Differences between revisions 240 and 754 (spanning 514 versions)
Revision 240 as of 2016-11-25 09:48:47
Size: 34314
Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: Headlines for w/e 26 nov posted
Revision 754 as of 2021-06-15 03:07:10
Size: 10550
Editor: DavidMorgan
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 November 2016 =
 * '''Childrens Christmas Photos – 28, 29, 30 November - '''Come along to The Hub this Monday-Wednesday between 10am and 12noon, and let your children or grandchildren dress up, be a part of the Christmas story, and have their photo taken for free; photos to be collected on 8 December
Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in. [[#WikiAccess|For access information click here.]])
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 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – 13 December - '''Meeting of the Congregation will be held on the evening of Tuesday 13 December at 8pm. Agenda available on the Wiki or from the office. ## Note to editors: please use the following template for links to Newsbeat, to ensure that readers are taken to the correct page.
## * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available.
## Note that the Presbytery is not very consistent with the format of their URLs. You need to check each time.
## The 10 in the above example means uploaded in October, not neccessarily the October edition.
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 * '''Church Council Elections – 18 December - '''A ballot for election of Church Councillors will be held on 18 December. Please make sure you give this your prayerful consideration.
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 * '''Volunteers Needed to Deliver Postcards for Advent Services - '''Please see the notice on the office counter if you can help to deliver Advent Services postcards to houses in the vicinity of the church before Sunday 11 December. Enquiries: Peter Anderson - 0411 123 253 = GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 20 =
 * Church Council will meet on Monday June 21. Any matters that should be considered by Council can be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 November 2016 =
 * '''Office Hours – November 21 to 25 - '''Please note the change in office hours this week and plan your visits accordingly. Wendy will be in the office each day as Heather is completing her last formation week at college for the year.
 * '''Church Christmas Lunch – 27 November at 12noon - '''Forms need to be in this Sunday for the Church Christmas Lunch on Sunday 27 November. Bookings are essential so if you are coming please fill in a form today. Forms are available in the November monthly bulletin or on the shelf outside the office. Forms and money can be given to Judith and Warren Greenwood or Laurel and John Muir.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – 13 December - '''Advance notice is given that a meeting of the Congregation will be held on the evening of Tuesday 13 December at 8pm.
 * '''Church Council Elections – 18 December - '''A ballot for election of Church Councillors will be held on 18 December. Please make sure you give this your prayerful consideration.
 * '''Advent Letter - '''The Advent letter is available for collection today for those who do not receive Church emails. Please collect your copy from the table as this saves us postage costs.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 13 =
 * The [[https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/statement-acting-premier-3|relaxed Covid restrictions]] only allow 50 in church. Therefore this Sunday will again be a [[http://gwuc.org.au/live/|single live streamed service]] at 10am.
 * The following week is Church Anniversary, which would normally be a single combined 10am service. We will see what is possible.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 November 2016 =
 * The new edition of the '''Presbytery newsletter''' is now available at http://www.ucappep.org/newsbeat/, or you can visit the PresbyteryPage.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 6 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Newsbeat-June-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for June]] is now available.
 * [[http://gwuc.org.au/live/|Live streamed worship]] at 10am again this week due to extended shutdown.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 November 2016 =
 * '''GWUC Trivia Night – Saturday 5 November at 7pm - '''Please put your trivia hat on and join us for the 2016 Trivia night which is a family event and a fundraiser for the church. $5 entry per person.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 22 =
 * Not yet announced, but received in response to an enquiry:<<BR>>"Service Victoria and the Department of Health are working on a new system for businesses and organisations such as yours which will be web-based. Any device which can connect to the internet and run Safari or Chrome will be able to use the new webform. This system will be ready by 28 May when the new digital check-in system is required." This will allow many more people to check in on their own devices, and make it much easier for us to help those who cannot.
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 * '''Advent Study – Commencing Monday 7 November for 4 weeks - '''Four groups will be running for this study – Monday night at 7.30pm, Tuesday at 2.30pm, as well as an email and facebook group. Please add your name to the list on the Office Counter. = GWUC Headlines for week ending May 15 =
 * Church Council has changed its meeting day to the third Monday of each month, that is this Monday 16 May. Material to be considered should be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
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 * '''More Than Godspell – Friday 11 November at 7.30pm - '''Please attend this concert being put on by the Diamond Valley Singers. Cost: $20. Fundraising efforts will support NCYC. It will be a great night. = GWUC Headlines for week ending May 1 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Newsbeat-May-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for May]] is now available.
 * Church Council this week held its first meeting after the recent delayed elections. [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilMinutes20210428|Provisional minutes]] are available to the congregation. Council decided to meet in future on the third Monday of each month.
 * The check in system that we have been using from Rewardle has failed to meet the dealine for connecting electronically to the government system. The means that we will need to change to the [[CheckInVicGov| government system]].
