.
 * '''Worship Centre and Chapel Sound Training - '''Training on how to use the sound system in the church, hall and chapel will be available on the following dates led by Joel Leister. Training will take about 30 minutes and will be held on Saturday 22 September and Saturday 13 October between 9am and 11am on both days. Please register your interest at the Office for a specific session.
 * '''Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - '''A group of Indonesian women, many from the congregation, will be all dressed up and playing the Angklung (traditional Indonesian instrument) at the Monash Council Multicultural Moon Light Festival held in the central car park in Glen Waverley on Saturday 22 September. They are scheduled to be on stage at 5.40 pm. You may consider going and supporting them. If you would like to help with the Moon Festival please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.
Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in. [[#WikiAccess|For access information click here.]])
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 Sept 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Newsbeat-September-2018-1.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for September]] is now available.
 * [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/r/56AE8BCB1A73F4872540EF23F30FEDED/A34C2D2A930726CC6CBD507C784BD83B|The Synod newletter]] is also available.
 * '''Material Aid Offering – Today – Sunday 9 September - '''Muesli bars, ‘UP&GOs’, noodles in a cup and pens and pencils are all welcome and will go to support the Brentwood Secondary College’s Wellbeing Department.
 * '''An Afternoon with Free Spirit – Today – Sunday 9 September - '''All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 September. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.
 * '''September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - '''Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.
 * '''Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - '''If you would like to help with the Moon Festival Celebration please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.
 * '''Delivery of Fete Leaflets – Volunteers Needed - '''Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete, please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Murray Lowe – 9885 8514
## Note to editors: please use the following template for links to Newsbeat, to ensure that readers are taken to the correct page.
## * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available.
## Note that the Presbytery is not very consistent with the format of their URLs. You need to check each time.
## The 10 in the above example apparently means uploaded in October, not necessarily the October edition.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 Sep 2018 =
 * We have received a [[PastoralLetterAssembly2018Aug30|pastoral letter]] from the UCA President about an [[https://assembly.uca.org.au/marriage-services|Additional Marriage Liturgy.]]
 * '''Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held today. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage
 * '''Freezer Purchase Voting – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Voting regarding the use of Endowment Fund interest earnings to purchase a new freezer takes place at all services today.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 9 Sep 2018 - '''All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 Sep 2018. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.
 * '''Newsbeat''', the [[http://www.ucappep.org/newsbeat/|Presbytery newsletter]] is now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 Aug 2018 =
 * Presbytery minutes record that Hannah Dungan has been commissioned as the chaplain to Somers Camp.
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm'''<<BR>>Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - '''Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.<<BR>>To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.
 * '''Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage
 * Tim Costello, CEO of !WorldVision, will be joined by Claire O’Neil, Labor Member for Hotham and others, to discuss refugee policy and the future of compassion and generosity in Australian politics on Thursday 30 Aug 2018 from 5pm, in lecture theatre H2 in the Menzies Building, Monash University, Clayton.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 14 =
 * Church Council meets Monday Aug 16 on Zoom. Anything for their consideration should be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>> as soon as possible please.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 Aug 2018 =
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - '''Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.<<BR>>To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 -''' An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Bush Dance - '''A final reminder about the Bush Dance on this Saturday from 2pm. All are welcome to come and join in the fun at this fundraising activity for our church.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 7 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Newsbeat-August-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for August]] is now available.
 * Lockdown number 6 has us back to [[http://gwuc.org.au/live/| a single 10am live streamed service]] for August 8th (no congregation) and 15th (congregation to be determined).
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 Aug 2018 =
 * '''Monthly Material Aid: Uplift Socks Oddsox – Sunday 12 Aug 2018 - '''We are collecting new and odd socks. These are used by amputees to keep wound dressings in place and clean. Please bring along some new or odd socks.
 * '''Muffin Morning Tea – Wednesday 15 Aug 2018 – 10am to 12noon - '''Come and enjoy some delicious home-made muffins with a cuppa for morning tea and take home some recipes. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Parkinsons’s Disease.
 * '''Fundraising Bush Dance – Saturday 18 Aug 2018 – from 2pm - '''All are welcome to join in the bush dance which is also a fund raising event for our congregation. $8 per adult or $25 per family. Come along for a fun afternoon and night. To give an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list on the office counter. More details available in the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2017. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 31 =
