#acl KenHutchinson:read,write KenCoutts:read,write Known:read All:read Link to GivingToGlenWaverleyUniting == Privacy of planned giving responses == This page outlines the planned giving recording practices at GWUC, with particular emphasis on who has access to information. * Giving Recording Committee. * Consists of four members led by the Recorder, KenHutchinson, and are the only ones who see giving amounts for envelopes. DavidMorgan as technical support to the committee, may occasionally see data when needed. * Records the type and amount of giving in responses to GGG programs. * For envelope givers: * Issues envelopes. The relationship between envelope number and giver are held only by this group. * Records weekly giving, monitors this, and sends out quarterly progress letters. * Money counters. * Record the amount of money in envelopes by number, and total the envelope and open plate giving for a service. * Treasurer / Finance committee. * Have access to information regarding total amounts of open plate, envelope and direct debit offerings each week, but not individual information. * Bank account signatories. * For direct debits only, the church bank statement may identify an account name with your giving number. This depends on the bank. These details are normally only accessed by the giving recording committee. * Church office. * Enters the total amounts of open plate and envelope offerings into the computer each week. * For direct debits only, the office manager prepares the monthly lists for the recording committee from the bank statements. They do not extract bank account names, but may see them. * Addresses envelopes in batches for the various progress monitoring letters. * Database group / super-users * From 2012, information on pledge type, but not amount, has been communicated via a field of the database only available to these people in order to generate address lists for the various letters. Only the Recording Committee and the database group will be able to see these fields. See ChurchDatabaseUserClassifications for more details. * Ministerial and pastoral teams. * Have no access to any individual planned giving information. Approved Church Council Oct 2012. Updated Oct 2022.