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 * '''“The Getaways” Weekend Away – Thursday 10 to Wednesday 16 November - '''The Getaways are going to Healesville in November. All are welcome. See the monthly bulletin for more details or contact Joanne Boldiston on 0438 413 964. = GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24 =
 * John Rutter on the [[https://johnrutter.com/latest-blog/did-they-mention-the-music?fbclid=IwAR1nmQmP9Nm9cDXK8P0qb50U91fs7v9WYfQ1hREJnHDqaRKgA2NYuQjs4c0|music for Prince Philip's funeral service]]. The first three paragraphs are well worth reading, particularly for 11am worshippers.
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 * '''Monthly Material Aid Offering for Welfare – Sunday 13 November - '''The work of our Welfare Committee is the focus of this month’s material aid offering. Non-perishables such as breakfast cereals, long life milk, canned fruit, soups, meals etc; tea, coffee, Milo, biscuits etc are all appreciated as well as toothpaste and brushes, soap, washing powders. = GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17 =
 * Some covid restrictions have been eased: for example, you can now collect a hymn book on your way into the service. Please remember to return it to the stewards table after use, so that it can be wiped down. The choir stalls have also been reinstated.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 29 October 2016 =
 * '''Outreach BBQ Forum – 30 October at 12noon - '''On 30 October we will be hearing from David Karoly, one of Australia’s leading climate and environmental scientists. Lunch will be provided. The cost is $5. Please put your name on the list in the foyer to assist with catering.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 10 =
 * There are now three live services: 8am, 9:15am, and 11am. The 9:15 and 11 services are live streamed as well.
 * '''2021 English Class''' for Chinese speakers and Chinese Fellowship (combined)
   * Start date: 21 Apr 2021 (no classes on school holidays)
   * Every Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
   * Venue: Room 1 Glen Waverley Uniting Church
   * Contact: 0412 659 386 Sheila Chan
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 * '''Adult Group – Friday 4 November at 8pm - '''This month we look forward to another interesting talk by one of our own group members. Robin Pope will entertain us with ‘A Papuan Life Remembered’. All welcome. = GWUC headlines for week ending Apr 3 =
 * Assembly have released a statement on [[https://uniting.church/towards-zero/|Towards Zero – Assembly Climate Action Plan]]
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Newsbeat-April-2021.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for April]] is now available.
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 * '''GWUC Trivia Night – Saturday 5 November at 7pm - '''Please put your trivia hat on and join us for the 2016 Trivia night which is a family event and a fundraiser for the church. $5 entry per person. = GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 27 =
 * ChurchCouncil met on Wednesday night. [[CouncilMinutes20210324|Provisional minutes]] are now available ([[#WikiAccess|Log in required.]])
 * Council decided this week to resume three morning services after Easter at the same times as pre-pandemic. This decision came from both the desire for diversity in worship, and from the fact the numbers attending the 10am services are approaching the allowed limit and some members are staying away because of the crowding. The 5pm service plans to resume after school holidays. Conversation will also begin regarding the 1 pm Indonesian/ Intercultural service. Council seeks feedback from members to inform future decisions. Both 9:15 and 11 will be live-streamed, as they were before the pandemic.<<BR>>Wearing of masks in church is no longer compulsory, but strongly advised whenever distancing is difficult. It is also encouraged in order to make others feel safe. Windows will continue to be open to ensure ventilation as the best defence against aerosol transmission.
 * Groups meeting in the church buildings should read and abide by CovidGuidelinesForGroups
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 * '''Advent Study – Commencing Monday 7 November for 4 weeks - '''Four groups will be running for this study – Monday night at 7.30pm, Tuesday at 2.30pm, as well as an email and facebook group. Please add your name to the list on the Office Counter. = GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 20 =
 * The wiki is back! Hooray and thank you JohnHurst.
 * [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Newsbeat-March-2021.pdf|The March issue of Newsbeat]] is available.
 * Church Council will meet next Wednesday 24th. Matters to be considered should be sent to [email protected]
 * Pancake breakfast at Glen Waverley Secondary College resumed last Thursday, just a year after being suspended.
 * [[CongMeetingAgenda20210314|The meeting of the congregation]] made some important decisions. [[CongMeetingMinutes20210314|Minutes]] will be available soon.
 * The Synod's JIM Cluster has developed a[[https://justact.org.au/first-people/actions/|study guide resource on the Statement from the Heart]] for Second Peoples seeking to explore and pursue a truthful, just and meaningful relationship with First Peoples.
 * TheHub will resume on Tuesday mornings only from April 20.
 * In April 2021, Glen Waverley Uniting Church Welfare Committee are one of the community groups being supported at [[https://www.grilld.com.au/restaurants/victoria/melbourne/glen-waverley|Grill'd.]]
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 * '''More Than Godspell – Friday 11 November at 7.30pm - '''Please attend this concert being put on by the Diamond Valley Singers. Cost: $20. Fundraising efforts will support NCYC. It will be a great night. = GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 13 =
 * The wiki is still broken. Sorry
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 * '''“The Getaways” Weekend Away – Thursday 10 to Wednesday 16 November - '''The Getaways are going to Healesville in November. All are welcome. See the monthly bulletin for more details or contact Joanne Boldiston on 0438 413 964. = GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 6 =
 * Unfortunately the wiki (aka ThePsalter) is broken at the moment. We are working to repair it as soon as possible.
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 * '''Honey Money - '''Unfortunately we have had some problems with honey money so we are asking that you please leave cash in the small plastic bags provided in the office or letterbox outside the front entrance. Many thanks for your ongoing support. = GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 27 =