 * A single 10am service this week, but hoping to resume normal services on Aug 8, with a [[OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Rooms|limit of 73 in the church]] (4sqm/person)
 * Current rules are item 87 of OpeningAfterCoronaVirus.
 * Church Council have agreed to take part in the [[http://ncls.org.au/|National Church Life Survey]] this year. We were working on that when COVID hit in March 2020.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 Aug 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Newsbeat-August-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for August]] is now available.
 * Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <<MailTo(CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
 * '''Club 2018 – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 12noon''' - Club 2018 will meet for lunch today following the 11am service. All welcome.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 2.30pm - '''At 2.30pm Free Spirit will present their concert at Croydon Uniting Church, 6 Tallent Street, Croydon, in support of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre I Brunswick. If you are unable to attend their concert here at Glen Waverley on September 9, then consider attending this afternoon to support asylum seekers.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday 12 Aug 2018. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 24 =
 * With the lockdown extended, we will have a single 10am service next Sunday.
 * Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available to the congregation at CouncilMinutes20210719.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 Jul 2018 =
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 Jul 2018 at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday 29 Jul 2018 at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download at CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday 22 Jul 2018 until Sunday 18 Aug 2018. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and the CongregationalPage.
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 17 =
 * Back into lockdown. Government directive includes "Religious gatherings and ceremonies: No in-person gatherings permitted. Broadcast permitted", so we will have a single 10am online only service. See item 85 of OpeningAfterCoronaVirus.
 * Church Council meets Monday night on Zoom. Anything for their consideration to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>> as soon as possible please.
 * Direct Debit contribution arrangements are changing soon. Please see DirectDebitChanges2021.
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 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.
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= GWUC Headlines for temberw/e 21 Jul 2018 =
 * [[attachment:PastorlaLetter14July2018Marriage.pdf|A pastoral letter concerning the Assembly decision on marriage.]] and a [[https://uniting.church/a-reflection-on-the-marriage-decision/|reflection on the decision.]]
 * '''Tennis Club AGM – Saturday 28 Jul 2018 at 5pm - '''The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 28 Jul 2018 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School Car Park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley. Club members are urged to attend.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 Jul 2018 at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday 29 Jul 2018 at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download athttp://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 3 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Newsbeat-July-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for July]] is now available.
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 * '''Adult Group – Friday 3 Aug 2018 at 8pm - '''Join us for Adult Group on Friday 3 Aug 2018 at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome. Enquiries: Bev & Lindsay Brown 9561 2136.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2017. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors will be open from Sunday 22 Jul 2018 until Sunday 18 Aug 2018. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 26 =
 * Church Council met this week and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20210621
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 Jul 2018 =
 * '''Life Explored - '''Life Explored is a 7 week course that aims to help people uncover what they are really living for – and how God promises to meet their deepest desires for happiness. Over 7 weeks, we will be exploring together a video series that introduce us to the God of the Christian faith – it is open to all who are interested and searching for answers. There will be a time for questions and discussion in a friendly manner. Please register with Dietrich 0435 596 784 or [email protected]
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation - Notice of Meeting - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday 29 Jul 2018 at 11:30 following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available at<<BR>>http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729 Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare
 * '''Dri '''
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 19 =
 * Church Council will meet on Monday June 21. Any matters that should be considered by Council can be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
 * In the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours list, DiPaterson is [[https://dandenong.starcommunity.com.au/news/2021-06-14/a-guide-to-others/|named an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) recipient]] for her unwavering service to Girl Guiding and the community.
 * This week's COVID restriction require 4sqm per person, limiting the church to 73. There will be no morning tea this week.
 * '''Sacraments in the Uniting Church in Australia''', Wednesday nights in July and August. This online course, held on Zoom over eight evenings, provides an inspirational and practical introduction to communion and baptism. Great for people new to the Uniting Church, for members who have always wanted to understand the sacraments more deeply, and lay people who may be authorised as celebrants for communion and baptism. Register online at ucappep.eventbrite.com.au

