Differences between revisions 187 and 909 (spanning 722 versions)
Revision 187 as of 2016-03-05 04:12:30
Size: 15458
Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: Headlines for w/e March 5th added
Revision 909 as of 2022-08-16 01:11:03
Size: 14852
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. ~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 March 2016 =
 * '''St Luke’s Uniting Twilight Fiesta – Saturday 5 March from 2pm to 7pm''' St Luke’s Uniting (94-96 Essex Road, Mt Waverley) invites us to their Twilight Fiesta. There will be market stalls, live music, jumping castle, white elephant, gourmet food, animal farm, classic cars, collectables and plants.
 * '''Congregational Meeting – Sunday 6 March at 11.30am''' Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday 6 March at 11.30am following the 10am combined worship. Inclusive Community will also be providing a light lunch after the meeting. Key agenda items will include electing a chairperson for the congregational meetings, receiving the 2015 final accounts and the detailed report from Church Council on our Vision and Mission.
You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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 * NewView''' Closing Date – Monday 7 March''' Contributions for the next issue of NewView need to be submitted by March 7. Reports of activities and discussions, anecdotes, book reviews etc welcomed, whether related to the theme of readiness or not. Previous news items are available [[PreviousNewsItems|here]]
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 * '''Fiji Cyclone – Share Support''' In response to the recent cyclone in Fiji, Share has launched an emergency appear to support the people and communities affected. Donations will support UnintingWorld’s partner, the Methodist Church in Fiji, who are working to re-establish healthcare and schools, replant crops and rebuilding. A letter from the Moderator is on the noticeboard outside the office, and donation forms are available on the Steward’s Table. Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in to see those details. [[#WikiAccess|For access information click here.]])
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 27 February 2016 =
 * '''Ministry Team Makeup Focus Group – Sunday 28 February at 6pm''' The Focus Group about future Ministry Team makeup will be held on Sunday 28 February at 6pm at the church. Members of the congregation are welcome to attend.
## Note to editors: please use the following template for links to Newsbeat, to ensure that readers are taken to the correct page.
## * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available.
## Note that the Presbytery is not very consistent with the format of their URLs. You need to check each time.
## The 10 in the above example apparently means uploaded in October, not necessarily the October edition.
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 * '''Book Sale – Saturday 5 March from 8.30am to 1pm''' Donate your old books, buy some more and enjoy a delicious Devonshire tea! Books may be left at the church from today onwards. If you are able to assist in set-up from 1pm on Friday, and cleanup from 1pm Saturday, your contribution would also be much appreciated. All proceeds go to the work of the church. = GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 20 =
 * Last night Church Council reluctantly accepted Alanee Hearnshaw’s resignation from her position as Youth, Young Adults, Children’s & Families and Outreach Pastor. Alanee has been sharing her multitude of talents with us for 16 years. She will conclude her ministry position at Glen Waverley on 31 October 2022.
 * Church Council minutes will be available soon.
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 * '''Congregational Meeting – Sunday 6 March at 11.30am''' Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday 6 March at 11.30am following the 10am combined worship. Inclusive Community will also be providing a light lunch after the meeting. Key agenda items will include electing a chairperson for the congregational meetings, receiving the 2015 final accounts and the detailed from Church Council on our Vision and Mission. The agenda is available by clicking on this link:http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20160306. This contains links to the material to be presented. Paper copies are available on the Door Stewards desk. = GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 13 =
 * The Synod website now has a page of climate change resources: https://victas.uca.org.au/resources/climate-change/
 * We are very pleased to announce that we are now able to make new and updated safe church training available across the Synod. All members with WWCCs should do this training. To register for the training click [[https://victas-666919.workflowcloud.com/forms/b66dcaeb-be80-413e-a23b-1e1bbbb0d17e|here.]]
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 * NewView '''Closing Date – Monday 7 March''' Contributions for the next issue of NewView need to be submitted by March 7. Reports of activities and discussions, anecdotes, book reviews etc welcomed, whether related to the theme of readiness or not. = GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 6 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Newsbeat-August-2022.pdf| August issue of Newsbeat]] is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery.
 * ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220815. Matters for their attention can be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>.