 * Church Council met this week. Provisional minutes are now available, see CouncilMinutes20210224
 * Council agreed to continue single services up to Easter Sunday, and to use the time until Easter to build community and engage the congregation in discussions on how and when we resume diverse services, and what those diverse services may look like. As part of this a survey will be coming next week.
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 * '''Piano Trolley -''' Could the borrower of our church piano trolley please return it as soon as possible. Thank you. = GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 13 =
 * NO congregation at church this week, due to [[attachment:OpeningAfterCoronaVirus/HolidayInnShutdown.pdf|state shutdown order.]]
 * [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|Government guidelines for "Travelling with others"]] are now available. These should be followed when giving rides to people who do not reside with you.
 * [[CovidGuidelinesForGroups|Guidelines to enable groups to meet safely in the church]] are now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 October 2016 =
 * '''Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Reminder – Final Drop Off Day Thursday 27 October -''' All collected shoeboxes will be taken to Operation Christmas Child on Friday morning, so please make sure your filled box is delivered to the Church Office on Thursday 27 October.
 * '''Seniors Morning Tea at The Hub – Thursday 27 October at 10am -''' Come and enjoy morning tea at The Hub to thank our Seniors for all they do to help in our community. All ages welcome. Bring your family and friends. All donations to research into Motor Neurone Disease.
 * '''Outreach BBQ Forum – 30 October at 12noon -''' On 30 October we will be hearing from David Karoly, one of Australia’s leading climate and environmental scientists. Lunch will be provided. The cost is $5. Please put your name on the list in the foyer to assist with catering.
 * '''GWUC Trivia Night – Saturday 5 November at 7pm -''' Please put your trivia hat on and join us for the 2016 Trivia night which is a family event and a fundraiser for the church. $5 entry per person.
 * '''Advent Study – Commencing Monday 7 November for 4 weeks -''' Four groups will be running for this study – Monday night at 7.30pm, Tuesday at 2.30pm, as well as an email and facebook group. Please add your name to the list on the Office Counter.
 * '''Piano Trolley -''' Could the borrower of our church piano trolley please return it as soon as possible. Thank you.
= GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 6 =
 * [[attachment:Kingsway/Kingsway202102.pdf|The new edition of the Kingsway magazie]] is now available.
 * [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Newsbeat-February-2021.pdf| Newsbeat, the Presbytery newsletter]] is now avaialble for January
 * ChurchCouncil met this week, and [[CouncilMinutes20210203|provisional minutes]] are available to the congregation.
 * Wearing of masks is now compulsory in all indoor spaces, including worship. [[OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|Further details here.]]
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 October 2016 =
 * '''Combined Service – 16 October at 10am - '''A reminder that this Sunday there will be a combined service of worship at 10am. Following worship there will be morning tea and cake.
 * '''Outreach BBQ Forum - 30 October at 12noon - '''On 30 October we will be hearing from David Karoly, one of Australia’s leading climate and environmental scientists. Lunch will be provided. The cost is $5. Please put your name on the list in the foyer to assist with catering.
 * '''Piano Trolley - '''Could the borrower of our church piano trolley please return it as soon as possible. Thank you.
 * '''Trailer Needs A Home - '''One trailer of average quality requiring a loving home is available from our church family. Please contact the office if you think this would suit your requirements.
= GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 30 =
 * TheHub, the Thursday English class and the Bilingual English class have all cancelled for the first school term, and are hoping to start after Easter.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 October 2016 =
 * '''Victorian Seniors Festival – Celebrating Seniors – Sunday 9 October from 2.30pm to 4pm - '''You are invited to join us for music and afternoon tea on Sunday 9 October from 2.30pm until 4pm. All welcome.
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 * '''Keep the Fete Date – Saturday 15 October from 8.30am to 2pm - '''This Saturday! Please make sure that you have this date in your diary and think about how you might be able to help. See the bulletin for details, and sign-up sheets on the office counter. = GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 23 =
 * The [[2021BookSale|Book Sale]] is planned for Feb 27, subject of course to COVID numbers and with many precautions. To volunteer to distribute leaflets, please contact PeterAnderson. To help with setup and on the day, please contact SueMorgan.
 * In person attendance at worship is now possible. [[https://mcusercontent.com/37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba/files/d50f86ec-dd85-480f-998b-0d3bbc2ab540/Updated_2020_Return_to_GWUC.01.pdf|Details here.]]
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 * '''Glenallen School Working Bee – Saturday 22 October from 9am-12noon - '''As part of our partnership with Glenallen School we would like to have a group to take part in their next school working bee. Please see Andrew Hosking or the office for more details. = GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 1 =
 * A [[https://gwuc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba&id=3a2efc3961&e=ddae59856b|virtual tour of the 'Once Upon A Christmas Installation']] is now available.
 * An [[https://gwuc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba&id=8466756b45&e=ddae59856b|updated statement on worship attendance]] is now available.
  * We are [[ OpeningAfterCoronaVirus#Last|advised]] that the changes announced on Jan 31 do not affect worship.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 October 2016 =
 * '''Daylight Saving - Sunday 2 October - '''Daylight Saving commences on Sunday 2 October. Make sure you turn your clocks forward one hour before you head to bed on Saturday night. It’s time to start enjoying more light in the evenings again.