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 12 =
 * The [[https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/statement-acting-premier-3|relaxed Covid restrictions]] only allow 50 in church. Therefore this Sunday will again be a [[http://gwuc.org.au/live/|single live streamed service]] at 10am.
 * The following week is Church Anniversary, which would normally be a single combined 10am service. We will see what is possible.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 5 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Newsbeat-June-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for June]] is now available.
 * [[http://gwuc.org.au/live/|Live streamed worship]] at 10am again this week due to extended shutdown.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 22 =
 * Not yet announced, but received in response to an enquiry:<<BR>>"Service Victoria and the Department of Health are working on a new system for businesses and organisations such as yours which will be web-based. Any device which can connect to the internet and run Safari or Chrome will be able to use the new webform. This system will be ready by 28 May when the new digital check-in system is required." This will allow many more people to check in on their own devices, and make it much easier for us to help those who cannot.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 15 =
 * Church Council has changed its meeting day to the third Monday of each month, that is this Monday 16 May. Material to be considered should be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>

= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 1 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Newsbeat-May-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for May]] is now available.
 * Church Council this week held its first meeting after the recent delayed elections. [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilMinutes20210428|Provisional minutes]] are available to the congregation. Council decided to meet in future on the third Monday of each month.
 * The check in system that we have been using from Rewardle has failed to meet the dealine for connecting electronically to the government system. The means that we will need to change to the [[CheckInVicGov| government system]].

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24 =
 * John Rutter on the [[https://johnrutter.com/latest-blog/did-they-mention-the-music?fbclid=IwAR1nmQmP9Nm9cDXK8P0qb50U91fs7v9WYfQ1hREJnHDqaRKgA2NYuQjs4c0|music for Prince Philip's funeral service]]. The first three paragraphs are well worth reading, particularly for 11am worshippers.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17 =
 * Some covid restrictions have been eased: for example, you can now collect a hymn book on your way into the service. Please remember to return it to the stewards table after use, so that it can be wiped down. The choir stalls have also been reinstated.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 10 =
 * There are now three live services: 8am, 9:15am, and 11am. The 9:15 and 11 services are live streamed as well.
 * '''2021 English Class''' for Chinese speakers and Chinese Fellowship (combined)
   * Start date: 21 Apr 2021 (no classes on school holidays)
   * Every Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
   * Venue: Room 1 Glen Waverley Uniting Church
   * Contact: 0412 659 386 Sheila Chan

= GWUC headlines for week ending Apr 3 =
 * Assembly have released a statement on [[https://uniting.church/towards-zero/|Towards Zero – Assembly Climate Action Plan]]
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Newsbeat-April-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for April]] is now available.

= GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 27 =
 * ChurchCouncil met on Wednesday night. [[CouncilMinutes20210324|Provisional minutes]] are now available ([[#WikiAccess|Log in required.]])
 * Council decided this week to resume three morning services after Easter at the same times as pre-pandemic. This decision came from both the desire for diversity in worship, and from the fact the numbers attending the 10am services are approaching the allowed limit and some members are staying away because of the crowding. The 5pm service plans to resume after school holidays. Conversation will also begin regarding the 1 pm Indonesian/ Intercultural service. Council seeks feedback from members to inform future decisions. Both 9:15 and 11 will be live-streamed, as they were before the pandemic.<<BR>>Wearing of masks in church is no longer compulsory, but strongly advised whenever distancing is difficult. It is also encouraged in order to make others feel safe. Windows will continue to be open to ensure ventilation as the best defence against aerosol transmission.
 * Groups meeting in the church buildings should read and abide by CovidGuidelinesForGroups

= GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 20 =
 * The wiki is back! Hooray and thank you JohnHurst.
 * [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Newsbeat-March-2021.pdf|The March issue of Newsbeat]] is available.
 * Church Council will meet next Wednesday 24th. Matters to be considered should be sent to [email protected]
 * Pancake breakfast at Glen Waverley Secondary College resumed last Thursday, just a year after being suspended.
 * [[CongMeetingAgenda20210314|The meeting of the congregation]] made some important decisions. [[CongMeetingMinutes20210314|Minutes]] will be available soon.
 * The Synod's JIM Cluster has developed a[[https://justact.org.au/first-people/actions/|study guide resource on the Statement from the Heart]] for Second Peoples seeking to explore and pursue a truthful, just and meaningful relationship with First Peoples.
 * TheHub will resume on Tuesday mornings only from April 20.
 * In April 2021, Glen Waverley Uniting Church Welfare Committee are one of the community groups being supported at [[https://www.grilld.com.au/restaurants/victoria/melbourne/glen-waverley|Grill'd.]]

= GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 13 =
 * The wiki is still broken. Sorry

= GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 6 =
 * Unfortunately the wiki (aka ThePsalter) is broken at the moment. We are working to repair it as soon as possible.

= GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 27 =
 * Church Council met this week. Provisional minutes are now available, see CouncilMinutes20210224
 * Council agreed to continue single services up to Easter Sunday, and to use the time until Easter to build community and engage the congregation in discussions on how and when we resume diverse services, and what those diverse services may look like. As part of this a survey will be coming next week.

= GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 13 =
 * NO congregation at church this week, due to [[attachment:OpeningAfterCoronaVirus/HolidayInnShutdown.pdf|state shutdown order.]]
 * [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|Government guidelines for "Travelling with others"]] are now available. These should be followed when giving rides to people who do not reside with you.
 * [[CovidGuidelinesForGroups|Guidelines to enable groups to meet safely in the church]] are now available.

= GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 6 =
 * [[attachment:Kingsway/Kingsway202102.pdf|The new edition of the Kingsway magazie]] is now available.
 * [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Newsbeat-February-2021.pdf| Newsbeat, the Presbytery newsletter]] is now avaialble for January
 * ChurchCouncil met this week, and [[CouncilMinutes20210203|provisional minutes]] are available to the congregation.
 * Wearing of masks is now compulsory in all indoor spaces, including worship. [[OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|Further details here.]]

= GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 30 =
 * TheHub, the Thursday English class and the Bilingual English class have all cancelled for the first school term, and are hoping to start after Easter.

= GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 23 =
 * The [[2021BookSale|Book Sale]] is planned for Feb 27, subject of course to COVID numbers and with many precautions. To volunteer to distribute leaflets, please contact PeterAnderson. To help with setup and on the day, please contact SueMorgan.
 * In person attendance at worship is now possible. [[https://mcusercontent.com/37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba/files/d50f86ec-dd85-480f-998b-0d3bbc2ab540/Updated_2020_Return_to_GWUC.01.pdf|Details here.]]

= GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 1 =
 * A [[https://gwuc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba&id=3a2efc3961&e=ddae59856b|virtual tour of the 'Once Upon A Christmas Installation']] is now available.
 * An [[https://gwuc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba&id=8466756b45&e=ddae59856b|updated statement on worship attendance]] is now available.
  * We are [[ OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|advised]] that the changes announced on Jan 31 do not affect worship.

## Footnote. Please leave when archiving. Thanks. DavidM
== Access information ==
<<Anchor(WikiAccess)>> Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in. For access information click here.)

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 14

  • Church Council meets Monday Aug 16 on Zoom. Anything for their consideration should be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au> as soon as possible please.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 7

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 31

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 24

  • With the lockdown extended, we will have a single 10am service next Sunday.
  • Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available to the congregation at CouncilMinutes20210719.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 17

  • Back into lockdown. Government directive includes "Religious gatherings and ceremonies: No in-person gatherings permitted. Broadcast permitted", so we will have a single 10am online only service. See item 85 of OpeningAfterCoronaVirus.

  • Church Council meets Monday night on Zoom. Anything for their consideration to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au> as soon as possible please.

  • Direct Debit contribution arrangements are changing soon. Please see DirectDebitChanges2021.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jul 3

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 26

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 19

  • Church Council will meet on Monday June 21. Any matters that should be considered by Council can be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

  • In the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours list, DiPaterson is named an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) recipient for her unwavering service to Girl Guiding and the community.