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 * '''Fiji Cyclone – Share Support''' In response to the recent cyclone in Fiji, Share has launched an emergency appear to support the people and communities affected. Donations will support UnintingWorld’s partner, the Methodist Church in Fiji, who are working to re-establish healthcare and schools, replant crops and rebuilding. A letter from the Moderator is on the noticeboard outside the office, and donation forms are available on the Steward’s Table. = GWUC Headlines for week ending July 30 =
 * The Pastoral Relations Committee has now appointed two Presbytery Liaison Persons to join the Joint Nominating Committee for Glen Waverley. Chairing the JNC will be the Rev. Graham Bartley, minister at Coatesville, and Eunice Magee, chairperson of the St Luke’s Church Council will be the second PLP.
 * The GWUC pancake breakfasts at the Secondary College have a [[https://view.email.grilld.com.au/?qs=5b09eed11a0237b6ef2a0aa59a026f8a423f957a841fc3ca4bfc0aa657168f7d4bfb2bf4e1f0471e0b2ba7e78db0efe2cd46883f531504753ad68f3dff7baac6516ab0a0eaf6b2d9a268d3dbd421ee4a|jar at Grill'd for the month of August.]]
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 20 February 2016 =
 * '''Ministry Team Makeup Focus Group –''' Wednesday 24 February at 10am The Focus Group about future Ministry Team makeup will be held on Wednesday 24 February at 10am in the Church Hall. Members of the congregation are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to the church office.
 * '''Planned Giving Letters -''' These are available from the table in the Foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''Used Book Sale – '''Leaflet Delivery If you have volunteered to deliver leaflets for the used book sale, please collect your leaflets from the table in the foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Friday 26 February.
 * '''Asylum Seeker Support -''' The Asylum Seeker Support Group would like to thank the congregation for their donations towards the support of asylum seekers living lawfully in the community while awaiting an outcome to their application for permanent residency. During 2015 we were able to assist with over 150 items of food, 30 household cleaning agents, 46 items of bedlinen, 20 items of bath linen, 287 items of clothing, and 41 sundry items. There is a continued need for these contributions. The labelled boxes in the foyer (under the library shelves) tell you what the specific needs are (particularly in food lines), so check them out and remember them when you go shopping! Items contributed are given to the Dandenong Asylum Seeker Centre, and to the Asylum Seeker Project run by our Uniting Church agency, Lentara
 * '''Congregational Meeting -''' Sunday 6 March at 11.30am Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday 6 March at 11.30am following the 10am Combined Worship. Inclusive Community will be providing a light lunch after the meeting. The key agenda items will include electing a chairperson for the congregational meetings, receiving the 2015 final accounts, COP committee nominations and the detailed report from Church Council on our Vision and Mission. On the wiki, an Agenda is available at CongMeetingAgenda20160306 and minutes of the previous meeting can also be found at CongMeetingMinutes20151124. Warren Greenwood - Chairperson of Congregational Meetings
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 23 =
 * ChurchCouncil met Monday. Provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20220718.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 13 February 2016 =
 * '''Planned Giving Letters -''' These are available from the table in the Foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''Pancake Day - '''Tuesday 9 February - 11.30am till 2.30pm Jan Clear would like some helpers to set up, cook and clean up afterwards. If you are interested please contact Jan on 9803 6820.
 * '''Ash Wednesday - '''Wednesday 10 February - 7.30pm An Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday 10 February at 7.30pm in the Church.
 * '''Lenten Study - '''Commencing week beginning Sunday 14 February Lenten Studies for 2016 will be commencing the week beginning Sunday 14 February, and running for 5 weeks. If you are interested in participating in the study, please add your name to the list on the office counter. Please see the weekly bulletin for information about how to purchase a study book.
 * '''Seeking Nominations for Chairperson of Congregational Meetings -''' We are calling for nominations for Chairperson of the Congregational Meetings. This is a one or two year role open to anyone who wishes to nominate. Key functions include calling congregational meetings in accordance with UCA regulations and GWUC wishes; to chair the meetings; and, with the meeting secretary, to ensure any agreed actions are completed. For more information please see both the weekly and monthly bulletins.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 February 2016 =
 * '''Keep Fit Class - Resumes Thursday 4 February - 10am''' The class resumes on Thursday Feb 4. We enjoy an hour of cardio, stretching, balance and weights. We would love to see some new members. Enquiries: Eileen Scott 9800 4005.
 * '''Pancake Day – Tuesday 9 February – 11.30am till 2.30pm''' Jan Clear would like some helpers to set up, cook and clean up afterwards. If you are interested please contact Jan on 9803 6820.