 * '''Victorian Seniors Festival - Celebrating Seniors - Sunday 9 October from 2.30pm to 4pm - '''You are invited to join us for music and afternoon tea on Sunday 9 October from 2.30pm until 4pm. All welcome. RSVP to the GWUC Office (9560 3280) or add your name to the list outside the Office.

 * '''Keep the Fete Date - Saturday 15 October from 8.30am to 2pm - '''Only two weeks to go now, so please make sure that you have this date in your diary and think about how you might be able to help on the day.

 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes - '''The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 September 2016 =
 * Links mentioned at the Seniors' seminar
  * [[http://www.vicdeaf.com.au/content.asp?id=31&t=smoke-alarm-subsidy&cid=81|Smoke alarms for the deaf]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 September 2016 =
 * '''Conversations on Alzheimer’s and Spirituality – Sunday 18 September at 2pm - '''The fifth in our series “Conversations on Alzheimer’s and Spirituality” will happen this afternoon at 2pm. Rev Brace Bateman will be our leader. All are welcome to come, whether you have attended these previous conversations or not. Where? At the home of Anne Cook, 56 Kwinana Street, Glen Waverley.
 * '''Office Arrangements – Monday 19 to Monday 26 September - '''Heather will be on leave from Monday 19 to Monday 26 September. During this time the office will be open and staffed by both Wendy Pepper and Steph Lohning. Details of opening times are as follows:
  * Monday 19 September to Thursday 22 September – 9.30am to 3pm Wendy
  * Friday 23 September – 9.30am to 3pm Steph
  * Monday 26 September – 9am to 5pm Steph
 Please also note in your diaries that the office will be closed on Friday 30 September as this has been gazetted a Public Holiday for the AFL Grand Final.

