Differences between revisions 101 and 403 (spanning 302 versions)
Revision 101 as of 2014-09-10 01:24:41
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Editor: ChrisOwen
Revision 403 as of 2018-08-17 08:27:34
Size: 10071
Editor: JohnSnare
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. ~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~
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= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 13 Sep 2014 =
 * My personal thanks (from PeterStewart) to JohnHurst for updating the Headlines over the years
 * I recommend that the MG Conveners or Secretaries could jointly continue this useful feature
 * All it would involve is a one-line announcement about recent additions to the wiki such as meeting minutes and other news
 * (from ChrisOwen) I've had a number of requests for the text of my sermon from the 11am service on Sunday 7th. This can be found here.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 6 Sep 2014 =
 * The CongMeetingMinutes20140831 from the August meeting are now available.
There will be no more Headlines. JohnHurst has stood down from this task.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 30 Aug 2014 =
 * The latest WorshipAttendances have been published.
 * The latest PropertyReport201407 is available.
 * See details of our church's VisioningProcess2014 '''***** LOOK AT ME! *****'''
 * The latest report of the Faith Development Group is at FaithReport201408
 * Check the recent Church CouncilMinutes20140826
 * The agenda for this month's CongMeetingAgenda20140831 is online

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 02 Aug 2014 =
 * The CouncilMinutes20140624 for the most recent council meeting are available
 * The next OutreachAgenda201408 is available.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 26 Jul 2014 =
 * The agenda of the forthcoming Congregation Meeting is at CongMeetingAgenda20140831
 * The ChurchCouncil's statement on CouncilMissionalGoals is available.
 * The link to support the Reichardts is http://www.unitingworld.org.au/reichardts/
 * To sign a petition supporting a $1 limit on poker machines, go to [[http://victoria.greens.org.au/dollarbets?utm_campaign=0725_dollarbets&utm_medium=email&utm_source=agv|here]]

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 19 Jul 2014 =
 * The details on HowToUseTheChurchWiki and the ChurchRostersHowTo have been revised.
 * Details on the CommunicationsStrategicPlanNoticeboardsInside have been updated.
 * The PropertyReport201407 and FinanceReport201407 are available.
 * The church [[CongCodeOfConduct|Code of Conduct]] is available for discussion.
 * The MinistryTeamReport201407, FaithReport201407, and InclusiveReport201407 are available.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 12 Jul 2014 =
 * The definition of church members for the church database has been changed. See ChurchMembership for details.
 * The minutes of the most recent congregational meeting are at CongMeetingMinutes20140406.
 * A discussion paper on the proposed procedures for congregational meetings is at CongMeetingProcedures.
 * Additional details on bible studies available at Glen Waverley Uniting Church are at BibleStudy.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 05 Jul 2014 =
 * Minutes from the most recent OutreachMissionalGroup meeting are available at OutreachMinutes201407.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 28 Jun 2014 =
 * There have been significant changes to the ChurchRosters.
 * Council met on 24 Jun 2014 and their [[CouncilMinutes20140624|minutes are available]].
 * The CommunicationsCommittee are meeting on 7 Jul 2014 and their [[CommunicationsAgenda20140707|agenda is available]].
 * A [[FaithReport201406|Faith Development Group report]] is available for their last meeting on 11 Jun 2014.
 * Various Outreach reports for the last few months can be retrieved from their [[CommunityOutreach|home page]].

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 21 Jun 2014 =
 * The [[MinistryTeamReport201406|latest Ministry Team report]] is available.
 * The latest NewView is available.
 * The Council are working on a [[CongCodeOfConduct|Congregational Code of Conduct]].
 * The CommunicationsCommittee have revised various policy Guidelines: PsalterPolicy, SocialMediaPolicy, and EmailEtiquetteGuidelines
 * The [[PropertyReport201406|latest PropertyCommittee report]] is available.
 * The [[FinanceReport201406|latest FinanceCommittee report]] is available.

= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 14 Jun 2014 =
 * The CommunicationsCommittee met on 2 Jun 2014 and their [[CommunicationsMinutes20140602|minutes are available]].
 * Council met on 27 May 2014 and their [[CouncilMinutes20140527|minutes are available]].
 * The CommunityOutreach group met on 5 Jun 2014 and their [[OutreachMinutes201406|minutes are available]].