 * '''Lenten Study – '''Commencing week beginning Sunday 14 February Lenten Studies for 2016 will be commencing the week beginning Sunday 14 February, and running for 5 weeks. If you are interested in participating in the study, please add your name and available times to the list on the office counter. Please see the weekly bulletin for information about how to purchase a study book.
 * '''Volunteers Needed to Deliver Leaflets for Used Book Sale''' - Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets between 14-26 February to promote our Used Book Sale. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s Used Book Sale, please tick or cross off your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson – 0411 123 253
 * '''With Love to the World''' - The 2016 edition of this booklet is starting early in February. There will be four booklets over a year. Each day there is a Bible reading, and a short commentary on the reading, with a prayer. What is special about the readings, is they are covering the theme, and preparing you for the following Sunday worship. You will be able to get more out of the service, in your anticipation of having followed the lectionary readings through the week. Why not add your name to the list on the office counter, with your phone number. Each booklet is $5, which contains, much more, with stories, preparing to hear God’s word, and meaningful art work. The commentaries are prepared by retired ministers of the word. Could the people who have been subscribing, please add your name to the list also. It is worth giving the first edition a go!
 * '''Rosters''' - Please make sure that you check the letter rack and collect any rosters (including Door Stewards and Flowers) that are there this week.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 16 =
 * ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220718. Matters for their attention can be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 January 2016 =
 * '''Office Assistant role'''. Advertisement and Position decription are available [[OfficeAssistantRole|here.]]
 * '''COP thanks.''' We have received a thank you and pictures from Odyssey House, available [[CopReport2015Odyssey|here.]]
 * '''January Services.''' A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''Volunteers Needed to Deliver Leaflets for Used Book Sale.''' Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets between 14-26 February to promote our Used Book Sale. If you delivered leaflets for last years’s Used Book Sale, please tick or cross of your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson 0411 123 253
 * '''Lenten Study.''' Lenten Studies for 2016 will be commencing the week beginning Sunday 14 February, and running for 5 weeks. If you are interested in participating in the study, please add your name and available times to the list on the office counter. Please see the weekly bulletin for information about how to purchase a study book.
 * '''Office Hours 2016.''' Church Council has approved a change in office hours and staffing arrangements will effect from early February 2016. In 2016 the Office will be open from 10am until 2pm daily. The Office Manager role will be come a part time position for three days per week covering the open hours and additional time to complete administration tasks. A new casual role of Office Assistant will be created to work during the open hours for the remaining two days per week.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 9 January 2016 =
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''2016 Rosters - '''Please check the letter rack for any Rosters which might have your name on them. There are also some magazines, cards and letters which need collecting so please make sure none of them belong to you.
 * '''Newsbeat - '''Copies of the latest edition of Newsbeat (Newsletter for the Presbytery of Port Phillip East) are available on the Stewards Table.
 * '''Office Hours -''' During the week of Monday 11 to Friday 15 January, Heather is on leave. During this time the office will be open between the hours of 12noon and 2pm each day.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 9 =
 * Some census data for Glen Waverley 2021 has been added to GlenWaverleyCensus#C2021
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 January 2016 =
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''2016 Rosters - '''Please check the letter rack for any Rosters which might have your name on them. There are also some magazines, cards and letters which need collecting so please make sure none of them belong to you.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 2 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Newsbeat-July-2022.pdf| July issue of Newsbeat]] is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery.
 * Monash City Council are raising concerns about the Suburban Rail Loop, and are looking for citizens to take a [[https://shape.monash.vic.gov.au/srl|two minute survey]] to inform its future advocacy to the SRL Authority on these matters.
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 * '''Office Hours -''' Make sure you check the bulletin for the hours the office is open over the next two weeks as these will differ from normal. = GWUC Headlines for week ending June 25 =
 * Monash Interfaith Gathering are holding an [[https://preview.mailerlite.com/k6m3r0u9s6/1977992641014405616/g9q3/| Intercultural High Tea Book Club for NAIDOC Week]] with guest speaker indigenous elder Aunty Sherree Francis to address the group on the importance of oral story telling in their culture. [[https://www.trybooking.com/CAEAU| Bookings here.]]
