Differences between revisions 251 and 252
Revision 251 as of 2013-12-12 00:32:43
Size: 11132
Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 252 as of 2013-12-14 07:31:14
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Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: start on big reconstruction
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Note that many of the pages linked from these quick links may have access control on them. You will need to visit the CreateUserAccount if you do not have an account on this wiki.

 * CongregationalPage (this page deliberately placed first)
  * The [[ChurchFutureScProposal|report and proposal from the Church Future Directions Steering Committee]] is available.
  * [[ChurchFutureDirections|Information about current planning for the long term future of this church]].
  * The ChurchInCelebration
  * [[CongregationData|Some statistical data about the congregation]]
  * ChurchWorshipServices (for information and comment on the different styles of worship that we offer)
  * Annual reports of groups in the congregation [[AnnualReport2013|2013]] (now open), [[AnnualReport2012|2012]], [[AnnualReport2011|2011]], [[AnnualReport2010|2010]], [[AnnualReport2009|2009]]
 * CommunicationsCommittee
  * There are two calendars, [[http://www.google.com/calendar/[email protected]&ctz=Australia/Sydney&pvttk=49f1680c4c548b4dcc48d0d36de429b7|GWUC Diary]] for church events and [[http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=gwuc.org.au_66j4ml2g4prmb4mkl72c88fppc@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Australia/Sydney&pvttk=d997e5856d864b7071b2a71bdd63109c|Bookings]] for bookings for external groups.
  * ChurchBulletin and NewView
  * [[http://wr.victas.uca.org.au/assets/1347/UCInformation_March2010.pdf|Synod news]]
 * CouncilPage and council committees. Check this page for all council matters, such as [[MusicCopyright|Copyright Issues]], CouncilPolicies and Job Descriptions
  * [[CouncilMinutes20131017|Minutes of special meeting on UCA divestments]]
  * Last minutes: CouncilMinutes20131029.
  * Next agenda: CouncilAgenda20131119 - restricted to council members only
 * Ecumenical: we are members of the [[http://www.ajhurst.org/~ajh/parish/GWICC/index.xml|Glen Waverley Inter Church Council]], and follow their [[GwiccPrayerList|Prayer List]].
 * The !EldersPage has been decommissioned. See the SaltPage instead. For worship rosters, please see the RosterSaltCurrent. For our pastoral program, see PastoralPartners.
 * Events
  * The [[ChurchFete2013|Church Fete]]
  * Key Dates for events in the church calendar are shown at EventsKeyDates
  * FundRaisingEventsCalendar2013 (last year FundRaisingEventsCalendar2012)
  * combined services during 2013 - see RosterPreaching
 * [[GivingToGlenWaverleyUCA|Giving to Glen Waverley UCA]]; a guide to giving options and processes.
 * Group Lists
  * MasterGroupList (lists all church groups)
  * [[GroupContactList|Group contacts' page]] (the list of contact persons for groups, and information for those persons)
  * MailingLists (gives the mailing lists available)
 * Groups
  * GomerCoffeeList
  * [[UcafHomePage|UCAF]]
  * UnitingVoices (ChoirPage)
  * FreeSpirit
  * BibleStudy
  * (other groups are welcome to add their group pages to this list)
 * [[InformationSystemsOverview|Information Systems]]
  * HowToUseTheChurchWiki - getting started in using the wiki. Recently added is a section on Attachments.
  * WikiTipOfTheDay gives a list of all the wiki tips
  * ChurchDatabase - information about the church database
  * [[GroupContactList|Group contacts' page]] - information for the contacts persons of groups.
  * ChurchComputerSystems - more technical information about the above and our other computer systems.
 * [[ChurchMinistries|Ministries]]
  * ChildrenAndFamilies
  * YouthMinistry
  * SeniorsMinistry
  * FreshExpressions
 * Mission Activities
  * The OnTheWayTogether journey, resulting in the 4 mission groups of our church:
   * CommunityOutreach
    * [[MusicalInstrumentsForRefugees|Musical instruments for refugees]]
   * FaithDevelopment (was FaithCommunity)
   * InclusiveCommunity
   * CommunityHub
    * [[CooeeInformation|Cooee]]
    * LeisureTime
    * [[http://gwuc.org.au/children-families/playgroups/|Playgroups]]
    * StoryHub
    * TheHub
    * WelfareCommittee
 * Resources
   * The UCA [[attachment:MeetingsManual.pdf|Manual for Church Meetings]] is available on this wiki (faster download), or directly from the [[http://assembly.uca.org.au/images/stories/Regulations/2012/Manual_for_Meetings_2009.pdf|Assembly Site]]
   * [[ChurchRosters|Rosters]]
 * The SaltPage is all about our worship together. See the RosterSaltCurrent for current worship rosters.
 * The SuggestionBox is available to take your comments about any aspect of church life.
 * [[http://www.uca.org.au/|Uniting Church in Australia]]
  * [[http://assembly.uca.org.au/|The Assembly]]
  * [[http://wr.victas.uca.org.au/|The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania]]
  * [[PresbyteryPage|The Port Phillip East Presbytery]] - information about the Presbytery and our relationship with it.
  * Uniting our Future Divestments process
   * [[attachment:DivestmentsConcluded.pdf|Press release at conclusion of sales.]]
   * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Newsbeat-October-Special-UoF-edition-2013.pdf|Announcement from Presbytery]]
   * [[http://listeningpost.victas.uca.org.au/projects/uniting-our-future-uca-victas|Updates from Synod.]]
   * [[http://listeningpost.victas.uca.org.au/projects/uniting-our-future-uca-victas/documents|Fact sheets.]]
   * Invitational appeal for donations to reduce the need to sell properties. [[attachment:DivestmentsAppeal.pdf]]
   * [[SecondDivestmentsMeeting|Invitation to another information meeting.]]
 * Worship at Glen Waverley: see the ChurchWorshipServices, SaltPage and the RosterSaltCurrent for information.