= (No HeadLines for period 19 Apr 2014 to 7 Jun 2014) =
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Apr 2014 =
 * '''A ''Guide to ThePsalter'' workshop will be held on Monday, 28 Apr, 2-4pm.''' Existing users with experience on using the wiki will be on hand to give one-on-one assistance to new wiki users.
 * A new PropertyReport201404 is available
 * The new NewView has been uploaded online
 * There have been changes in the ChurchRosters - if you didn't read this page after last Sunday, you should now!
 * There has been more activity regarding the CopResponsesReceipts2013 from last year.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Apr 2014 =
 * The minutes for the last Congregational Meeting (CongMeetingMinutes20131125) are on-line.
 * also the CommunicationsMinutes20140203 are available.
 * ditto the FaithReport201403, OutreachReport201403
 * the CommunityOutreach mission group has been very active, with many updates to their pages.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 29 Mar 2014 =
 * The new ChurchRosters are now in production. Visit this page to see the progress being made.
 * The CouncilMinutes20140325 for the most recent council meeting are available to read.
 * The AnnualReport2013 has been updated.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Mar 2014 =
 * The new roster system approved by church council is now online. First to be made available are the old Elders/Salt rosters: RosterWelcome, RosterVestry, RosterCommunion. More details at RosterNewSystems.
 * From the Property Chairman: . Phase one of the solar project has been completed this week, and all the physical hardware has been installed and is functional. This includes the 120 panels on our roof, the controlling Inverters and ancillary cabling and switchboard changes. We are very appreciative of the wonderful job the installation team has done, and also thank the congregation and guests for adapting to the reduced parking all week. The next phase is for the system to be tested by the electricity agencies and government testers before it is then commissioned. This may take a couple of weeks. We will keep the congregation informed of the progress.
  . Here is just one photo of what our church roof now looks like above the Foyer, Fellowship, Chapel, Room 2 & 3 and across the front of the north side of the hall roof. In conjunction with Bright Solar, we will be writing a review and story for Crosslight and our own Church Monthly bulletin as well as posting pictures and explanations on our web site. You can see more at PropertySolarPanels.
   . {{attachment:SolarPanels1.jpg}}
  Thank you for your cooperation this week - Warren Greenwood - Property Chairperson.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 Mar 2014 =
 * There is more information about last year's [[CopResponsesReceipts2013|COP]] activities.
 * Minutes of the last [[OutreachMinutes201403|Outreach Meeting]] are available.
You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 August 2018 =
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 August – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 August – 12noon - '''Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.<<BR>>To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September -''' An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Bush Dance - '''A final reminder about the Bush Dance on this Saturday from 2pm. All are welcome to come and join in the fun at this fundraising activity for our church.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 August 2018 =
 * '''Monthly Material Aid: Uplift Socks Oddsox – Sunday 12 August - '''We are collecting new and odd socks. These are used by amputees to keep wound dressings in place and clean. Please bring along some new or odd socks.
 * '''Muffin Morning Tea – Wednesday 15 August – 10am to 12noon - '''Come and enjoy some delicious home-made muffins with a cuppa for morning tea and take home some recipes. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Parkinsons’s Disease.
 * '''Fundraising Bush Dance – Saturday 18 August – from 2pm - '''All are welcome to join in the bush dance which is also a fund raising event for our congregation. $8 per adult or $25 per family. Come along for a fun afternoon and night. To give an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list on the office counter. More details available in the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 August – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 August 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Newsbeat-August-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for August]] is now available.
 * Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <<MailTo(CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
 * '''Club 2018 – Sunday 5 August at 12noon''' - Club 2018 will meet for lunch today following the 11am service. All welcome.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 5 August at 2.30pm - '''At 2.30pm Free Spirit will present their concert at Croydon Uniting Church, 6 Tallent Street, Croydon, in support of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre I Brunswick. If you are unable to attend their concert here at Glen Waverley on September 9, then consider attending this afternoon to support asylum seekers.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 12th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 July 2018 =
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download at CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and the CongregationalPage.
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 July 2018 =
 * [[attachment:PastorlaLetter14July2018Marriage.pdf|A pastoral letter concerning the Assembly decision on marriage.]] and a [[https://uniting.church/a-reflection-on-the-marriage-decision/|reflection on the decision.]]
 * '''Tennis Club AGM – Saturday 28 July at 5pm - '''The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 28 July 2018 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School Car Park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley. Club members are urged to attend.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download athttp://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.