 * ChurchCouncil met Monday. Provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20220620.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 December 2015 =
 * '''Rosters - '''The 2016 Rosters for Cleaning and Morning Tea can be collected from the letter rack. The 2016 Flower roster is now on the office counter. Please indicate if you are happy to continue in 2016 and if there are times you will be unavailable. New volunteers are always welcome.
 * '''Christmas Bowl - '''We are again supporting Act for Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal this year. Envelopes are available on the Stewards Table if you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause.
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that this Sunday and throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending June 18 =
 * ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220620. Matters for their attention can be sent to <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 December 2015 =
 * '''Today - '''Sunday 20 December - Carols on Kingsway All are welcome to Carols on Kingsway to be held on Sunday 20 December at 7.30pm. Come along and enjoy a great night.
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 * '''Wesley Mission Food for Families - '''A Food for Families box can be found inside both our entry doors. Please leave non-perishable food or toiletries donations in support of this appeal. This is another way we can support those who do not have the means to celebrate Christmas the way that many others can. = GWUC Headlines for week ending June 4 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Newsbeat-June-2022.pdf| June issue of Newsbeat]] is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery, including Glen Waverley.
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 * '''Rosters -''' The 2016 Rosters for Cleaning and Morning Tea can be collected from the letter rack. The 2016 Flower roster is now on the office counter. Please indicate if you are happy to continue in 2016 and if there are times you will be unavailable. New volunteers are always welcome. = GWUC Headlines for week ending May 21 =
 * ChurchCouncil met last Monday. Provisional minutes are available to the congregation at CouncilMinutes20220516. A highlight was the decision to support DanielSihombing in the next step along the way to ordination.
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 * '''Christmas Cards - '''Christmas Cards are available from the Church Office. Cards start at $7 for a packet of 10 and proceeds go to UCA Share and Ryder-Chesire Foundation.
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 * '''Christmas Bowl - '''We are again supporting Act for Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal this year. Envelopes are available on the Stewards Table if you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause. = GWUC Headlines for week ending May 14 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Newsbeat-May-2022.pdf|May issue of Newsbeat]] is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery.
 * ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220516.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 December 2015 =
 * '''Sunday 13 December '''- At the 9.15am Service the children will participate in brining a message to the congregation, sharing what they have done in Term 4. After the 11am Iona Advent Service (involving Uniting Voices) there will be a light lunch available for those who wish to stay and attend the Seniors’ Carol Service. The Carol Service commences at 2.30pm and involves Free Spirit. This will be followed by afternoon team. All are welcome.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 7 =
 * The Book sale raised over $7300. Unsold books, about 8,000 of them, went to [[https://123read2me.org.au/|123Read2Me]].
 * Church Council agreed to put up a poster, from [[https://www.arrcc.org.au/|ARRC]], supporting action on climate change. Check it out on our north (Kingsway side) wall. Responses include:
  * I'm sure it resonates to the wider community and especially to young people who are so concerned about the future of the planet. Believing in the incarnation, that Jesus came to reconcile all people and the whole of creation, then to speak up for real climate action must surely be an essential part of our mission.
  * I am very pleased to see the banner up and think we should continue to support the dissemination of facts rather than the lies being perpetuated. Like Desmond Tutu who stood against apartheid and was not afraid to speak out let us not be afraid to speak about this emergency.
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 * '''Rob Gotch’s 20 Years of Ordination '''- Sunday 13 December - Surrey Hills Uniting Church will acknowledge Rob Gotch’s 20 years of ordination after the service on Sunday 13 December, soon after 11am. This is a low key morning tea but any of Rob’s f = GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24 =
 * Multiple service times resume this week.
 * Check in requirements for morning tea and other food service have now been discontinued.
 * Some [[MarriotArtworkRevised2022|revised artwork]] for the new position in the foyer has been prepared.
 * Church Council met this week and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20220421
 * The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change group will be holding a vigil at our local members office on May 6. See https://www.arrcc.org.au/chisolm_vigil_6_may and again on May 20, see https://www.arrcc.org.au/chisolm_vigil

