Differences between revisions 314 and 315
Revision 314 as of 2021-04-04 23:43:31
Size: 3564
Revision 315 as of 2021-04-27 04:31:07
Size: 3741
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * ''[[https://gwuc.org.au/live/|On line services]] each Sunday at 10am.''
 * Join the VirtualMorningTea after the live streaming service.
 * We can now welcome "in person" attendances to the services with conditions for those who feel safe attending. See [[attachment:Updated 2020 Return to GWUC.pdf| details here.]]
## * ''[[https://gwuc.org.au/live/|On line services]] each Sunday at 10am.''
## * Join the VirtualMorningTea after the live streaming service.
 * We can now welcome "in person" attendances to the regular services services with conditions for those who feel safe attending. See [[attachment:Updated 2020 Return to GWUC.pdf| details here.]]
 * 9:15am family and 11am traditional services are both [[https://gwuc.org.au/live/|live streamed]] and available afterwards, with translation facilities.


This page is the Home Page for the Glen Waverley Uniting Church wiki page, known as ThePsalter (People Sharing And Listening Together - Everyone Rejoicing!). All links on this page are accessible by any person, logged in or not. Every word or phrase that you see in a different colour is a link to some other page (just like a normal web page).

Services to mid March

  • We can now welcome "in person" attendances to the regular services services with conditions for those who feel safe attending. See details here.

  • 9:15am family and 11am traditional services are both live streamed and available afterwards, with translation facilities.

See the separate Quick Links page. This is a good page to bookmark in your browser if you are a regular visitor to these pages.

Latest News

For the latest news see the HeadLines page. Old news is archived on the PreviousNewsItems page.

Copies of the ChurchBulletin (weekly) and Kingsway (bi-monthly) are available online.

What's on

Until further notice, all worship services, playgroups, badminton, groups, meetings and events have been suspended. Some meetings may still happen but will be limited to ‘online’ meetings - thereby reducing the need for ‘face-to-face’ meetings.

Church Diaries

All bookings for functions in the church building, both church functions and hirers, are now in the one diary - but! due to technical reasons, are shown in two distinct calendars. Please consult both of the following diaries for room availability, and send requests for new entries to <office AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

Mailing list

Regular emails are sent to members. To join the list contact <office AT gwuc DOT org DOT au> or go to http://eepurl.com/c8zcWH

Contact details

Phone numbers and email addresses of members are kept exclusively on member home pages, visible only to members who have logged on to the wiki. Various ways to find people are listed at HowToContactMembers

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If you want to get an account to use the wiki, or find out more about the wiki, please visit the GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders (clicking on that last word will take you to the page).

New Users

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GwucHomePage (last edited 2024-05-24 23:21:33 by JohnSnare)