#acl All:read Link to GivingToGlenWaverleyUniting = Growing Generous Givers Report Nov 2009 = == Elements of GGG == Goal to increase people giving directly from new givers and envelope and open plate givers * Information about the mission plan , investment in mission and direct giving * Shared through a mail communication at the end of September * Shared in group gatherings through showing a DVD with your group between now and end of October * Invitation to give people will be able to direct their giving to the missional areas * In the mail communication * Given in the DVD * During worship services on 11, 18, 25 October * Inspiration * Through activities we are achieving together between now and end of October * Mural of our church (Ame and Alanee) * Thanks * Letters personally addressed and signed by IanMcMillan with Letter from Church Council chair and coordinated through the office * Follow-up * Youth and Young Adults (Ame and Helen) and Children and Families (Mark) email to everyone and then phone call to regular (more than once in 6 weeks) attenders * Others: GGG team and IanMcMillan (Giving Recording Comm) rang all * (people informed of the follow-up process in the initial invitation and the bulletin) == Other Achievements == * Stated the mission goals of the church * Developed a mission action budget * Staff developed priorities around the mission plan and budget == Financial Strategy... == * Future financial strategy and actions to be developed...emphasis to shift funding of ongoing budget items such as property, M&S, special ministries away from the core budget (which is funded by committed giving) * suggestions follow... == Develop a bequest policy and invitation == * Establish focus areas of bequests which are broad-based in focus and appeal – suggested development and maintenance of property for mission, investing in our children and grandchildren, caring for seniors * Establish a target for the fund * Assist people with the wording for their wills * (Suggested people GaryPhilpott, AlexSkilton, LynneBoyer) == Grant from Synod of Outreach in Youth Work == * Greg to research and action 3 year grant == Development Fund == * Offer opportunities to invest in the UCA development fund with interest going to GWUC * Offer services of financial planner to assist people with the transition * Focus the giving around making up the decreased mission and service fund allocation * Launch options in March 2010 * Suggested people YanEmms, BlairFeenaghty, !JohnBoucher == Community Events == * Which community/church events do we ask people to give to specific aspects of the church’s mission? * Roger and Greg to propose plan for giving through these events. == Planned Giving == * Continue with the Giving Invitation * New invitation to be at similar time in 2010 * Emphasis on the scope of our ministry and mission offerings ---- CategoryFinance