 * '''Seniors Seminar – Friday 23 September from 10am to 3pm - '''Ministry to Seniors invite you to the next Seniors Seminar which will be held on Friday 23 September at Glen Waverley Uniting Church. The theme for this year is “Health and Safety for Seniors”. The cost is $10 which includes morning tea and lunch. Contact the Church Office for enquiries and application forms.
 * '''Keep the Fete Date – Saturday 15 October from 8.30am to 2pm - '''Please make sure that you have this date in your diary and think about how you might be able to help on the day.
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes - '''The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 September 2016 =
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes - '''The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.
 * '''NewView Deadline - Friday 16 September at 5pm - '''The new issue of NewView will be out on the last Sunday in September. The theme for this issue is “Compassion”. Please forward your contributions to Robin Pope ( [email protected] ) or the Church Office by 5pm on Friday 16 September.
 * '''Moon Festival Community Event - Saturday 17 September from 2pm to 4pm - '''If you are able to assist at this family fun community event, please let Alanee know ( [email protected] ) - all help is appreciated.
 * '''Office Arrangements - Monday 19 to Monday 26 September - '''Heather will be on leave from Monday 19 to Monday 26 September. During this time the office will be open and staffed by both Wendy Pepper and Steph Lohning. Details of opening times are as follows:
  * Monday 19 September to Thursday 22 September - 9.30am to 3pm Wendy
  * Friday 23 September - 9.30am to 3pm Steph
  * Monday 26 September - 9.30am to 5pm Steph
  * Please also note in your diaries that the office will be closed on Friday 30 September as this has been gazetted a Public Holiday for the AFL Grand Final.
 * '''Seniors Seminar - Friday 23 September at 10am to 3pm - '''Ministry to Seniors invite you to the next Seniors Seminar which will be held on Friday 23 September at Glen Waverley Uniting Church. The theme for this year is “Health and Safety for Seniors”. The cost is $10 which includes morning tea and lunch. Contact the Church Office for enquiries and application forms.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 September 2016 =
 * The new edition of the '''Presbytery newsletter''' is now available at http://www.ucappep.org/newsbeat/
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes'''. The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.
 * '''Club 2016 - Sunday September 4 at 12noon - '''Club 2016 will get together Sunday 4 September at 12noon. Please bring a plate to share.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert - Sunday 4 September at 2.30pm - '''All are invited to an afternoon of music by Free Spirit at 2.30pm on Sunday 4 September. Enjoy contemporary, sacred and secular music, jazz and comedy followed by afternoon tea. Admission is $20 Adult and $15 Concession with all proceeds supporting our Church activities. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
 * '''NewView Deadline - Friday 16 September at 5pm.'''The new issue of NewView will be out on the last Sunday in September. The theme for this issue is “Compassion”. Please forward your contributions to Robin Pope ( [email protected] ) or the Church Office by 5pm on Friday 16 September.
 * '''Moon Festival Community Event - Saturday 17 September from 2pm to 4pm - '''As part of our vision to be amongst the Kingsway Community, and to become a more intercultural church, we are planning to hold a family fun event in the Chinese family tradition of the Moon Festival. We are inviting families to join us for crafts, games and refreshments. If you would like to help out we would love to hear from you. We are looking for people who enjoy making crafts with kids, serving tea and coffee, chatting and of course setting up and packing up. Please let Alanee ( [email protected] ) know if you would like to help us with this community event.
 * '''Office Arrangements - Monday 19 to Monday 26 September'''Heather will be on leave from Monday 19 to Monday 26 September. During this time the office will be open and staffed by both Wendy Pepper and Steph Lohning. Details of opening times are as follows:
  * Monday 19 September to Thursday 22 September - 9.30am to 3pm Wendy
  * Friday 23 September - 9.30am to 3pm Steph
  * Monday 26 September - 9.30am to 5pm Steph<<BR>> Please also note in your diaries that the office will be closed on Friday 30 September as this has been gazetted a Public Holiday for the AFL Grand Final.
 * '''Seniors Seminar - Friday 23 September at 10am to 3pm''' Ministry to Seniors invite you to the next Seniors Seminar which will be held on Friday 23 September at Glen Waverley Uniting Church. The theme for this year is “Health and Safety for Seniors”. The cost is $10 which includes morning tea and lunch. Contact the Church Office for enquiries and application forms.
 * '''Annual Fete - Saturday 15 October from 8.30am to 2pm - '''The fete is a highlight of our church year, with a role for everyone. Please reserve the date and start putting aside items to donate (silent auction, craft, plants, bric-a-brac, preloved clothes and books). Your help in setting up on the Thursday and Friday, and in the cleanup on Saturday afternoon and Monday is badly needed and would be very much appreciated. For more details see Sue Morgan, Murray Lowe or Cliff Baker.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 27 August 2016 =
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 28 August at 12noon - '''<<BR>>You are invited to share in this Outreach Forum to hear Jacquie and Michael Tolhurst speak of their experience volunteering in Nepal. Please sign up at the office window to help with catering. Cost: $5.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 4 September at 2.30pm -''' All are invited to an afternoon of music by Free Spirit at 2.30pm on Sunday 4 September. Enjoy contemporary, sacred and secular music, jazz and comedy followed by afternoon tea. Admission is $20 Adult and $15 Concession with all proceeds supporting our Church activities.
 * '''Moon Festival Community Event – Saturday 17 September from 2pm to 4pm - '''As part of our vision to be amongst the Kingsway Community, and to become a more intercultural church, we are planning to hold a family fun event in the Chinese family tradition of the Moon Festival. We are inviting families to join us for crafts, games and refreshments. If you would like to help out we would love to hear from you. We are looking for people who enjoy making crafts with kids, serving tea and coffee, chatting and of course setting up and packing up. <<BR>>Please let Alanee ( [email protected] ) know if you would like to help us with this community event.
 * '''Annual Fete – Saturday 15 October from 8.30am to 2pm - '''The fete is a highlight of our church year, with a role for everyone. Please reserve the date and start putting aside items to donate (silent auction, craft, plants, bric-a-brac, preloved clothes and books). Your help in setting up on the Thursday and Friday, and in the cleanup on Saturday afternoon and Monday is badly needed and would be very much appreciated. <<BR>>For more details see Sue Morgan, Murray Lowe or Cliff Baker.