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17 =
 * Presbytery are looking for members and volunteers for this year's Synod meeting. Please see SynodMembersVolunteers2022
 * A number of [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-e-jhtttddk-btjqhtwd-yd/|courses]] are available through Synod.
 * Regular services resume next Sunday. See RosterPreaching.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 3 =
 * [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/r-l-tyyhhdjl-btjqhtwd-p/|Crosslight]] is available.
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Newsbeat-April-2022.pdf|April edition of the Presbytery newsletter Newsbeat]] is available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 26 =
 * Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20220321
 * A number of [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-e-jhtttddk-btjqhtwd-yd/|Synod courses]] are available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 19 =

 * Monash Interfaith Gathering have invited us to a virtual screening of "Shereen" on 21st March at 7:30pm to support their work of promoting Understanding, Respect and Harmony throughout the community.
  * [[https://click.mlsend.com/link/c/YT0xOTA1NDcyMzE1ODk4OTkyNzUyJmM9dTdkMiZlPTAmYj05NDI5NDg3MzYmZD1mM2EwczNs.oi_yaPZi8NSYx9bqnwqB_qJzO4QWE7iN2W6SaLIkskc|Click here to view the trailer.]]
  * [[https://click.mlsend.com/link/c/YT0xOTA1NDcyMzE1ODk4OTkyNzUyJmM9dTdkMiZlPTAmYj05NDI5NDg3NDImZD1wMWkycDRr.0eUSQksMAnzjZhCku209xzzbbeOOycz3NPk1tNdTD9M|Click here to register]]
   * Click ‘Get Access Now’.
   * Register your details / log in and complete checkout.
   * Return to https://www.fanforcetv.com/programs/shereen-monash on Monday 21st March at 7:30pm to access the film and discussion.
  * FAQs are available [[https://click.mlsend.com/link/c/YT0xOTA1NDcyMzE1ODk4OTkyNzUyJmM9dTdkMiZlPTAmYj05NDI5NDg3NDUmZD1vMHM3bTNs.XYKorzFP5Mai3Isav-Y3nnn6nt8TUyLdxoXmyUKk0zE|here]] if you run into any issues.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 6 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Newsbeat-March-2022.pdf|March issue of Newsbeat]] is available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 26 =
 * National Church Life Surveys are due. See [[HeadLines#NCLS|below.]]
 * Nominations for [[attachment:CongregationalPage/2022 Election Form - no background.pdf|Council]] and [[attachment:CongMeetingInfoSessionReport202220206/2022 JNC Election Form - no background.pdf|Joint Nominating Committee]] close Next Sunday Feb 27.
  * [[JointNominatingCommitteeRole|Information of JNC is at available.]]
 * Church Council met this week and [[CouncilMinutes20220221|provisional minutes]] are now available. Login required.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 19 =
 * [[https://www.pokiesplayyou.org.au/end_gambling_harm_after_dark|A petition to synchronise closing hours for gambling venues]] is available. In Victoria, all gaming venues must only operate for a maximum of 20 hours a day with a four-hour break. However each venue can individually decide what hours their poker machine rooms are closed. In Monash, access to a gaming venue is available 24 hurs a day.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 12 =
 * [[CongMeetingInfoSessionReport202220206|The report of last Sundays meeting]], with links to all the material provided, is now available.
 * [[https://issuu.com/ucavictas/docs/202202_crosslight_feb_flipbook|The February issue of Crosslight]] is now available.