  • This week's COVID restriction require 4sqm per person, limiting the church to 73. There will be no morning tea this week.
  • Sacraments in the Uniting Church in Australia, Wednesday nights in July and August. This online course, held on Zoom over eight evenings, provides an inspirational and practical introduction to communion and baptism. Great for people new to the Uniting Church, for members who have always wanted to understand the sacraments more deeply, and lay people who may be authorised as celebrants for communion and baptism. Register online at ucappep.eventbrite.com.au

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 12

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 5

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 22

  • Not yet announced, but received in response to an enquiry:
    "Service Victoria and the Department of Health are working on a new system for businesses and organisations such as yours which will be web-based. Any device which can connect to the internet and run Safari or Chrome will be able to use the new webform. This system will be ready by 28 May when the new digital check-in system is required." This will allow many more people to check in on their own devices, and make it much easier for us to help those who cannot.

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 15

  • Church Council has changed its meeting day to the third Monday of each month, that is this Monday 16 May. Material to be considered should be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 1

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for May is now available.

  • Church Council this week held its first meeting after the recent delayed elections. Provisional minutes are available to the congregation. Council decided to meet in future on the third Monday of each month.

  • The check in system that we have been using from Rewardle has failed to meet the dealine for connecting electronically to the government system. The means that we will need to change to the government system.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17

  • Some covid restrictions have been eased: for example, you can now collect a hymn book on your way into the service. Please remember to return it to the stewards table after use, so that it can be wiped down. The choir stalls have also been reinstated.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 10

  • There are now three live services: 8am, 9:15am, and 11am. The 9:15 and 11 services are live streamed as well.
  • 2021 English Class for Chinese speakers and Chinese Fellowship (combined)

    • Start date: 21 Apr 2021 (no classes on school holidays)
    • Every Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
    • Venue: Room 1 Glen Waverley Uniting Church
    • Contact: 0412 659 386 Sheila Chan

GWUC headlines for week ending Apr 3

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 27

  • ChurchCouncil met on Wednesday night. Provisional minutes are now available (Log in required.)

  • Council decided this week to resume three morning services after Easter at the same times as pre-pandemic. This decision came from both the desire for diversity in worship, and from the fact the numbers attending the 10am services are approaching the allowed limit and some members are staying away because of the crowding. The 5pm service plans to resume after school holidays. Conversation will also begin regarding the 1 pm Indonesian/ Intercultural service. Council seeks feedback from members to inform future decisions. Both 9:15 and 11 will be live-streamed, as they were before the pandemic.
    Wearing of masks in church is no longer compulsory, but strongly advised whenever distancing is difficult. It is also encouraged in order to make others feel safe. Windows will continue to be open to ensure ventilation as the best defence against aerosol transmission.

  • Groups meeting in the church buildings should read and abide by CovidGuidelinesForGroups

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 20

  • The wiki is back! Hooray and thank you JohnHurst.

  • The March issue of Newsbeat is available.

  • Church Council will meet next Wednesday 24th. Matters to be considered should be sent to [email protected]

  • Pancake breakfast at Glen Waverley Secondary College resumed last Thursday, just a year after being suspended.
  • The meeting of the congregation made some important decisions. Minutes will be available soon.

  • The Synod's JIM Cluster has developed astudy guide resource on the Statement from the Heart for Second Peoples seeking to explore and pursue a truthful, just and meaningful relationship with First Peoples.

  • TheHub will resume on Tuesday mornings only from April 20.

  • In April 2021, Glen Waverley Uniting Church Welfare Committee are one of the community groups being supported at Grill'd.

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 13

  • The wiki is still broken. Sorry

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 6

  • Unfortunately the wiki (aka ThePsalter) is broken at the moment. We are working to repair it as soon as possible.

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 27

  • Church Council met this week. Provisional minutes are now available, see CouncilMinutes20210224

  • Council agreed to continue single services up to Easter Sunday, and to use the time until Easter to build community and engage the congregation in discussions on how and when we resume diverse services, and what those diverse services may look like. As part of this a survey will be coming next week.

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 13

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 6

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 30

  • TheHub, the Thursday English class and the Bilingual English class have all cancelled for the first school term, and are hoping to start after Easter.

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 23

  • The Book Sale is planned for Feb 27, subject of course to COVID numbers and with many precautions. To volunteer to distribute leaflets, please contact PeterAnderson. To help with setup and on the day, please contact SueMorgan.

  • In person attendance at worship is now possible. Details here.

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 1

Access information

Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-25 04:55:53 by DavidMorgan)