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Giving to GWUC

A guide to giving methods and giving programs at GWUC. See also GrowingFaithReachingCommunity for 2014 forms.

1. Regular Giving

1.1. Giving options

1.1.1. Open Plate

1.1.2. Envelopes

1.1.3. Regular Direct Debit

1.1.4. UCA funds deposit (Special Assistance Plan)

1.1.5. Irregular Direct deposit

1.1.6. On-line donations

On-line donations through our website and FaceBook sites are potentially possible but not implemented. It has been reported that FaceBook and YouTube provide fee-free pass thought of donations associated with genuine not-for-profit organisations.

Early in 2020 JohnSnare went through the process of having our congregation recognised as a ’not for profit’ organisation through the ConnectingUp organisation. This means that we can get TechSoup Validation Tokens recognised by Google and so I presume! YouTube that proves this status. These validation tokens may also be recognised by !Facebook, but that needs to be checked. Validation tokens can be requested through the ConnectingUp website after logging in.

Why is this important? Because it may make it simpler and cheaper for us to implement donations functions.

1.2. Policies

1.3. Historical documents

2. One off (Bequest) Giving

2.1. The EndowmentFund

2.2. Specific bequests