 * The National Church Life Survey is underway.
  * After multiple delays, Glen Waverley is now running the National Church Life Survey.
  * This is designed to enable the whole congregation to provide input into church planning, and will be especially valuable this year as we move towards calling another Minister of the Word. However, its usefulness depends critically on how representative it is, that is, getting as many members as possible to take part.
  * This is a voluntary, anonymous and confidential survey.
  * Most people complete it in 15 to 20 minutes.
  * Choose one response to each question unless it states otherwise.
  * Not all surveys are exactly alike. There are many issues being covered.
  * Further details are available from [[https://www.2021ncls.org.au/about|NCLS.]]
  * The options for taking part are:
   * [[http://attendersurvey.ncls.org.au|Online here for 15+]] or [[http://childsurvey.ncls.org.au|here for 8-14yrs]]. Our Church Code is UA291301 Glen Waverley Uniting Church.
   * Paper copies available at 10am services on Feb 13th and 20th. The preference is for forms to be filled in and left on the day, but return to the church office is acceptable.
   * Contact the office asking Joanne to send you a paper survey by post.
   * A [[https://www.2021ncls.org.au/media/2152/2021-ncls-parent-information-sheet.pdf|parent information sheet]] is available for families with 8 to 14 year olds.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 5 =
 * [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Newsbeat-February-2022.pdf|The February edition of Newsbeat]] is now available, including two stories from Glen Waverley.
 * Members are invited to financially support the UnitingWorld appeal, which is helping the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga to support people affected by the volcanic eruption and tsunami. Funds donated through Unitingworld make it possible to quickly get food and clothes and other essentials to people in need, particularly those who have been evacuated from their islands. UnitingWorld has set up a website where donations can be made to support the emergency relief efforts that are underway. https://donate.unitingworld.org.au/tonga.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jan 29 =
 * [[https://victas.uca.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Developing-a-Culture-of-Welcoming-flyer.pdf|Some workshops on welcoming]] are available from Synod, starting Feb 2.
 * The World Council of Churches and others have launched a [[https://www.oikoumene.org/resources/publications/zactax-toolkit|"zactax" toolkit]] to campaign for tax justice.
 * As groups resume for the new year, we are reminded of the [[https://victas.uca.org.au/covid-19-warning-for-congregations/|legal requirements for checkin and mask wearing]]
 * TheHub have decided to resume in second term 2022.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Jan 15 =
 * The Gold FISH group have decided to postpone the Book Sale from March 5 to a date to be determined, due to the increased prevalence of Covid-19.
 * In view of the continuing large number of COVID19 cases in the community, Church Council has decided to hold a single 10am live streamed service throughout February. A special meeting of the congregation for Council to outline plans for our future ministry team was planned for February 6. This will now be held following the 10am service, and live streamed for those not in attendance. This will be an information giving meeting, and no decisions are planned. It is hoped that the regular meeting of the congregation scheduled for March 6 will be possible in person.