 * '''Adult Group – Friday 3 August at 8pm - '''Join us for Adult Group on Friday 3 August at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome. Enquiries: Bev & Lindsay Brown 9561 2136.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors will be open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Empty Beeac Premium Bags - '''Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 July 2018 =
 * '''Life Explored - '''Life Explored is a 7 week course that aims to help people uncover what they are really living for – and how God promises to meet their deepest desires for happiness. Over 7 weeks, we will be exploring together a video series that introduce us to the God of the Christian faith – it is open to all who are interested and searching for answers. There will be a time for questions and discussion in a friendly manner. Please register with Dietrich 0435 596 784 or [email protected]
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation - Notice of Meeting - '''There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30 following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available at<<BR>>http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729 Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare
 * '''Dri '''

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 August 2018

  • Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 August – 5.15pm - Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 August – 12noon - Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.
    To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Bush Dance - A final reminder about the Bush Dance on this Saturday from 2pm. All are welcome to come and join in the fun at this fundraising activity for our church.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 August 2018

  • Monthly Material Aid: Uplift Socks Oddsox – Sunday 12 August - We are collecting new and odd socks. These are used by amputees to keep wound dressings in place and clean. Please bring along some new or odd socks.

  • Muffin Morning Tea – Wednesday 15 August – 10am to 12noon - Come and enjoy some delicious home-made muffins with a cuppa for morning tea and take home some recipes. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Parkinsons’s Disease.

  • Fundraising Bush Dance – Saturday 18 August – from 2pm - All are welcome to join in the bush dance which is also a fund raising event for our congregation. $8 per adult or $25 per family. Come along for a fun afternoon and night. To give an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list on the office counter. More details available in the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 August – 5.15pm - Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Planned Giving Letters - These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 August 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for August is now available.

  • Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

  • Club 2018 – Sunday 5 August at 12noon - Club 2018 will meet for lunch today following the 11am service. All welcome.

  • Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 5 August at 2.30pm - At 2.30pm Free Spirit will present their concert at Croydon Uniting Church, 6 Tallent Street, Croydon, in support of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre I Brunswick. If you are unable to attend their concert here at Glen Waverley on September 9, then consider attending this afternoon to support asylum seekers.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 12th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Planned Giving Letters - These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

  • With Love to the World - The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 July 2018

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download at CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and the CongregationalPage.

  • Empty Beeac Premium Bags - Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

  • With Love to the World - The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 July 2018

  • A pastoral letter concerning the Assembly decision on marriage. and a reflection on the decision.

  • Tennis Club AGM – Saturday 28 July at 5pm - The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church Glen Waverley Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 28 July 2018 at 5pm. Entry to the clubhouse is from Highvale Primary School Car Park at the end of Ashton and Plymouth Streets, Glen Waverley. Club members are urged to attend.

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 29 July at 11.30am - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30am following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available to download athttp://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729. Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare.

  • Adult Group – Friday 3 August at 8pm - Join us for Adult Group on Friday 3 August at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome. Enquiries: Bev & Lindsay Brown 9561 2136.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors will be open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday August 18th. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Empty Beeac Premium Bags - Please return any emptied Beeac Premium Bags to the church (put them beside the recycling bins) so we can prepare for this year’s fete. Ordering will be available shortly. Thank you – Warren Greenwood. 0403 028 948.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 July 2018

  • Life Explored - Life Explored is a 7 week course that aims to help people uncover what they are really living for – and how God promises to meet their deepest desires for happiness. Over 7 weeks, we will be exploring together a video series that introduce us to the God of the Christian faith – it is open to all who are interested and searching for answers. There will be a time for questions and discussion in a friendly manner. Please register with Dietrich 0435 596 784 or [email protected]

  • Meeting of the Congregation - Notice of Meeting - There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday July 29th at 11:30 following combined worship at 10am. Amongst other things, this meeting will consider the recommendations of the Congregation Outreach Projects Selection Panel for projects for this year. A draft agenda is available at
    http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20180729 Any questions can be forwarded to John Snare

  • Dri

HeadLines (last edited 2024-07-13 11:39:51 by DavidMorgan)