== What's a Wiki? ==
A wiki (from the Hawaiian word for 'quickly') is a web page set up for interactive use. That means that '''you''' can edit and add content to it, and even create new pages, without needing to know any technical details of how web pages work.

While this may seem daunting at first, it gives the wiki pages great power as a tool for communicating information and knowledge. Think 'Wikipedia' and you will understand the immense power that comes from making the web pages open to all contributors. There has never been an information tool as powerful as a wiki in the whole history of the human race!

This does come with some caveats. There are people around who will attempt to subvert such a constructive tool, simply because it is constructive. This means we have to go to some effort and inconvenience to manage such attempts. The most obvious one is that we want you to identify yourself, and for this, we use a username/password combination, also known as an ''account''. Such accounts are easy to setup, and once you have one setup, we can authorize you to interact with the wiki pages.


== First Time Visitors, Read This! ==
If you want to create a new account, visit the CreateUserAccount page. That page gives step-by-step instructions to help you create an account for use with this wiki. If this doesn't work, click JohnHurst!

If you want help on how to use the wiki, see the HowToUseTheChurchWiki page. You might prefer to use the week-by-week introduction used in the ChurchBulletin at BulletinWikiArticles.

If you are an Elder or Church Councillor, you need to be aware that the pages for those two groups mentioned below ([[#CouncilStuff|Council Stuff]], [[#EldersStuff|Elders Stuff]]) are restricted to those recorded on the [[EldersGroup|Elders Group]] and [[CouncilGroup|Council Group]] pages, and you will need a user account and password before you can be added to these pages. Email <<MailTo(ajh AT SPAMFREE internode DOT on DOT net)>> for help with this.

Other church users can browse most of the pages without using an account, but you will generally need an account if you want to write to the pages in any way. Again, JohnHurst can help with this.

From time to time, it is planned to run workshops on the use of the wiki. Please contact JohnHurst or DavidMorgan if you want to attend one of these. You can see the list of people who have attended a previous workshop at the TrainedPeopleGroup page.

== The Mission Matrix ==
The MissionMatrix page shows how we plan to divide up mission across our four OnTheWayTogether themes. Within the OnTheWayTogether page, the concepts and mission of each theme is developed. These are meant to be dynamic pages, changing to reflect the current state of these missional themes. The four themes are: FaithCommunity, InclusiveCommunity, CommunityHub, and CommunityOutreach.

== Why a Wiki? ==
To see why I'm keen to see the wider use of a wiki in our church, read this interesting article about some recent [[http://www.igi-global.com/marketingdept/newsletter/octnewsletter/journal.html|Wollongong University research]]. It is titled "Creating Successful Knowledge Management Systems Using Wikis", and discuss how wikis are useful to the ''corporate knowledge'' - all that stuff about the running of the church (in our case) that is locked up in peoples' heads, and seldom committed to paper. As the authors say, ''it is in the best interest for management to support the Wiki as a knowledge management system because the Wiki will be maintained by corporate knowledge workers, those who acquire and disseminate living knowledge''.

One thing that I think constrains people '''NOT''' to undertake leadership roles in our church is their fear of what they don't know. As Church Council Chair, I have been gobsmacked by the number of things happening in our church of which I was previously quite unaware. We are a big place - it is difficult for any one person to grasp all the nuances of things happening around the congregation. So what do we do? We "leave it to the experts", which is why the same 'usual suspects' bob up in the leadership roles around the church. I have far more faith in human nature than that - I think we can all take on leadership roles, and it is just the fear of the unknown that prevents us. This article suggest how using a wiki can get a handle on the "corporate knowledge" that lies behind a (relatively) large church organization like ours. JohnHurst
See the separate [[GwucQuickLinks|Quick Links]] page. Note that many of the pages linked from these quick links may have access control on them. You will need to visit the CreateUserAccount if you do not have an account on this wiki.


This page is the Home Page for the Glen Waverley Uniting Church wiki page, known as TheTardis.

Latest News

  • The latest Presbytery News is available.

  • The ChristmasAlight2013 flyer is available.

  • The final fete results are here

  • More information on the Divestment process is listed under Synod

  • The HeadLines page is now the place to look for the latest news.

  • Interesting Fact: There are now 569 people who are members of at least one church group! (The church database records 631 confirmed members and 159 members, as at 24 Aug 2013.)

Old news is archived on the PreviousNewsItems page.

See the separate Quick Links page. Note that many of the pages linked from these quick links may have access control on them. You will need to visit the CreateUserAccount if you do not have an account on this wiki.

GwucHomePage (last edited 2024-05-24 23:21:33 by JohnSnare)