 * '''Glen Waverley Secondary College Breakfast Volunteers Needed - '''We are looking for a team of volunteers to again serve pancakes for breakfast to the students at Glen Waverley Secondary College on Thursday mornings, starting at 7.30am and finishing around 9am. Contact Alanee if you would like to be involved in this ministry.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 20 August 2016 =
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 28 August at 12noon - '''You are invited to share in this Outreach Forum to hear Jacquie and Michael Tolhurst speak of their experience volunteering in Nepal. Please sign up at the office window to help with catering. Cost: $5.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 4 September at 2.30pm - '''All are invited to an afternoon of music by Free Spirit at 2.30pm on Sunday 4 September. Enjoy contemporary, sacred and secular music, jazz and comedy followed by afternoon tea. Admission is $20 Adult and $15 Concession with all proceeds supporting our Church activities.
 * '''Glen Waverley Secondary College Breakfast Volunteers Needed - '''We are looking for a team of volunteers to again serve pancakes for breakfast to the students at Glen Waverley Secondary College on Thursday mornings, starting at 7.30am and finishing around 9am. Contact Alanee if you would like to be involved in this ministry.
 * '''UnitingCare Volunteers - '''Bessy Androitis of UnitingCare VicTas is looking for persons in the congregation who volunteer at a UnitingCare agency and are prepared to share their volunteering experience. Please contact David Morgan or [email protected] if you can help.
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the Foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''Ministry Team News - '''Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 13 August 2016 =
 * '''RSPCA Cupcake Morning Tea at The Hub - Wednesday 17 August at 10am -''' On Wednesday 17 August there will be a special morning tea at The Hub from10am until 12noon. Come and enjoy the morning tea with family and friends. All donations will go to support the work of the RSPCA.
 * '''Glen Waverley Secondary College Breakfast Volunteers Needed -''' We are looking for a team of volunteers to again serve pancakes for breakfast to the students at Glen Waverley Secondary College on Thursday mornings, starting at 7.30am and finishing around 9am. Contact Alanee if you would like to be involved in this ministry.
 * '''With Love to the World -''' The new edition is now available in the letter rack. There are a few booklets still available. Please ask at the office if you are interested.
 * '''Planned Giving Letters -''' These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the office of any changes necessary.
 * '''Ministry Team News -''' Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 August 2016 =
 * A copy of the poem '''Faith''', mentioned at 9:15 this morning, can be found [[https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006050430207|here.]]
 * '''Club 2016 – Sunday August 7 -''' Please note Club 2016 will meet on Sunday after the 11am Service. All are welcome.
 * '''Rev Julian Hamilton – Space to Breathe Project -''' Last month Julian Hamilton make mention of the project he is working on called Space to Breathe. This involves bringing Irish, Israeli and Palestinian young people together for engagement and peace building. He has a funding shortfall and invited individuals to contribute if they would like to support this initiative. You are able to donate via the attached website, or via cash left at the office. Cash cannot be receipted and needs to be in the office by Monday 8 August. The web address to donate is [[http://www.gofundme.com/2ed8mj44|www.gofundme.com/2ed8mj44]].
 * '''With Love to the World -''' The new edition is now available in the letter rack. There are a few booklets still available. Please ask at the office if you are interested.
 * '''Planned Giving Letters -''' These are available from the table in the Foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advice the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''Ministry Team News -''' Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 July 2016 =
 * '''Tennis Club AGM - Saturday 30 July at 5pm -''' The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 30 July 2016 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School car park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley.
 * '''Special Congregational Meeting - Sunday 31 July at 10.30am -''' Presbytery have requested an opportunity to talk with the congregation in regards to Uniting Church process when a complaint is made, in light of a current issue. A special meeting of the congregation for this purpose will be held at 10.30am on Sunday 31 July.
 * '''Rev Julian Hamilton - Space to Breathe Project -''' Last Sunday Julian Hamilton made mention of the project he is working on called Space to Breathe. This involves brining Irish, Israeli and Palestinian young people together for engagement and peace building. He has a funding shortfall and invited individuals to contribute if they would like to support this initiative. You are able to donate via the attached website, of via cash left at the office. Cash cannot be receipted and needs to be in the office by Monday 8 August. The web address to donate is [[http://www.gofundme.com/2ed8mj44|www.gofundme.com/2ed8mj44]].
 * '''Ministry Team News -''' Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors. Alanee Hearnshaw will also be on leave from 10 July to 31 July.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 July 2016 =
 * The link for funding the program that Julian Hamilton spoke about this morning is https://www.gofundme.com/2ed8mj44
 * '''Tennis Club AGM - Saturday 30 July''' - The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 30 July 2016 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from the Highvale Primary School car park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley.
 * '''Special Congregational Meeting - Sunday 31 July at 10.30am - '''Presbytery have requested an opportunity to talk with the congregation in regards to Uniting Church process when a complaint is made, in light of a current issue. A special meeting of the congregation for this purpose will be held at 10.30am on Sunday 31 July.
 * '''Eco Task Group - '''Church Council is seeking environmentally minded people to join an Eco task group with the aim of GWUC achieving certification under the 5 Leaf Eco-awards program (https://fiveleafecoawards.org/). If you want to help make the church greener (though it is already pretty green) and have our achievements in this area recognized, please contact either:
  * Amy Spark Eichenbaum ( [email protected] ) or
  * Aaron Blakemore ( [email protected] )
