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Revision 182 as of 2016-01-26 10:43:58
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Editor: DavidMorgan
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Size: 5570
Editor: DavidMorgan
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. ~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 January 2016 =
 * '''Office Assistant role'''. Advertisement and Position decription are available [[OfficeAssistantRole|here.]]
 * '''COP thanks.''' We have received a thank you and pictures from Odyssey House, available [[CopReport2015Odyssey|here.]]
 * '''January Services.''' A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''Volunteers Needed to Deliver Leaflets for Used Book Sale.''' Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets between 14-26 February to promote our Used Book Sale. If you delivered leaflets for last years’s Used Book Sale, please tick or cross of your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson 0411 123 253
 * '''Lenten Study.''' Lenten Studies for 2016 will be commencing the week beginning Sunday 14 February, and running for 5 weeks. If you are interested in participating in the study, please add your name and available times to the list on the office counter. Please see the weekly bulletin for information about how to purchase a study book.
 * '''Office Hours 2016.''' Church Council has approved a change in office hours and staffing arrangements will effect from early February 2016. In 2016 the Office will be open from 10am until 2pm daily. The Office Manager role will be come a part time position for three days per week covering the open hours and additional time to complete administration tasks. A new casual role of Office Assistant will be created to work during the open hours for the remaining two days per week.
You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 9 January 2016 =
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''2016 Rosters - '''Please check the letter rack for any Rosters which might have your name on them. There are also some magazines, cards and letters which need collecting so please make sure none of them belong to you.
 * '''Newsbeat - '''Copies of the latest edition of Newsbeat (Newsletter for the Presbytery of Port Phillip East) are available on the Stewards Table.
 * '''Office Hours -''' During the week of Monday 11 to Friday 15 January, Heather is on leave. During this time the office will be open between the hours of 12noon and 2pm each day.
Previous news items are available [[PreviousNewsItems|here]]
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 January 2016 =
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''2016 Rosters - '''Please check the letter rack for any Rosters which might have your name on them. There are also some magazines, cards and letters which need collecting so please make sure none of them belong to you.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 August 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Newsbeat-August-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for August]] is now available.
 * Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <<MailTo(CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
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 * '''Office Hours -''' Make sure you check the bulletin for the hours the office is open over the next two weeks as these will differ from normal. = GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 July 2018 =
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download at CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and the CongregationalPage.
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 December 2015 =
 * '''Rosters - '''The 2016 Rosters for Cleaning and Morning Tea can be collected from the letter rack. The 2016 Flower roster is now on the office counter. Please indicate if you are happy to continue in 2016 and if there are times you will be unavailable. New volunteers are always welcome.
 * '''Christmas Bowl - '''We are again supporting Act for Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal this year. Envelopes are available on the Stewards Table if you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause.
 * '''January Services - '''A reminder that this Sunday and throughout January we will have one Combined Service each week at 10am.
 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 December 2015 =
 * '''Today - '''Sunday 20 December - Carols on Kingsway All are welcome to Carols on Kingsway to be held on Sunday 20 December at 7.30pm. Come along and enjoy a great night.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 July 2018 =
 * [[attachment:PastorlaLetter14July2018Marriage.pdf|A pastoral letter concerning the Assembly decision on marriage.]] and a [[https://uniting.church/a-reflection-on-the-marriage-decision/|reflection on the decision.]]
 * '''Tennis Club AGM – Saturday 28 July at 5pm - '''The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 28 July 2018 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School Car Park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley. Club members are urged to attend.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download athttp://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.
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 * '''Wesley Mission Food for Families - '''A Food for Families box can be found inside both our entry doors. Please leave non-perishable food or toiletries donations in support of this appeal. This is another way we can support those who do not have the means to celebrate Christmas the way that many others can.  * '''Adult Group – Friday 3 August at 8pm - '''Join us for Adult Group on Friday 3 August at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome. Enquiries: Bev & Lindsay Brown 9561 2136.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors will be open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.
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 * '''Rosters -''' The 2016 Rosters for Cleaning and Morning Tea can be collected from the letter rack. The 2016 Flower roster is now on the office counter. Please indicate if you are happy to continue in 2016 and if there are times you will be unavailable. New volunteers are always welcome.

 * '''Christmas Cards - '''Christmas Cards are available from the Church Office. Cards start at $7 for a packet of 10 and proceeds go to UCA Share and Ryder-Chesire Foundation.

 * '''Christmas Bowl - '''We are again supporting Act for Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal this year. Envelopes are available on the Stewards Table if you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 December 2015 =
 * '''Sunday 13 December '''- At the 9.15am Service the children will participate in brining a message to the congregation, sharing what they have done in Term 4. After the 11am Iona Advent Service (involving Uniting Voices) there will be a light lunch available for those who wish to stay and attend the Seniors’ Carol Service. The Carol Service commences at 2.30pm and involves Free Spirit. This will be followed by afternoon team. All are welcome.

 * '''Rob Gotch’s 20 Years of Ordination '''- Sunday 13 December - Surrey Hills Uniting Church will acknowledge Rob Gotch’s 20 years of ordination after the service on Sunday 13 December, soon after 11am. This is a low key morning tea but any of Rob’s f
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 July 2018 =
 * '''Life Explored - '''Life Explored is a 7 week course that aims to help people uncover what they are really living for – and how God promises to meet their deepest desires for happiness. Over 7 weeks, we will be exploring together a video series that introduce us to the God of the Christian faith – it is open to all who are interested and searching for answers. There will be a time for questions and discussion in a friendly manner. Please register with Dietrich 0435 596 784 or [email protected]
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation - Notice of Meeting - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30 following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available at<<BR>>http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729 Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare
 * '''Dri

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 August 2018

GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 July 2018

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download at CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and the CongregationalPage.

  • Empty Beeac Premium Bags - Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

  • With Love to the World - The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 July 2018

  • A pastoral letter concerning the Assembly decision on marriage. and a reflection on the decision.

  • Tennis Club AGM – Saturday 28 July at 5pm - The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 28 July 2018 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School Car Park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley. Club members are urged to attend.

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download athttp://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.

  • Adult Group – Friday 3 August at 8pm - Join us for Adult Group on Friday 3 August at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome. Enquiries: Bev & Lindsay Brown 9561 2136.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors will be open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Empty Beeac Premium Bags - Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 July 2018

  • Life Explored - Life Explored is a 7 week course that aims to help people uncover what they are really living for – and how God promises to meet their deepest desires for happiness. Over 7 weeks, we will be exploring together a video series that introduce us to the God of the Christian faith – it is open to all who are interested and searching for answers. There will be a time for questions and discussion in a friendly manner. Please register with Dietrich 0435 596 784 or [email protected]

  • Meeting of the Congregation - Notice of Meeting - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30 following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available at
    http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729 Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare

  • Dri

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-07 06:30:23 by DavidMorgan)