## Footnote. Please leave when archiving. Thanks. DavidM
== Access information ==
<<Anchor(WikiAccess)>> Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in to see those details. For access information click here.)

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 20

  • Last night Church Council reluctantly accepted Alanee Hearnshaw’s resignation from her position as Youth, Young Adults, Children’s & Families and Outreach Pastor. Alanee has been sharing her multitude of talents with us for 16 years. She will conclude her ministry position at Glen Waverley on 31 October 2022.

  • Church Council minutes will be available soon.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 13

  • The Synod website now has a page of climate change resources: https://victas.uca.org.au/resources/climate-change/

  • We are very pleased to announce that we are now able to make new and updated safe church training available across the Synod. All members with WWCCs should do this training. To register for the training click here.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 6

  • ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220815. Matters for their attention can be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>.

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 30

  • The Pastoral Relations Committee has now appointed two Presbytery Liaison Persons to join the Joint Nominating Committee for Glen Waverley. Chairing the JNC will be the Rev. Graham Bartley, minister at Coatesville, and Eunice Magee, chairperson of the St Luke’s Church Council will be the second PLP.
  • The GWUC pancake breakfasts at the Secondary College have a jar at Grill'd for the month of August.

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 23

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 16

  • ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220718. Matters for their attention can be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>.

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 9

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 2

  • The July issue of Newsbeat is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery.

  • Monash City Council are raising concerns about the Suburban Rail Loop, and are looking for citizens to take a two minute survey to inform its future advocacy to the SRL Authority on these matters.

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 25

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 18

  • ChurchCouncil meets next Monday. The agenda is developing at CouncilAgenda20220620. Matters for their attention can be sent to <councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>.

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 4

  • The June issue of Newsbeat is now available, with news and stories from around the Presbytery, including Glen Waverley.

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 21

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 14

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 7

  • The Book sale raised over $7300. Unsold books, about 8,000 of them, went to 123Read2Me.

  • Church Council agreed to put up a poster, from ARRC, supporting action on climate change. Check it out on our north (Kingsway side) wall. Responses include:

    • I'm sure it resonates to the wider community and especially to young people who are so concerned about the future of the planet. Believing in the incarnation, that Jesus came to reconcile all people and the whole of creation, then to speak up for real climate action must surely be an essential part of our mission.
    • I am very pleased to see the banner up and think we should continue to support the dissemination of facts rather than the lies being perpetuated. Like Desmond Tutu who stood against apartheid and was not afraid to speak out let us not be afraid to speak about this emergency.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 24

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 17

GWUC Headlines for week ending Apr 3

GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 26

GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 19

  • Monash Interfaith Gathering have invited us to a virtual screening of "Shereen" on 21st March at 7:30pm to support their work of promoting Understanding, Respect and Harmony throughout the community.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Mar 6

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 26

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 19

  • A petition to synchronise closing hours for gambling venues is available. In Victoria, all gaming venues must only operate for a maximum of 20 hours a day with a four-hour break. However each venue can individually decide what hours their poker machine rooms are closed. In Monash, access to a gaming venue is available 24 hurs a day.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 12

  • The National Church Life Survey is underway.
    • After multiple delays, Glen Waverley is now running the National Church Life Survey.
    • This is designed to enable the whole congregation to provide input into church planning, and will be especially valuable this year as we move towards calling another Minister of the Word. However, its usefulness depends critically on how representative it is, that is, getting as many members as possible to take part.
    • This is a voluntary, anonymous and confidential survey.
    • Most people complete it in 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Choose one response to each question unless it states otherwise.
    • Not all surveys are exactly alike. There are many issues being covered.
    • Further details are available from NCLS.

    • The options for taking part are:
      • Online here for 15+ or here for 8-14yrs. Our Church Code is UA291301 Glen Waverley Uniting Church.

      • Paper copies available at 10am services on Feb 13th and 20th. The preference is for forms to be filled in and left on the day, but return to the church office is acceptable.
      • Contact the office asking Joanne to send you a paper survey by post.
      • A parent information sheet is available for families with 8 to 14 year olds.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 5

  • The February edition of Newsbeat is now available, including two stories from Glen Waverley.

  • Members are invited to financially support the UnitingWorld appeal, which is helping the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga to support people affected by the volcanic eruption and tsunami. Funds donated through Unitingworld make it possible to quickly get food and clothes and other essentials to people in need, particularly those who have been evacuated from their islands. UnitingWorld has set up a website where donations can be made to support the emergency relief efforts that are underway. https://donate.unitingworld.org.au/tonga.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jan 29

GWUC Headlines for week ending Jan 15

  • The Gold FISH group have decided to postpone the Book Sale from March 5 to a date to be determined, due to the increased prevalence of Covid-19.
  • In view of the continuing large number of COVID19 cases in the community, Church Council has decided to hold a single 10am live streamed service throughout February. A special meeting of the congregation for Council to outline plans for our future ministry team was planned for February 6. This will now be held following the 10am service, and live streamed for those not in attendance. This will be an information giving meeting, and no decisions are planned. It is hoped that the regular meeting of the congregation scheduled for March 6 will be possible in person.

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Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-07 06:30:23 by DavidMorgan)