 The task group will be made up of people from the congregation, property committee and the communications committee as well as church council. Council anticipate this being a six month project and a significant part of the task group’s work will involve connecting with the wider Kingsway community. We are hoping to have our first meeting by the end of July.
 * '''Ministry Team News - '''Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors. Alanee Hearnshaw will also be on leave from 10 July to 31 July.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 July 2016 =
 * '''Combined Service followed by a Meeting of the Congregation – 17 July at 10am''': On Sunday 17 July there will be a Combined Worship Service at 10am followed by a Meeting of the Congregation at 11.30am. Following the meeting there will be a sausage and salad lunch (cost $5). The report of the last meeting of the congregation and the agenda for this meeting are available at: http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationMeetingReports. Printed copies of the agenda are also available on the Stewards Table.
 * '''Tennis Club AGM - Saturday 30 July''': The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 30 July 2016 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from the Highvale Primary School car park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley.
 * '''Eco Task Group:''' Church Council is seeking environmentally minded people to join an Eco task group with the aim of GWUC achieving certification under the 5 Leaf Eco-awards program (https://fiveleafecoawards.org/). If you want to help make the church greener (though it is already pretty green) and have our achievements in this area recognized, please contact either:- Amy Spark Eichenbaum ( [email protected] ) or Aaron Blakemore ( [email protected] ). The task group will be made up of people from the congregation, property committee and the communications committee as well as church council. Council anticipate this being a six month project and a significant part of the task group’s work will involve connecting with the wider Kingsway community. We are hoping to have our first meeting by the end of July.
 * '''Ministry Team News:''' Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors. Alanee Hearnshaw will also be on leave from 10 July to 31 July.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 9 July 2016 =
 * '''Material Aid Offering – Toys for Timor – 10 July: '''Your donations of small second hand (or new!) toys for very poorly resourced kindergartens in Baguia, Timor-Leste will be gratefully received. Donations can be left in the basket near the church library or brought along to any services on July 10. They will be delivered in person with Judy and Murray visit in August.
 * '''Senior Service of Praise – 10 July at 2.30pm: '''All are welcome to attend this service organised by Ministry to Seniors. Free Spirit will lead the singing and afternoon tea will be held after the service.
 * '''Combined Service followed by a Meeting of the Congregation – 17 July at 10am: '''On Sunday 17 July there will be a Combined Worship Service at 10am followed by a Meeting of the Congregation at 11.30am. Following the meeting there will be a sausage and salad lunch (cost $5). To assist with catering please add your name to the list on the office counter if you plan to attend. The report of the last meeting of the congregation and the agenda for this meeting are available at: http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationMeetingReports. Printed copies are also available on the Stewards Table.
 * '''Ministry Team News: '''Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors. Alanee Hearnshaw will also be on leave from 10 July to 31 July.
 * '''Free Spirit’s Latest CD: '''Free Spirit’s latest CD, A Spirit for all Seasons, is now available for $20. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to purchase one or more copies. All proceeds from the CD’s will go to support the Church’s programmes and activities.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 July 2016 =
 * '''Senior Service of Praise – 10 July at 2.30pm''' - All are welcome to attend this service organised by Ministry to Seniors. Free Spirit will lead the singing and afternoon tea will be held after the service.
 * '''Combined Service followed by a Meeting of the Congregation – 17 July at 10am''' - On Sunday 17 July there will be a Combined Worship Service at 10am followed by a Meeting of the Congregation at 11.30am. An agenda for the meeting of the congregation will be available soon, but please note these arrangements in your diary now. Following the meeting there will be a sausage and salad lunch (cost $5). To assist with catering please add your name to the list on the office counter if you plan to attend.
 * '''Ministry Team News''' - Rev Neil Peters will take annual leave from Thursday 23 June returning to work Wednesday 6 July. Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors.
 * '''Free Spirit’s Latest CD''' - Free Spirit’s latest CD, A Spirit for all Seasons, is now available for $20. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to purchase one or more copies. All proceeds from the CD’s will go to support the Church’s programmes and activities.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 June 2016 =
 * '''Keep The Date – Combined Service and Meeting of the Congregation – 17 July - '''On Sunday 17 July there will be a Combined Service at 10am followed by a Meeting of the Congregation at 11.30am. An agenda for the meeting of the congregation will be available soon, but please note these arrangements in your diary now.
 * '''Ministry Team News - '''Rev Neil Peters will take annual leave from Thursday 23 June returning to work Wednesday 6 July.Alison Clarkson will be away from Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September. In Alison’s absence Elwyn Pederson will be coordinating the Ministry to Seniors.
 * '''Free Spirit’s Latest CD - '''Free Spirit’s latest CD, A Spirit for all Seasons, is now available for $20. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to purchase one or more copies. All proceeds from the CD’s will go to support the Church’s programmes and activities.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 June 2016 =
 * '''Anniversary Service – Sunday 19 June at 10am''' - A reminder that all are invited to attend the Church Anniversary next Sunday. There will be a combined service at 10am followed by a luncheon.
 * '''Ivan’s Pies – Tuesday 21 June''' - Please collect Pie Orders from the Church Hall on Tuesday 21 June between 1.30pm and 5pm.
 * '''Ministry Team News''' - Rev Neil Peters will take annual leave from Thursday 23 June returning to work Wednesday 6 July.
 * '''Free Spirit’s Latest CD - '''Free Spirit’s latest CD, A Spirit for all Seasons, is now available for $20. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to purchase one or more copies. All proceeds from the CD’s will go to support the Church’s programmes and activities.
 * '''Can you help?''' - A member of the congregation is in need of some assistance. If you are able to loan an average sized caravan for two months please contact the Church Office. The individual is happy to discuss loan charges.

