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* This was an initiative spawned by the original 2009 GrowingGenerousGivers campaign facilitated by Carolyn Kitto. | * This was an initiative spawned by the original 2009 GrowingGenerousGivers campaign facilitated by Carolyn Kitto. Full details at EndowmentFund. |
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Giving to GWUC
A guide to giving methods and giving programs at GWUC. See also GrowingFaithReachingCommunity for 2014 forms, and here for 2022 appeal.
1. Regular Giving
1.1. Giving options
1.1.1. Open Plate
- Cash can always be given during worship.
1.1.2. Envelopes
- A box of envelopes is supplied, one per week for a year.
Requests to KenHutchinson or the ChurchOffice.
- Parishioners are encouraged to commit to a specified amount to facilitate planning. However, requests for changes will always be accepted, and envelopes can be "with no fixed amount".
Letters are sent approximately quarterly, stating the amount received. See Privacy of planned giving
1.1.3. Regular Direct Debit
This was changed Aug 2021. Please see DirectDebitChanges2021.
- Direct Debit giving now needs givers to set up a recurrent payment through their own On-Line Banking to the GWUC bank account, or contact their bank and ask them to arrange such payments from their account.
- The details depend on the bank.
On request, our recorder KenHutchinson, will provide you with an individual reference number which will enable your giving to be recorded and acknowledged via regular letters, either email or paper. If you prefer to be anonymous, please use the code 999.
- The church bank account details are:
- Payee BSB is 033-052
- Payee Account Number is 000922198 (Yes, it appears that the leading zeroes are required.)
- Payee Account Title is "Uniting Church Glen Waverley"
1.1.4. Irregular Direct deposit
- You may wish to make a direct deposit for whatever amount you feel you are able to contribute each week or at a time of your choice.
- There is no need to complete any documents or forms, and you can do it at any time.
All we ask is that you describe your gift as “offering”, so that our accounts will correctly reflect your gift. Sending a copy of the receipt to the ChurchOffice is good practice.
- If this type of direct giving is attractive to you, please use the account details above.
1.1.5. On-line donations
On-line donations by credit or debit card are available through our website
1.2. Policies
1.3. Historical documents
- 2009
- 2012
- 2014
- 2022
2. One off (Bequest) Giving
2.1. The Endowment Fund
This was an initiative spawned by the original 2009 GrowingGenerousGivers campaign facilitated by Carolyn Kitto. Full details at EndowmentFund.
2018 foldable brochure is available as .pdf file BequestsFoldedBrochure.pdf, and editable versions BequestsFoldedBrochure.pages, BequestsFoldedBrochureDocx. (The oldPamphlet with form is here.)
- The Fund seeks contributions from unencumbered Bequests (i.e. which do not specify moneys be used for a particular use) and, from gifts. Contributors may elect to have their names and/or amount donated listed in the Fund Register and published in the public Annual Report. Names may also be those of late family members. Contributions to the Fund are not redeemable.
- This Fund is invested through UCA Cash Portfolio, which is eligible as a Tax Concession Charity Fund.
- Only the earnings of the Fund will be used, on the projects chosen by Church Council. The capital is to be held in perpetuity. The earnings cannot be used for building development or maintenance, but might be used to buy labour, materials and equipment for a particular project. The projects to receive funds may be supported by a once off contribution from the Fund or may be supported over a period of years. There is no restriction on how often a project is funded. A case would have to be presented to Council for support.
For further details please see the revised rules EndowmentFundRules2018, EndowmentFundReports or one of the fund stewards.
For the original rules, please see Endowment policy (wiki page), or Endowment fund terms (.pdf file),
2.2. Specific bequests
These are bequests for a specified purpose. These will of course be dealt with according to the donor's wishes. More information is available at GivingViaBequests.