Previous news items are available [[PreviousNewsItems|here]]

## Footnote. Please leave when archiving. Thanks. DavidM
== Access information ==
<<Anchor(WikiAccess)>> Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in. For access information click here.)

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 20

  • Church Council will meet on Monday June 21. Any matters that should be considered by Council can be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 13

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jun 6

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 22

  • Not yet announced, but received in response to an enquiry:
    "Service Victoria and the Department of Health are working on a new system for businesses and organisations such as yours which will be web-based. Any device which can connect to the internet and run Safari or Chrome will be able to use the new webform. This system will be ready by 28 May when the new digital check-in system is required." This will allow many more people to check in on their own devices, and make it much easier for us to help those who cannot.

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 15

  • Church Council has changed its meeting day to the third Monday of each month, that is this Monday 16 May. Material to be considered should be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 1

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for May is now available.

  • Church Council this week held its first meeting after the recent delayed elections. Provisional minutes are available to the congregation. Council decided to meet in future on the third Monday of each month.

  • The check in system that we have been using from Rewardle has failed to meet the dealine for connecting electronically to the government system. The means that we will need to change to the government system.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17

  • Some covid restrictions have been eased: for example, you can now collect a hymn book on your way into the service. Please remember to return it to the stewards table after use, so that it can be wiped down. The choir stalls have also been reinstated.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 10

  • There are now three live services: 8am, 9:15am, and 11am. The 9:15 and 11 services are live streamed as well.
  • 2021 English Class for Chinese speakers and Chinese Fellowship (combined)

    • Start date: 21 Apr 2021 (no classes on school holidays)
    • Every Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
    • Venue: Room 1 Glen Waverley Uniting Church
    • Contact: 0412 659 386 Sheila Chan

GWUC headlines for week ending Apr 3

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 27

  • ChurchCouncil met on Wednesday night. Provisional minutes are now available (Log in required.)

  • Council decided this week to resume three morning services after Easter at the same times as pre-pandemic. This decision came from both the desire for diversity in worship, and from the fact the numbers attending the 10am services are approaching the allowed limit and some members are staying away because of the crowding. The 5pm service plans to resume after school holidays. Conversation will also begin regarding the 1 pm Indonesian/ Intercultural service. Council seeks feedback from members to inform future decisions. Both 9:15 and 11 will be live-streamed, as they were before the pandemic.
    Wearing of masks in church is no longer compulsory, but strongly advised whenever distancing is difficult. It is also encouraged in order to make others feel safe. Windows will continue to be open to ensure ventilation as the best defence against aerosol transmission.

  • Groups meeting in the church buildings should read and abide by CovidGuidelinesForGroups

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 20

  • The wiki is back! Hooray and thank you JohnHurst.

  • The March issue of Newsbeat is available.

  • Church Council will meet next Wednesday 24th. Matters to be considered should be sent to [email protected]

  • Pancake breakfast at Glen Waverley Secondary College resumed last Thursday, just a year after being suspended.
  • The meeting of the congregation made some important decisions. Minutes will be available soon.

  • The Synod's JIM Cluster has developed astudy guide resource on the Statement from the Heart for Second Peoples seeking to explore and pursue a truthful, just and meaningful relationship with First Peoples.

  • TheHub will resume on Tuesday mornings only from April 20.

  • In April 2021, Glen Waverley Uniting Church Welfare Committee are one of the community groups being supported at Grill'd.

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 13

  • The wiki is still broken. Sorry

GWUC headlines for week ending Mar 6

  • Unfortunately the wiki (aka ThePsalter) is broken at the moment. We are working to repair it as soon as possible.

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 27

  • Church Council met this week. Provisional minutes are now available, see CouncilMinutes20210224

  • Council agreed to continue single services up to Easter Sunday, and to use the time until Easter to build community and engage the congregation in discussions on how and when we resume diverse services, and what those diverse services may look like. As part of this a survey will be coming next week.

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 13

GWUC headlines for week ending Feb 6

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 30

  • TheHub, the Thursday English class and the Bilingual English class have all cancelled for the first school term, and are hoping to start after Easter.

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 23

  • The Book Sale is planned for Feb 27, subject of course to COVID numbers and with many precautions. To volunteer to distribute leaflets, please contact PeterAnderson. To help with setup and on the day, please contact SueMorgan.

  • In person attendance at worship is now possible. Details here.

GWUC headlines for week ending Jan 1

Access information

Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-13 04:29:39 by DavidMorgan)